Publications - 'I'
Publications 1326 - 1350 de 2447
Titre | DOI |
Industry-scale spray-drying microencapsulation of orange aroma A. Jedlinska; K. Samborska; D. Witrowa-Rajchert; A.M. Seuvre; A. Voilley 2019 |
10.31545/intagr/110857 |
Ineffectiveness of antenatal guidance intervention for vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in pregnant women in Kyoto, Japan I. Yamade; T. Inoue; H. Hamada; S. Sudou; M. Otsubo; M. Sawada; T. Nakayama; H. Hatayama 2021 |
10.1111/jog.14972 |
Inelastic Light Scattering by Long Narrow Gold Nanocrystals: When Size, Shape, Crystallinity, and Assembly Matter H. Portales; N. Goubet; S. Casale; X.Zhen Xu; M. Ariane; A. Mermet; J. Margueritat; L. Saviot 2020 |
10.1021/acsnano.9b09993 |
Inelastic Light Scattering Contribution to the Study of the Onset of Sintering of a Nanopowder L. Saviot; S. Le Gallet; F. Demoisson; L. David; G. Sudre; A. Girard; J. Margueritat; A. Mermet 2017 |
10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12280 |
Infant Acceptance of Primary Tastes and Fat Emulsion: Developmental Changes and Links with Maternal and Infant Characteristics C. Schwartz; C. Chabanet; E. Szleper; V. Feyen; S. Issanchou; S. Nicklaus 2017 |
10.1093/chemse/bjx040 |
Infant Formula Feeding Increases Hepatic Cholesterol 7 alpha Hydroxylase (CYP7A1) Expression and Fecal Bile Acid Loss in Neonatal Piglets K.E. Mercer; S. Bhattacharyya; M.Elena Diaz-Rubio; B.D. Piccolo; L.M. Pack; N. Sharma; M. Chaudhury; M.A. Cleves; S.V. Chintapalli; K. Shankar; M.J.J. Ronis; L. Yeruva 2018 |
10.1093/jn/nxy038 |
Infantile and adult mortality in precarious conditions A. Barrabe; A. Louvrier; R. Allary; M. Moussa; M. Boutros; H. Benateau 2020 |
10.1016/j.jormas.2019.04.010 |
Infants and Children Making Sense of Scents B. Schaal 2017 |
Infants Born to Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Mild Neonatal Effects, a Long-term Threat to Global Health D. Mitanchez; A. Burguet; U. Simeoni 2014 |
10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.10.076 |
Infected aneurysm after returning from Southeast Asia: think Burkholderia pseudomallei! C. Auvens; C. Neuwirth; L. Piroth; M. Blot 2019 |
10.1136/bcr-2018-228856 |
Infection and type 2 myocardial infarction: a large observational study from emergency department A. Putot; S. Buet-Derrida; A. Avondo; P. Ray; M. Maza; M. Zeller; Y. Cottin 2019 |
Infection and type 2 myocardial infarction: a large observational study from emergency department A. Putot; S. Buet-Derrida; A. Avondo; P. Ray; M. Maza; M. Zeller; Y. Cottin 2019 |
Infections and cancer: the ``fifty shades of immunity'' hypothesis C. Jacqueline; A. Tasiemski; G. Sorci; B. Ujvari; F. Maachi; D. Misse; F. Renaud; P. Ewald; F. Thomas; B. Roche 2017 |
10.1186/s12885-017-3234-4 |
Infectious and Immunologic Phenotype of MECP2 Duplication Syndrome M. Bauer; U. Koelsch; R. Krueger; N. Unterwalder; K. Hameister; F.Marc Kaiser; A. Vignoli; R. Rossi; M.Pilar Botella; M. Budisteanu; M. Rosello; C. Orellana; M.Isabel Tejada; S.Mihaela Papuc; O. Patat; S. Julia; R. Touraine; T. Gomes; K. Wenner; X. Xu; A. Afenjar; A. Toutain; N. Philip; A. Jezela-Stanek; L. Gortner; F. Martinez; B. Echenne; V. Wahn; C. Meisel; D. Wieczorek; S. El-Chehadeh; H. Van Esch; H. von Bernuth 2015 |
10.1007/s10875-015-0129-5 |
Infectious Complications in Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitides: Pooled Analysis of Five Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trials L. Antoine; C. Pagnoux; X. Puechal; M. Samson; M. Hamidou; A. Karras; T. Quemeneur; M. Groh; L. Mouthon; L. Guillevin; B. Terrier; F.Vasculitis Grp 2017 |
Infectious encephalitis: Management without etiological diagnosis 48 hours after onset P. Fillatre; Y. Crabol; P. Morand; L. Piroth; J. Honnorat; J.P. Stahl; M. Lecuit 2017 |
10.1016/j.medmal.2017.02.004 |
Infective Endocarditis Epidemiology and Consequences of Prophylaxis Guidelines Modifications: the Dialectical Evolution C. Chirouze; B. Hoen; X. Duval 2014 |
10.1007/s11908-014-0440-y |
Infective Endocarditis Related to Unusual Microorganisms: A Prospective Population-Based Study S. Limonta; E. Cambau; M.L. Erpelding; C. Piau-Couapel; F. Goehringer; P. Plesiat; M. Revest; V. Vernet-Garnier; V. Le Moing; B. Hoen; X. Duval; P. Tattevin; 2008A.E.P.E.I.Work Grp 2020 |
10.1093/ofid/ofaa127 |
Inference and Learning in Evidential Discrete Latent Markov Models E. Ramasso 2017 |
10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2598361 |
Inferring Ancestral Pueblo Social Networks from Simulation in the Central Mesa Verde S.A. Crabtree 2015 |
10.1007/s10816-014-9233-8 |
Inferring hidden causal relations between pathway members using reduced Google matrix of directed biological networks J. Lages; D.L. Shepelyansky; A. Zinovyev 2018 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0190812 |
Inferring microbiota functions from taxonomic genes: a review C. Djemiel; P.A. Maron; S. Terrat; S. Dequiedt; A. Cottin; L. Ranjard 2022 |
10.1093/gigascience/giab090 |
Inferring postimplant dose distribution of salvage permanent prostate implant (PPI) after primary PPI on CT images K.Berihu Girum; A. Lalande; M. Quivrin; I. Bessieres; N. Pierrat; E. Martin; L. Cormier; A. Petitfils; J.Marc Cosset; G. Crehange 2018 |
10.1016/j.brachy.2018.07.017 |
Infiltrated Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta-Based Electrodes as Anodes in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells X.Majnoni d'Intignano; D. Cademartori; D. Clematis; S. Presto; M. Viviani; R. Botter; A. Barbucci; G. Cerisola; G. Caboche; P. Carpanese 2020 |
10.3390/en13143659 |
Infiltrating and peripheral immune cell analysis in advanced gastric cancer according to the Lauren classification and its prognostic significance S. Pernot; M. Terme; N. Radosevic-Robin; F. Castan; C. Badoual; E. Marcheteau; F. Penault-Llorca; O. Bouche; J. Bennouna; E. Francois; F. Ghiringhelli; C. de la Fouchardiere; E. Samalin; J.Baptiste Bachet; C. Borg; V. Boige; T. Voron; T. Stanbury; E. Tartour; S. Gourgou; D. Malka; J. Taieb 2020 |
10.1007/s10120-019-00983-3 |