Publications - 'C'

Publications 351 - 375 de 2875
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
CC5 and CC8, two homologous disintegrins from Cerastes cerastes venom, inhibit in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis
H. Ben-Mabrouk; R. Zouari-Kessentini; F. Montassar; Z. Abdelkefi-Koubaa; E. Messaadi; X. Guillonneau; M. ElAyeb; N. Srairi-Abid; J. Luis; O. Micheau; N. Marrakchi
CD180 Expression in B-Cell Lymphomas: A Multicenter Geil Study
C. Mayeur-Rousse; J. Guy; L. Miguet; S. Bouyer; F. Genevieve; N. Robillard; F. Solly; A. Maar; M.C. Bene; L. Mauvieux
CD180 Expression in B-Cell Lymphomas: A Multicenter GEIL Study
C. Mayeur-Rousse; J. Guy; L. Miguet; S. Bouyer; F. Genevieve; N. Robillard; F. Solly; A. Maar; M.C. Bene; L. Mauvieux; GEIL
CD180 Expression in B-Cell Lymphomas: A Multicenter Geil Study
C. Mayeur-Rousse; J. Guy; L. Miguet; S. Bouyer; F. Genevieve; N. Robillard; F. Solly; A. Maar; M.C. Bene; L. Mauvieux
CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy in Patients with Relapse/Refractory DLBCL: Retrospective Analysis of the Eligibility Criteria
J. Paillassa; R. Di Blasi; S. Chevret; S. Bernard; M. Darmon; V. Meignin; B. Deau-Fischer; V. Camus; R.O. Casasnovas; G. Cartron; D. Chaoui; V. Delwail; P. Feugier; L.Mathieu Fornecker; E. Gyan; C. Haioun; F. Kuhnowski; J.Valere Malfuson; J.P. Marolleau; V. Morel; G. Damaj; A. Quinquenel; S. Rigaudeau; C. Salanoubat; G. Salmeron; D. Sibon; E. Azoulay; M. Berquier; C. Thieblemont
CD20 alternative splicing isoform generates immunogenic CD4 helper T epitopes
C. Vauchy; C. Gamonet; C. Ferrand; E. Daguindau; J. Galaine; L. Beziaud; A. Chauchet; C.J.Henry Dunand; M. Deschamps; P.Simon Rohrlich; C. Borg; O. Adotevi; Y. Godet
CD200/BTLA deletions in pediatric precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated according to the EORTC-CLG 58951 protocol
F. Ghazavi; E. Clappier; T. Lammens; S. Suciu; A. Caye; S. Zegrari; M. Bakkus; N. Grardel; Y. Benoit; Y. Bertrand; O. Minckes; V. Costa; A. Ferster; F. Mazingue; G. Plat; E. Plouvier; M. Poiree; A. Uyttebroeck; Jvan der We Bosch; K. Yakouben; H. Helsmoortel; M. Meul; N. Van Roy; J. Philippe; F. Speleman; H. Cave; P. Van Vlierberghe; B. De Moerloose
CD28/4-1BB CD123 CAR T cells in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
E. Bole-Richard; M. Fredon; S. Biichle; F. Anna; J.M. Certoux; F. Renosi; F. Tse; C. Molimard; S. Valmary-Degano; A. Jenvrin; W. Warda; J.R. Pallandre; F. Bonnefoy; M. Poussard; M. Deschamps; T. Petrella; C. Roumier; E. Macintyre; F. Feger; E. Brissot; M. Mohty; K.Y. HoWangYin; P. Langlade-Demoyen; M. Loustau; J. Caumartin; Y. Godet; D. Binda; M. Pagadoy; E. Deconinck; E. Daguindau; P. Saas; C. Ferrand; F. Angelot-Delettre; O. Adotevi; F. Garnache-Ottou
CD34+Cell Dose Effects on Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia after T-Replete Haploidentical Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stemcell Transplantation Using Peripheral Blood Stem Cells. a Study from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the Eu
E. Maffini; M. Labopin; D. Blaise; F. Ciceri; Z. Gulbas; E. Daguindau; S. Nguyen-Quoc; P. Chevallier; G. Socie; M. Colorado; Y. Koc; F. Lanza; A. Nagler; M. Mohty
CD36 AA genotype is associated with decreased lipid taste perception in young obese, but not lean, children
A. Sayed; O. Sery; J. Plesnik; H. Daoudi; A. Rouabah; L. Rouabah; N.A. Khan
CD36 AA single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with decreased lipid taste perception in Tunisian obese women: association with pro-inflammatory TNF-a GA and IL-6 GC genotypes
J. Plesnik; I. Mrizak; O. Sery; A. Arfa; M. Fekih; A. Bouslema; M. Zaouali; Z. Tabka; N.A. Khan
CD36 AA single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with decreased lipid taste perception in Tunisian obese women: association with pro-inflammatory TNF-a GA and IL-6 GC genotypes
