Publications - 'M'
Publications 201 - 225 de 1879
Titre | DOI |
Management of neonatal thrombocytopenia in a context of maternal antiplatelet alloimmunization: Expert opinion of the French-speaking working group G. Bertrand; L. Blouin; F. Boehlen; E. Levine; J.M. Minon; N. Winer; M. Audrain; S. Bayart; M. Beguet; P. Bierling; V. Chabot; A. Cortey; L. Croisille; F. Delettre; A. Dupuis; M. Fretigny; C. Giannoli; V. Goua; Y. Gruel; A. Harroche; M.F. Hurtaud; J.M. Jouannic; X. Lafarge; E. Le Toriellec; T. Lecompte; L. Macchi; C. Makowski; V. Mattiello; Y. Merieux; G. Mourey; B. Pan-Petesch; G. Pellegrinelli; R. Petermann; E. Peynaud-Debayle; C. Picard; V. Renac; J. Rosenblatt; L. Rugeri; R. Turello; F.Grp Thromb Hemostasis 2019 |
10.1016/j.arcped.2019.02.006 |
Management of nonfunctioning pituitary incidentaloma F. Galland; M.C. Vantyghem; L. Cazabat; A. Boulin; F. Cotton; J.F. Bonneville; E. Jouanneau; G. Vidal-Trecan; P. Chanson 2015 |
10.1016/j.ando.2015.04.004 |
Management of nonparasitic splenic cysts in children: A French multicenter review of 100 cases X. Delforge; Y. Chaussy; P. Borrego; O. Abbo; F. Sauvat; Q. Ballouhey; S. Irtan; A. Arnaud; K. Ibtissam; N. Panait; G. Rodesch; H. Steyaert; A. Schneider; R. Dubois; S. Mesureur; E. Haraux; P. Buisson 2017 |
10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2017.01.054 |
Management of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding RESPONSE A.N. Barkun; L. Laine; G.I. Leontiadis; M. Bardou 2020 |
10.7326/L20-0014 |
Management of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Guideline Recommendations From the International Consensus Group A.N. Barkun; M. Almadi; E.J. Kuipers; L. Laine; J. Sung; F. Tse; ; N.S. Abraham; X. Calvet; F.K.L. Chan; J. Douketis; R. Enns; I.M. Gralnek; V. Jairath; D. Jensen; J. Lau; G.Y.H. Lip; R. Loffroy; F. Maluf-Filho; A.C. Meltzer; N. Reddy; J.R. Saltzman; J.K. Marshall; M. Bardou 2019 |
10.7326/M19-1795 |
Management of orbital inflammation in internal medicine. Proposal for a diagnostic work-up S. Abad; E. Heran; C. Terrada; P. Bielefeld; D. Sene; S. Trad; D. Saadoun; P. Seve 2018 |
10.1016/j.revmed.2017.12.010 |
Management of pancreatic, gastrointestinal and liver complications in adult cystic fibrosis A. Munck; J. Languepin; D. Debray; T. Lamireau; M. Abely; F. Huet; R. Maudinas; L. Michaud; E. Mas 2015 |
10.1016/j.rmr.2014.12.008 |
Management of patients with metastatic cutaneous melanoma: French national guidelines M.T. Leccia; F. Planchamp; B. Sassolas; P. Combemale; P. Modiano; C. Bedane; D. Cupissol; S. Derrey; I. Dygai-Cochet; L. Lamant; V. Lubrano; X. Mirabel; A. Mourregot; M.E.Rouge Bugat; S. Siegrist; J. Thariat; O. Tiffet; G. Truc; L. Verdoni; V. Mazeau-Woynar 2014 |
10.1016/j.annder.2013.10.055 |
Management of Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders in the Real Life: The French Attitude Between 2010 and 2013 I. Boussen; C. Algrin; J. Rossignol; E. Durot; S. Guenounou; A. Bonnet; J. Delage; E. Gyan; F. Bijou; N. Milpied; A. Chauchet; A. Tempescul; G. Damaj; A. Jaccard; J. Cornillon; N. Ifrah; V. Leblond; S. Choquet 2016 |
10.1182/blood.V128.22.4230.4230 |
Management of postoperative inflammation after cataract and complex ocular surgeries: a systematic review and Delphi survey F. Aptel; C. Colin; S. Kaderli; C. Deloche; A.M. Bron; M.W. Stewart; C. Chiquet; O.S.I.R.I.S. Grp 2017 |
10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-310324 |
Management of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation with pulmonary hypertension S. Elhage; B. Degano; T. Soumagne 2020 |
10.1016/j.rmr.2020.06.012 |
Management of rectal cancer in France in a well-defined population R. Desgrippes; V. Bouvier; P. Delafosse; M. Robaszkiewicz; F. Molinie; B. Tretarre; C. Lepage; J. Faivre; V. Jooste; A.M. Bouvier 2014 |
10.1097/MEG.0000000000000116 |
