Publications - 'A'
Publications 176 - 200 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
A complete formalized knowledge representation model for advanced digital forensics timeline analysis Y. Chabot; A. Bertaux; C. Nicolle; M.T. Kechadi 2014 |
10.1016/j.diin.2014.05.009 |
A Complete Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice C. Guyeux; A. Makhoul; I. Atoui; S. Tawbi; J.M. Bahi 2015 |
10.4018/ijitwe.2015010103 |
A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor multimode laser X. Porte; A. Skalli; N. Haghighi; S. Reitzenstein; J.A. Lott; D. Brunner 2021 |
10.1088/2515-7647/abf6bd |
A complex network of 1600 holographically coupled opto-electronic oscillators: network dynamics and utilisation for reservoir computing D. Brunner; M. Jacquot; L. Larger; I. Fischer 2017 |
A complex network of 1600 holographically coupled opto-electronic oscillators: network dynamics and utilisation for reservoir computing D. Brunner; M. Jacquot; L. Larger; I. Fischer 2017 |
A complex thrust sequence in western Himalaya: The active Medlicott Wadia Thrust J.L. Mugnier; V. Vignon; R. Jayangondaperumal; R. Vassallo; M.A. Malik; A. Replumaz; R.P. Srivastava; F. Jouanne; J.F. Buoncristiani; H. Jomard; J. Carcaillet 2017 |
10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.028 |
A comprehensive comparative study of handcrafted methods for face recognition LBP-like and non LBP operators M. Kas; Y. El-merabet; Y. Ruichek; R. Messoussi 2020 |
10.1007/s11042-019-08049-3 |
A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: The European union geriatric medicine society (EUGMS) statement H. Blain; T. Masud; P. Dargent-Molina; F.C. Martin; E. Rosendahl; N. van der Velde; J. Bousquet; A. Benetos; C. Cooper; J.A. Kanis; J.Y. Reginster; R. Rizzoli; B. Cortet; M. Barbagallo; K. Dreinhoefer; B. Vellas; S. Maggi; T. Strandberg; M.N. Alvarez; C. Annweiler; P.L. Bernard; N. Beswetherick; H.A. Bischoff-Ferrari; F. Bloch; J. Boddaert; M. Bonnefoy; V. Bousson; I. Bourdel-Marchasson; A. Capisizu; H. Che; J.G. Clara; B. Combe; D. Delignieres; P. Eklund; M. Emmelot-Vonk; E. Freiberger; J.B. Gauvain; N. Goswami; N. Guldemond; A.C. Herrero; M.E. Joel; A.B. Jonsdottir; G. Kemoun; I. Kiss; H. Kolk; M.L. Kowalski; S. Krajcik; Y.G. Kutsal; F. Lauretani; J. Macijauskiene; M. Mellingsaeter; J. Morel; F. Mourey; F. Nourashemi; C. Nyakas; F. Puisieux; P. Rambourg; A.G. Ramirez; K. Rapp; Y. Rolland; J. Ryg; O. Sahota; S. Snoeijs; Y. Stephan; E. Thomas; C. Todd; J. Treml; R. Adachi; D. Agnusdei; J.J. Body; V. Breuil; O. Bruyere; P. Burckardt; J.B. Cannata-Andia; J. Carey; D.C. Chan; L. Chapuis; T. Chevalley; M. Cohen-Solal; B. Dawson-Hughes; E.M. Dennison; J.P. Devogelaer; P. Fardellone; J.M. Feron; A.D. Perez; D. Felsenberg; C. Glueer; N. Harvey; M. Hiligsman; M.K. Javaid; N.R. Jorgensen; D. Kendler; M. Kraenzlin; M. Laroche; E. Legrand; W.D. Leslie; E. Lespessailles; E.M. Lewiecki; T. Nakamura; A. Papaioannou; C. Roux; S. Silverman; M.S. Henriquez; T. Thomas; S. Vasikaran; N.B. Watts; G. Weryha; I.Assoc Gero Geriatrics; E.Union Medi Specialists; F.Fracture N. FFN; E.U.G.M.S.Falls Frac Grp; E.Soc Clinic Economic; O.Research Information; I. Osteoporosis 2016 |
10.1016/j.eurger.2016.04.012 |
A comprehensive model of predictors of quality of life in older adults with schizophrenia: results from the CSA study N. Hoerte; L. Rotenberg; C. Blanco; V. Camus; C. Dubertret; V. Charlot; F. Schurhoff; P. Vandel; F. Limosin; C.S.A.Study Grp Submitted |
10.1007/s00127-020-01880-2, Early Access Date = {MAY 2020 |
A comprehensive model of predictors of quality of life in older adults with schizophrenia: results from the CSA study N. Hoerte; L. Rotenberg; C. Blanco; V. Camus; C. Dubertret; V. Charlot; F. Schurhoff; P. Vandel; F. Limosin; C.S.A.Study Grp 2021 |
