Publications - 'C'

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Titre DOI
Changes in Lipid Membrane May Trigger Amyloid Toxicity in Alzheimer's Disease
E. Drolle; S. Turnbull; N. Mei; C. Filice; B.Y. Lee; M. Robinson; E. Pavlov; E. Finot; Z. Leonenko
Changes in Lipoprotein Kinetics Associated With Type 2 Diabetes Affect the Distribution of Lipopolysaccharides Among Lipoproteins
B. Verges; L. Duvillard; L. Lagrost; C. Vachoux; C. Garret; K. Bouyer; M. Courtney; C. Pomie; R. Burcelin
Changes in Maternal Blood Inflammatory Markers As a Predictor Of Chorioamnionitis: A Prospective Multicenter Study
I. Le Ray; G. Mace; M. Sediki; F. Lirussi; D. Riethmuller; N. Lentz; R. Ramanah; T. Hoyek; G. Spagnolo; N. Laurent; F. Goirand; P. Sagot; M. Bardou
Changes in olfaction during ageing and in certain neurodegenerative diseases: Up-to-date
A.J. Bianchi; H. Guepet-Sordet; P. Manckoundia
Changes in One-Year Mortality in Elderly Patients Admitted with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Relation with Early Management
E. Puymirat; N. Aissaoui; G. Cayla; A. Lafont; E. Riant; M. Mennuni; O. Saint-Jean; D. Blanchard; P. Jourdain; M. Elbaz; P. Henry; V. Bataille; E. Drouet; G. Mulak; F. Schiele; J. Ferrieres; T. Simon; N. Danchin; F.A.S.T.M.I. Investigators
Changes in plastid proteome and structure in arbuscular mycorrhizal roots display a nutrient starvation signature
Z. Daher; G. Recorbet; K. Solymosi; S. Wienkoop; A. Mounier; D. Morandi; J. Lherminier; D. Wipf; E. Dumas-Gaudot; B. Schoefs
Changes in quality of life in relation to disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus: post-hoc analysis of the BLISS-52 Trial
M. Jolly; N. Annapureddy; L. Arnaud; H. Devilliers
Changes in Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction-positive Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Rates in Adults and Children According to the Epidemic Stages
C. Levy; R. Basmaci; P. Bensaid; C.Bost Bru; E. Coinde; E. Dessioux; C. Fournial; J. Gashignard; H. Haas; V. Hentgen; F. Huet; M. Lalande; A. Martinot; C. Pons; A.Sophie Romain; N. Ursulescu; F.Vie Le Sage; J. Raymond; S. Bechet; J. Toubiana; R. Cohen
Changes in seed composition and germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and pea (Pisum sativum) when exposed to high temperatures during grain filling and maturation
C. Duerr; S. Brunel-Muguet; C. Girousse; A. Larmure; C. Larre; A. Rolland-Sabate; M.H. Wagner
Changes in serum bile acid levels associated with bezafibrate add-on therapy in patients with primary biliary cholangitis and inadequate biochemical response to ursodeoxycholic acid: results from the BEZURSO trial (NCT01654731)
C. Corpechot; O. Chazouilleres; L. Humbert; A. Rousseau; A. Le Gruyer; F. Habersetzer; P. Mathurin; O. Goria; P. Potier; M. Anne; C. Silvain; A. Abergel; M. Debette-Gratien; D.G. Larrey; O. Roux; J.P. Bronowicki; J. Boursier; V. de Ledinghen; A. Heurgue-Berlot; E. Nguyen-Khac; F. Zoulim; I. Ollivier-Hourmand; J.P.H. Zarski; G. Nkontchou; F. Gaouar; T. Simon; R. Poupon; D. Rainteau; B.Study Grp
Changes in serum bile acid levels associated with bezafibrate add-on therapy in patients with primary biliary cholangitis and inadequate biochemical response to ursodeoxycholic acid: results from the BEZURSO trial (NCT01654731)
C. Corpechot; O. Chazouilleres; L. Humbert; A. Rousseau; A. Le Gruyer; F. Habersetzer; P. Mathurin; O. Goria; P. Potier; M. Anne; C. Silvain; A. Abergel; M. Debette-Gratien; D.G. Larrey; O. Roux; J.P. Bronowicki; J. Boursier; V. de Ledinghen; A. Heurgue-Berlot; E. Nguyen-Khac; F. Zoulim; I. Ollivier-Hourmand; J.P.H. Zarski; G. Nkontchou; F. Gaouar; T. Simon; R. Poupon; D. Rainteau; B.Study Grp
