Publications - 'E'
Publications 976 - 1000 de 2582
Titre | DOI |
EIF3F-related neurodevelopmental disorder: refining the phenotypic and expanding the molecular spectrum U. Hueffmeier; C. Kraus; M.S. Reuter; S. Uebe; M.A. Abbott; S.A. Ahmed; K.L. Rawson; E. Barr; H. Li; A.L. Bruel; L. Faivre; F.Tran Mau-Them; C. Botti; S. Brooks; K. Burns; I. Ward; M. Dutra-Clarke; J.A. Martinez-Agosto; H. Lee; S.F. Nelson; P. Zacher; R.Abou Jamra; C. Kloeckner; J. McGaughran; J. Kohlhase; S. Schuhmann; E. Moran; J. Pappas; A. Raas-Rothschild; M.J.Guillen Sacoto; L.B. Henderson; T.Blake Palculict; ; H.Zghal Elloumi; A. Reich; S.A.Schrier Vergano; E. Wahl; A. Reis; C. Zweier; U.C.L.A.Calif Ctr Dis 2021 |
10.1186/s13023-021-01744-1 |
Eigenvalue inequalities for positive block matrices with the inradius of the numerical range J.C. Bourin; E.Y. Lee 2022 |
10.1142/S0129167X22500094 |
Eight Cycles of ABVD Versus Four Cycles of BEACOPP(escalated) Plus Four Cycles of BEACOPP(baseline) in Stage III to IV, International Prognostic Score >= 3, High-Risk Hodgkin Lymphoma: First Results of the Phase III EORTC 20012 Intergroup Trial P. Carde; M. Karrasch; C. Fortpied; P. Brice; H. Khaled; O. Casasnovas; D. Caillot; I. Gaillard; S. Bologna; C. Ferme; P.Johanna Lugtenburg; F. Morschhauser; I. Aurer; B. Coiffier; R. Meyer; M. Seftel; M. Wolf; B. Glimelius; A. Sureda; N. Mounier 2016 |
10.1200/JCO.2015.64.5648 |
Eight-Year Period Prevalence of Physical Abuse in Hospitalised Infants and Corresponding In-hospital Mortality in France S. Gilard-Pioc; J. Cottenet; Y. Mikaeloff; J.B. Gouyon; I. Francois-Purssell; C. Quantin 2019 |
10.1002/car.2597 |
Eighteenth-century Masculinity and English Horsemanship M.O. Bernez 2018 |
Eighteenth-century Masculinity and English Horsemanship M.O. Bernez 2018 |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in single pairs of images E. Lantz; S. Denis; P.A. Moreau; F. Devaux 2015 |
10.1364/OE.23.026472 |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in Twin Images P.A. Moreau; F. Devaux; E. Lantz 2014 |
10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.160401 |
EK-means: A new clustering approach for datasets classification in sensor networks M. Rida; A. Makhoul; H. Harb; D. Laiymani; M. Barharrigi 2019 |
10.1016/j.adhoc.2018.09.012 |
Elaboration and characterization of carboxylic acid-functionalized polypyrrole films J. Husson; S. Lakard; S. Monney; C.C. Buron; B. Lakard 2016 |
10.1016/j.synthmet.2016.06.017 |
Elaboration and thermomechanical characterization of W/Cu functionally graded materials produced by Spark Plasma Sintering for plasma facing components E. Autissier; M. Richou; L. Minier; J.L. Gardarein; F. Bernard 2015 |
10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.05.066 |
Elaboration of multimaterials optical fibers combining tellurite glass and metal for electro-optical applications A. Maldonado; A. Lemiere; F. Desevedavy; J.C. Jules; W. Correr; Y. Ledemi; Y. Messaddeq; C. Strutynski; S. Danto; T. Cardinal; F. Smektala 2020 |
10.1117/12.2555433 |
Elaboration of thin colloidal silica films with controlled thickness and wettability L. Viau; T. Vrlinic; F.E. Jurin; B. Lakard 2016 |
10.1016/j.crci.2016.01.007 |
Elaboration of Trans-Resveratrol Derivative-Loaded Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Glioma Treatment F. Sallem; R. Haji; D. Vervandier-Fasseur; T. Nury; L. Maurizi; J. Boudon; G. Lizard; N. Millot 2019 |
10.3390/nano9020287 |
Elaia, Pergamon's maritime satellite: the rise and fall of an ancient harbour city shaped by shoreline migration M. Seeliger; A. Pint; S. Feuser; S. Riedesel; N. Marriner; P. Frenzel; F. Pirson; A. Bolten; H. Brueckner 2019 |
10.1002/jqs.3091 |
Elastic band exercise induces greater neuromuscular fatigue than phasic isometric contractions S. Grospretre; P. Gimenez; L. Mourot; G. Coratella 2019 |
10.1016/j.jelekin.2018.12.003 |
Elastic Metasurfaces for Deep and Robust Subwavelength Focusing and Imaging Y. Jin; W. Wang; A. Khelif; B. Djafari-Rouhani 2021 |
10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.024005 |
Elastic Response of Cementitious Gels to Polycation Addition F. Brunel; I. Pochard; M. Turesson; S. Gauffinet; C. Labbez 2017 |
10.1021/acsomega.6b00445 |
Elastic wave near-cloaking D.Enrico Quadrelli; R. Craster; M. Kadic; F. Braghin 2021 |
10.1016/j.eml.2021.101262 |
Elastodynamic behavior of mechanical cloaks designed by direct lattice transformations M. Kadic; M. Wegener; A. Nicolet; F. Zolla; S. Guenneau; A. Diatta 2020 |
10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.102419 |
Elderly Benzodiazepine Users at Increased Risk of Activity Limitations: Influence of Chronicity, Indications, and Duration of Action-The Three-City Cohort I. Carriere; T. Mura; K. Peres; J. Norton; I. Jaussent; A. Edjolo; O. Rouaud; C. Berr; K. Ritchie; M.Laure Ancelin 2015 |
10.1016/j.jagp.2014.10.006 |
Elderly patient's tolerance and efficacy for MAP-kinase inhibitors in a French melanoma real-life cohort. O. Becquart; B. Oriano; S. Dalle; L. Mortier; M.Therese Leccia; C. Dutriaux; S. Dalac; J.P. Lacour; J. De Quatrebarbes; F. Brunet-Possenti; P. Saiag; T. Lesimple; M. Beylot-Barry; F. Aubin; P.E. Stoebner; C. Lok; B. Dreno; R. Porcher; C. Lebbe; B. Guillot 2018 |
10.1200/JCO.2018.36.15_suppl.e21536 |
Elderly versus nonelderly patients with invasive aspergillosis in the ICU: a comparison and risk factor analysis for mortality from the AspICU cohort D.K. Matthaiou; G. Dimopoulos; F.S. Taccone; P. Bulpa; A.M. Van den Abeele; B. Misset; W. Meersseman; H. Spapen; T. Cardoso; P.E. Charles; D. Vogelaers; S. Blot; A.I.C.U.Study Investigators 2018 |
10.1093/mmy/myx117 |
Electing an Approximate Center in a Huge Modular Robot with the k-BFS SumSweep Algorithm A. Naz; B. Piranda; J. Bourgeois; S.Copen Goldstein 2018 |
Electing an Approximate Center in a Huge Modular Robot with the k-BFS SumSweep Algorithm A. Naz; B. Piranda; J. Bourgeois; S.Copen Goldstein 2018 |