10.1007/s00127-020-01880-2 |
A comprehensive model of the electrical response of SAW devices submitted to thermal perturbation T. Laroche; J. Garcia; E. Courjon; S. Ballandras; W. Daniau 2014 |
A comprehensive model of the electrical response of SAW devices submitted to thermal perturbation T. Laroche; J. Garcia; E. Courjon; S. Ballandras; W. Daniau 2014 |
A comprehensive model of the electrical response of SAW devices submitted to thermal perturbation T. Laroche; J. Garcia; E. Courjon; S. Ballandras; W. Daniau 2014 |
A Computational Study on Synaptic Plasticity Regulation and Information Processing in Neuron-Astrocyte Networks R. Vuillaume; J. Lorenzo; S. Binczak; S. Jacquir 2021 |
10.1162/neco_a_01399 |
A Computational System-Level Model of Oculomotor Pathways Accounting for the Representation of Eye Biomechanics in the Cerebellar Vermis C. Darlot; A. Salimi-Badr; M. Asadi-Eydivand; Z. Ghorrati; M.Mehdi Ebadzadeh 2020 |
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002378 |
A Computer Prescribing Order Entry-Clinical Decision Support system designed for neonatal care: results of the ``preselected prescription' concept at the bedside B. Gouyon; S. Iacobelli; E. Saliba; C. Quantin; A. Pignolet; E. Jacqz-Aigrain; J.B. Gouyon 2017 |
10.1111/jcpt.12474 |
A computer tool to identify best matches for pottery fragments J. Wilczek; F. Monna; N. Navarro; C. Chateau-Smith 2021 |
10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102891 |
A conditionally integrable Schrodinger potential of a bi-confluent Heun class T.A. Ishkhanyan; A.M. Manukyan; A.M. Ishkhanyan 2018 |
10.1088/1742-6596/965/1/012019 |
A consensus checklist to help clinicians interpret clinical trial results analysed by Bayesian methods D. Ferreira; M. Barthoulot; J. Pottecher; K.D. Torp; P. Diemunsch; N. Meyer 2020 |
10.1016/j.bja.2020.04.093 |
A consensus statement on lipid management after acute coronary syndrome F. Schiele; M. Farnier; M. Krempf; E. Bruckert; J. Ferrieres; F. Grp 2018 |
10.1177/2048872616679791 |
A conserved odorant binding protein is required for essential amino acid detection in Drosophila K. Rihani; S. Fraichard; I. Chauvel; N. Poirier; T. Delompre; F. Neiers; T. Tanimura; J.F. Ferveur; L. Briand 2019 |
10.1038/s42003-019-0673-2 |
A conserved regulator controls asexual sporulation in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans A. Hernandez-Cervantes; S. Znaidi; L. van Wijlick; I. Denega; V. Basso; J. Ropars; N. Sertour; D. Sullivan; G. Moran; L. Basmaciyan; F. Bon; F. Dalle; M.E. Bougnoux; T. Boekhout; Y. Yang; Z. Li; S. Bachellier-Bassi; C. D'Enfert 2020 |
10.1038/s41467-020-20010-9 |
A Constitutional Activating MET Mutation Makes the Genetic Link between Malignancies and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases M.El Bouchtaoui; M.Do Cruzeiro; C. Leboeuf; I. Loisel-Ferreira; C. Fedronie; C. Ferreira; R.Ait El Far; M. Ziol; M. Espie; G. Falgarone; B. Cassinat; J.J. Kiladjian; J.P. Feugeas; A. Janin; G. Bousquet 2019 |
10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-3261 |
A constitutive BCL2 down-regulation aggravates the phenotype of PKD1-mutant-induced polycystic kidney disease L. Duplomb; N. Droin; O. Bouchot; C. Thauvin-Robinet; A.L. Bruel; J. Thevenon; P. Callier; G. Meurice; N. Pata-Merci; R. Loffroy; D. Vandroux; R.D.A. Costa; V. Carmignac; E. Solary; L. Faivre 2017 |
10.1093/hmg/ddx349 |
A constitutive model for Ti6Al4V considering the state of stress and strain rate effects W. Cheng; J. Outeiro; J.P. Costes; R. M'Saoubi; H. Karaouni; V. Astakhov 2019 |
10.1016/j.mechmat.2019.103103 |