Publications - 'C'
Publications 1276 - 1300 de 2875
Titre | DOI |
Cluster-randomized crossover trial of chlorhexidine-alcohol versus iodine-alcohol for prevention of surgical-site infection (SKINFECT trial) G.L.S. Aho; P. Ortega-Deballon; A. Guilloteau; O. Keita-Perse; K. Astruc; D. Lepelletier 2020 |
10.1002/bjs5.50285 |
Clustering pesticides according to their molecular properties, fate, and effects by considering additional ecotoxicological parameters in the TyPol method H. Traore; O. Crouzet; L. Mamy; C. Sireyjol; V. Rossard; R. Servien; E. Latrille; F. Martin-Laurent; D. Patureau; P. Benoit 2018 |
10.1007/s11356-017-0758-8 |
Clustering Weekly Patterns of Human Mobility Through Mobile Phone Data E. Thuillier; L. Moalic; S. Lamrous; A. Caminada 2018 |
10.1109/TMC.2017.2742953 |
Clustering-based Algorithm for Connectivity Maintenance in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks A. Louazani; S.Mohammed Senouci; B.Mohammed Abderrahmane 2014 |
Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design A.Pape Moller; F. Adriaensen; A. Artemyev; J. Banbura; E. Barba; C. Biard; J. Blondel; Z. Bouslama; J.C. Bouvier; J. Camprodon; F. Cecere; A. Chaine; A. Charmantier; M. Charter; M. Cichon; C. Cusimano; D. Czeszczewik; B. Doligez; C. Doutrelant; A. Dubiec; M. Eens; T. Eeva; B. Faivre; P.N. Ferns; J.T. Forsman; E. Garcia-del-Rey; A. Goldshtein; A.E. Goodenough; A.G. Gosler; I. Gozdz; A. Gregoire; L. Gustafsson; I.R. Hartley; P. Heeb; S.A. Hinsley; P. Isenmann; S. Jacob; A. Jarvinen; R. Juskaitis; W. Kania; E. Korpimaki; I. Krams; T. Laaksonen; B. Leclercq; E. Lehikoinen; O. Loukola; A. Lundberg; M.C. Mainwaring; R. Mand; B. Massa; T.D. Mazgajski; S. Merino; C. Mitrus; M. Monkkonen; J. Morales-Fernaz; J. Moreno; X. Morin; R.G. Nager; J.A. Nilsson; S.G. Nilsson; A.C. Norte; M. Orell; P. Perret; C.M. Perrins; C.S. Pimentel; R. Pinxten; I. Priedniece; M.C. Quidoz; V. Remes; H. Richner; H. Robles; A. Russell; S. Rytkonen; J.Carlos Senar; J.T. Seppanen; L.Pascoal da Silva; T. Slagsvold; T. Solonen; A. Sorace; M.J. Stenning; J. Toeroek; P. Tryjanowski; A.J. van Noordwijk; M. von Numers; W. Walankiewicz; M.M. Lambrechts 2014 |
10.1111/2041-210X.12160 |
CME MMC: Evaluation of a continuous medical education tool by e-learning from the morbi-mortality conferences of the Burgundy M. Serrand; A. Lefebvre; T. Desplanches; A. Yacoub; D. Semama; P. Sagot 2016 |
10.1016/j.jgyn.2016.08.005 |
CML Hematopoietic Stem Cells Expressing IL1RAP Can Be Targeted by Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cells W. Warda; F. Larosa; M.Neto Da Rocha; R. Trad; E. Deconinck; Z. Fajloun; C. Faure; D. Caillot; M. Moldovan; S. Valmary-Degano; S. Biichle; E. Daguindau; F. Garnache-Ottou; S. Tabruyn; O. Adotevi; M. Deschamps; C. Ferrand 2019 |
10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1078 |
CMOS plasmonic waveguides co-integrated with LPCVD-based Si3N4 via a butt-coupled interface A. Manolis; G. Dabos; D. Ketzaki; E. Chatzianagnostou; S. Papaioannou; D. Tsiokos; L. Markey; J.C. Weeber; A. Dereux; A.L. Giesecke; C. Porschatis; N. Pleros 2018 |
10.1117/12.2289952 |
CMOS plasmonics in WDM data transmission: 200 Gb/s (8 x 25Gb/s) transmission over aluminum plasmonic waveguides G. Dabos; A. Manolis; S. Papaioannou; D. Tsiokos; L. Markey; J.C. Weeber; A. Dereux; A.L. Giesecke; C. Porschatis; B. Chmielak; N. Pleros 2018 |
10.1364/OE.26.012469 |
CMUT sensors based on circular membranes array for SHM applications P. Butaud; G. Bourbon; P. Le Moal; E. Joseph; B. Verdin; E. Ramasso; V. Placet 2019 |
10.1117/12.2515324 |
CMUT-Based Sensor for Acoustic Emission Application: Experimental and Theoretical Contributions to Sensitivity Optimization R. Boubenia; P. Le Moal; G. Bourbon; E. Ramasso; E. Joseph 2021 |
10.3390/s21062042 |
CMV Sinusitis in a HIV-Negative Renal Transplant Recipient A. Gujadhur; N. Thomson; A.Kar Aung; C. Mclean; S. Menahem 2014 |