Changes in the Epidemiology of primary cutaneous Lymphoma: an Analysis of 8593 Patients from the French Register of Cutaneous Lymphomas (GFELC)
G. Dobos; A. de Masson; C. Ram-Wolff; M. Beylot-Barry; A. Pham-Ledard; N. Ortonne; S. Ingen-Housz-Oro; M. Battistella; M. d'Incan; J. Rouanet; F. Frack; M.D. Vigon-Pennamen; N. Franck; A. Carlotti; S. Boulinguez; L. Lamant; T. Petrella; S. Dalac; P. Joly; P. Courville; J. Rivet; O. Dereure; F. Amatore; S. Taix; F. Grange; A. Durlach; G. Quereux; N. Josselin; I. Moulonguet; L. Mortier; R. Dubois; E. Maubec; L. Laroche; L. Michel; I. Templier; S. Barete; C. Nardin; O. Augereau; B. Vergier; M. Bagot
Changes in the faecal microbiota of horses and ponies during a two-year body weight gain programme
K. Langner; D. Blaue; C. Schedlbauer; J. Starzonek; V. Julliand; I. Vervuert
Changes in the postoperative foveal avascular zone in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated with choroidal detachment
C. Xu; J. Wu; C. Feng
Changes in tissue oxygen saturation with calf compression sleeve: before, during and after a cycling exercise
B. Boucourt; M. Bouhaddi; L. Mourot; N. Tordi; A. Menetrier
Changes in tissue oxygen saturation with calf compression sleeve: before, during and after a cycling exercise
B. Boucourt; M. Bouhaddi; L. Mourot; N. Tordi; A. Menetrier
Changes in Treatment of Very Elderly Patients Six Weeks after Discharge from Geriatrics Department
M. Dipanda; J. Barben; G. Nuemi; L. Vadot; V. Nuss; J. Vovelle; A. Putot; P. Manckoundia
Changes in weight, physical and psychosocial patient -reported outcomes among obese women receiving treatment for early -stage breast cancer: A nationwide clinical study
A. Di Meglio; S. Michiels; L.W. Jones; M. El-Mouhebb; A.R. Ferreira; E. Martin; M. Matias; A.Elisa Lohmann; F. Joly; L. Vanlemmens; S. Everhard; A.L. Martin; J. Lemonnier; P. Arveux; P.H. Cottu; C. Coutant; L. Del Mastro; A.H. Partridge; F. Andre; J.A. Ligibel; I. Vaz-Luis
Changes of Contamination Rate and Microorganism Evaluation in Organ-Cultured Human Corneas: A 14-Year Review From a French Regional Eye Bank
L. Fabre; M. Puyraveau; A. Jeanvoine; G. Thibaud; J. Pizzuto; F. Pouthier; B. Delbosc; A.Sophie Gauthier
Changes of Swimmers' Emotional States during the Preparation of National Championship: Do Recovery-Stress States Matter?
P. Vacher; M. Nicolas; G. Martinent; L. Mourot
Changes of the hindgut microbiota due to high-starch diet can be associated with behavioral stress response in horses
A. Destrez; P. Grimm; F. Cezilly; V. Julliand
Changing Agricultural Systems and Food Diets to Prevent and Mitigate Global Health Shocks
C. Detang-Dessendre; H. Guyomard; V. Requillart; L.G. Soler
Changing demands of medical termination of pregnancy : survey with the multidisciplinary centre of perinatal diagnosis of Lorraine
S.Layer Charpin; A. Miton; R. Vieux
Changing profile and outcome of AMI patients with previously known coronary artery disease. The FAST-MI programme
N. Danchin; E. Puymirat; M. Elbaz; T. Perret; J.M. Tartiere; Y. Cottin; M. Fayard; P. Mabo; S. Champin; K. Isaaz; J. Ferrieres; F. Schiele; T. Simon; F.A.S.T.M.I. Investigators
Changing profile and outcome of AMI patients with previously known coronary artery disease. The FAST-MI programme
N. Danchin; E. Puymirat; M. Elbaz; T. Perret; J.M. Tartiere; Y. Cottin; M. Fayard; P. Mabo; S. Champin; K. Isaaz; J. Ferrieres; F. Schiele; T. Simon; F.A.S.T.M.I. Investigators