J. Plesnik; I. Mrizak; O. Sery; A. Arfa; M. Fekih; A. Bouslema; M. Zaouali; Z. Tabka; N.A. Khan
CD36 and GPR120 differently mediate Ca2+ signaling in human taste bud cells
S. Subramaniam; M.H. Ozdener; S. Sundaresan; O. Sery; P. Besnard; N.A. Abumrad; N.A. Khan
CD36 and GPR120 differently mediate Ca2+ signaling in human taste bud cells
S. Subramaniam; M.H. Ozdener; S. Sundaresan; O. Sery; P. Besnard; N.A. Abumrad; N.A. Khan
CD36 and GPR120 Methylation Associates with Orosensory Detection Thresholds for Fat and Bitter in Algerian Young Obese Children
M. Berrichi; A. Hichami; L. Addou-Klouche; A.Sayed Khan; N.Akhtar Khan
CD36 gene is associated with intraocular pressure elevation after intravitreal application of anti-VEGF agents in patients with age-related macular degeneration: Implications for the safety of the therapy
V. Matuskova; V.J. Balcar; N.A. Khan; O. Bonczek; L. Ewerlingova; T. Zeman; P. Kolar; D. Vyslouzilova; E. Vlkova; O. Sery
CD36 gene polymorphism is associated with Alzheimer's disease
O. Sery; J. Janoutova; L. Ewerlingova; A. Halova; J. Lochman; V. Janout; N.A. Khan; V.J. Balcar
CD36-and GPR120-Mediated Ca2+ Signaling in Human Taste Bud Cells Mediates Differential Responses to Fatty Acids and Is Altered in Obese Mice
M.Hakan Ozdener; S. Subramaniam; S. Sundaresan; O. Sery; T. Hashimoto; Y. Asakawa; P. Besnard; N.A. Abumrad; N.Akhtar Khan
CD4 T cell-intrinsic STING signaling controls the differentiation and effector functions of T(H)1 and T(H)9 cells
I. Benoit-Lizon; E. Jacquin; T.Rivera Vargas; C. Richard; A. Roussey; L. Dal Zuffo; T. Martin; A. Melis; D. Vinokurova; S.Hamed Shahoei; A.Baeza Garcia; C. Pignol; S. Giorgiutti; R. Carapito; R. Boidot; F. Vegran; R.A. Flavell; B. Ryffel; E.R. Nelson; P. Soulas-Sprauel; T. Lawrence; L. Apetoh
CD4 T cells target colorectal cancer antigens upregulated by oxaliplatin
J. Galaine; C. Turco; C. Vauchy; B. Royer; P. Mercier-Letondal; L. Queiroz; R. Loyon; V. Mouget; R. Boidot; C. Laheurte; Z. Lakkis; M. Jary; O. Adotevi; C. Borg; Y. Godet
10.1002/ijc.32620, Early Access Date = {AUG 2019
CD4 T cells target colorectal cancer antigens upregulated by oxaliplatin
J. Galaine; C. Turco; C. Vauchy; B. Royer; P. Mercier-Letondal; L. Queiroz; R. Loyon; V. Mouget; R. Boidot; C. Laheurte; Z. Lakkis; M. Jary; O. Adotevi; C. Borg; Y. Godet
CD45 phosphatase is crucial for human and murine acute myeloid leukemia maintenance through its localization in lipid rafts
L. Saint-Paul; C.H. Nguyen; A. Buffiere; J.P.Pais de Barros; A. Hammann; C. Landras-Guetta; R. Filomenko; M.L. Chretien; P. Johnson; J.N. Bastie; L. Delva; R. Quere
CD45 phosphatase, a relevant target for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
L. Saint-Paul; C.H. Nguyen; J.N. Bastie; L. Delva; R. Quere
B. Pignolet; N. Schwab; T. Schneider-Hohendorf; F. Bucciarelli; D. Biotti; D. Averseng-Peaureaux; O. Outteryck; J.C. Ongagna; J. de Seze; B. Brochet; J.C. Ouallet; M. Debouverie; S. Pittion; G. Defer; N. Derache; P. Hautecoeur; A. Tourbah; P. Labauge; G. Castelnovo; P. Clavelou; E. Berger; J. Pelletier; A. Rico; H. Zephir; D. Laplaud; S. Wiertlewski; W. Camu; E. Thouvenot; O. Casez; T. Moreau; A. Fromont; S. Vukusic; C. Papeix; P. Vermersch; M. Comabella; C. Lebrun-Frenay; H. Wiendl; D. Brassat; B.I.O.N.A.T. Network; S.F.S.E.P. Network; B.E.S.T.M.S. Network
CD8 and PD-L1 determination in lung tumor tissue as prognostic biomarker and a predictive marker of anti PD-1 efficacy.
J.D. Fumet; C. Richard; F. Ledys; Q. Klopfenstein; C. Truntzer; B.P. Coudert; L. Arnould; L. Favier; A. Lagrange; S. Ladoire; P. Saintigny; S. Ortiz-Cuaran; M. Perol; P. Foucher; P. Hofman; M. Ilie; S. Chevrier; R. Boidot; V. Derangere; F. Ghiringhelli