10.1097/TP.0000000000000114 |
CNS involvement in OFD1 syndrome: a clinical, molecular, and neuroimaging study E. Del Giudice; M. Macca; F. Imperati; A. D'Amico; P. Parent; L. Pasquier; V. Layet; S. Lyonnet; V. Stamboul-Darmency; C. Thauvin-Robinet; B. Franco; O.F.D.Type I.O.F.D. Co 2014 |
10.1186/1750-1172-9-74 |
CNS relapse in young high-risk DLBCL patients - a joint analysis of LYSA and GLA F. Frontzek; B. Altmann; M. Ziepert; O. Casasnovas; F. Morschhauser; L. Oberic; V. Poeschel; O. Fitoussi; G. Held; B. Glass; N. Ketterer; L. Renaud; G. Lenz; N. Mounier; A. Rosenwald; G. Ott; T. Molina; M. Parrens; L. Chartier; H. Tilly; C. Thieblemont; N. Schmitz 2021 |
CNS-3 status remains an independent adverse prognosis factor in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated without cranial irradiation: Results of EORTC Children Leukemia Group study 58951 N. Sirvent; S. Suciu; B. De Moerloose; A. Ferster; F. Mazingue; G. Plat; K. Yakouben; A. Uyttebroeck; C. Paillard; V. Costa; P. Simon; C. Pluchart; M. Poiree; O. Minckes; F. Millot; C. Freycon; P. Maes; C. Hoyoux; H. Cave; P. Rohrlich; Y. Bertrand; Y. Benoit; E.Org Res Tr Canc 2021 |
10.1016/j.arcped.2021.04.009 |
CNS-specific regulatory elements in brain-derived HIV-1 strains affect responses to latency-reversing agents with implications for cure strategies L.R. Gray; D. Cowley; C. Welsh; H.K. Lu; B.J. Brew; S.R. Lewin; S.L. Wesselingh; P.R. Gorry; M.J. Churchill 2016 |
10.1038/mp.2015.111 |
CNTN6 mutations are risk factors for abnormal auditory sensory perception in autism spectrum disorders O. Mercati; G. Huguet; A. Danckaert; G. Andre-Leroux; A. Maruani; M. Bellinzoni; T. Rolland; L. Gouder; A. Mathieu; J. Buratti; F. Amsellem; M. Benabou; J. Van-Gils; A. Beggiato; M. Konyukh; J.P. Bourgeois; M.J. Gazzellone; R.K.C. Yuen; S. Walker; M. Delepine; A. Boland; B. Regnault; M. Francois; T. Van Den Abbeele; A.L. Mosca-Boidron; L. Faivre; Y. Shimoda; K. Watanabe; D. Bonneau; M. Rastam; M. Leboyer; S.W. Scherer; C. Gillberg; R. Delorme; I. Cloez-Tayarani; T. Bourgeron 2017 |
10.1038/mp.2016.61 |
Co-development of a decision support system for integrated weed management: Contribution from future users F. Colas; S. Cordeau; S. Granger; M.H. Jeuffroy; O. Pointurier; W. Queyrel; A. Rodriguez; J. Villerd; N. Colbach 2020 |
10.1016/j.eja.2020.126010 |
Co-emergence of magnetic order and structural fluctuations in magnetite G. Perversi; E. Pachoud; J. Cumby; J.M. Hudspeth; J.P. Wright; S.A.J. Kimber; P. Attfield 2019 |
10.1038/s41467-019-10949-9 |
Co-firing Coal with Biomass under Mandatory Obligation for Renewable Electricity: Implication for the Electricity Mix V. Bertrand 2019 |
10.5547/01956574.40.4.vber |
Co-inoculation of a Pea Core-Collection with Diverse Rhizobial Strains Shows Competitiveness for Nodulation and Efficiency of Nitrogen Fixation Are Distinct traits in the Interaction V. Bourion; K. Heulin-Gotty; V. Aubert; P. Tisseyre; M. Chabert-Martinello; M. Pervent; C. Delaitre; D. Vile; M. Siol; G. Duc; B. Brunel; J. Burstin; M. Lepetit 2018 |
10.3389/fpls.2017.02249 |
Co-inoculation of Lolium perenne with Funneliformis mosseae and the dark septate endophyte Cadophora sp in a trace element-polluted soil C. Berthelot; D. Blaudez; T. Beguiristain; M. Chalot; C. Leyval 2018 |
10.1007/s00572-018-0826-z |
Co-oxidation Modeling for a Syngas Supplied Micro Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell R. Ma; F. Gao; E. Breaz; P. Briois 2017 |
Co-Oxidation Modeling for a Syngas-Supplied Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell R. Ma; E. Breaz; Z. Li; P. Briois; F. Gao 2018 |
10.1109/TIA.2018.2845395 |
Co-seismic deformation and post-glacial slip rate along the Magallanes-Fagnano fault, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina S. Roy; R. Vassallo; J. Martinod; M.C. Ghiglione; C. Sue; P. Allemand 2020 |
10.1111/ter.12430, Early Access Date = {OCT 2019 |