Management of rectal cancer: the 2016 French guidelines Z. Lakkis; G. Manceau; V. Bridoux; A. Brouquet; S. Kirzin; L. Maggiori; C. De Chaisemartin; J.H. Lefevre; Y. Panis; F.Res Grp Re G; F.Nat Societ Coloproctology 2017 |
10.1111/codi.13550 |
Management of rectal cancers in relation to treatment guidelines: a population-based study comparing Italian and French patients P. Minicozzi; A.M. Bouvier; J. Faivre; M. Sant; S.Working Grp 2014 |
10.1016/j.dld.2014.03.009 |
Management of refractory chylothorax in pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis C.M. Ellender; T.J. Williams; J. Gooi; G.I. Snell; H.M. Whitford 2015 |
10.1002/rcr2.105 |
MANAGEMENT OF RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY TREATED AND RETREATED WITH RITUXIMAB IN DAILY PRACTICE: INTERIM RESULTS OF THE PERLE STUDY (ML 25664) L. Sanhes; B. Mahe; M. Hacini; O. Fitoussi; Y. Arkam; H. Orfeuvre; M.S. Dilhuydy; M. Barry; E. Jourdan; B. Dreyfus; A. Tempescul; S. Lepretre; D. Chaoui; C. Benkanoun; F. Lazreg; D. Pau; M. Maynadie; A. Delmer; S. Choquet 2014 |
MANAGEMENT OF RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY TREATED AND RETREATED WITH RITUXIMAB IN DAILY PRACTICE: INTERIM RESULTS OF THE PERLE STUDY (ML 25664) L. Sanhes; B. Mahe; M. Hacini; O. Fitoussi; Y. Arkam; H. Orfeuvre; M.S. Dilhuydy; M. Barry; E. Jourdan; B. Dreyfus; A. Tempescul; S. Lepretre; D. Chaoui; C. Benkanoun; F. Lazreg; D. Pau; M. Maynadie; A. Delmer; S. Choquet 2014 |
Management of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma patients in daily practice - a French non-interventional study P. Feugier; P. Brice; M. Maynadie; P. Franchi-Rezgui; M. Hacini; G. Laurent; E. Suc; O. Fitoussi; P. Solal-Celigny; G. Damaj; C. Haioun; P. Leconte; F. Lazreg; F. Boissard; D. Pau; G. Salles 2018 |
10.1080/10428194.2018.1434878 |
MANAGEMENT OF RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA PATIENTS IN DAILY PRACTICE: FINAL RESULTS OF THE OLYMPE FRENCH NON INTERVENTIONAL STUDY (ML20248) P. Brice; M. Maynadie; P. Franchi-Rezgui; M. Hacini; G. Laurent; E. Suc; O. Fitoussi; P. Solal-Celigny; G. Damaj; C. Haioun; F. Lazreg; D. Pau; G.A. Salles; P. Feugier 2014 |
MANAGEMENT OF RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA PATIENTS IN DAILY PRACTICE: FINAL RESULTS OF THE OLYMPE FRENCH NON INTERVENTIONAL STUDY (ML20248) P. Brice; M. Maynadie; P. Franchi-Rezgui; M. Hacini; G. Laurent; E. Suc; O. Fitoussi; P. Solal-Celigny; G. Damaj; C. Haioun; F. Lazreg; D. Pau; G.A. Salles; P. Feugier 2014 |
MANAGEMENT OF RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA PATIENTS IN DAILY PRACTICE: FINAL RESULTS OF THE OLYMPE FRENCH NON INTERVENTIONAL STUDY (ML20248) P. Brice; M. Maynadie; P. Franchi-Rezgui; M. Hacini; G. Laurent; E. Suc; O. Fitoussi; P. Solal-Celigny; G. Damaj; C. Haioun; F. Lazreg; D. Pau; G.A. Salles; P. Feugier 2014 |
Management of secondary findings from whole exome/genome sequencing: a first step into genomic medicine J. Delanne; O. Putois; A. Chassagne; E. Cretin; A. Pelissier; C. Peyron; E. Gauthier; J. Thevenon; S. Nambot; P. Kuentz; A. Bruel; J. Skrzypski; F. Ghiringhelli; R. Boidot; D. Lehalle; N. Jean-Marcais; P. Callier; A. Mosca-Boidron; P. Vabres; L. Demougeot; C. Poe; T. Jouan; M. Chevarin; M. Lefebvre; M. Bardou; E. Tisserant; M. Luu; C. Philippe; T.Mau Them; C. Binquet; Y. Duffourd; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Faivre 2018 |
Management of sedation in severe traumatic brain injury: A national survey M. Nguyen; Q. Delgrande; S. Mirek; A. Nadji; B. Bouhemad 2019 |
10.1016/j.anrea.2018.10.006 |
Management of severe asthma exacerbation: guidelines from the Societe Francaise de Medecine d'Urgence, the Societe de Reanimation de Langue Francaise and the French Group for Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergencies P. Le Conte; N. Terzi; G. Mortamet; F. Abroug; G. Carteaux; C. Charasse; A. Chauvin; X. Combes; S. Dauger; A. Demoule; T. Desmettre; S. Ehrmann; B.Gaillard Le Roux; V. Hamel; B. Jung; S. Kepka; E. L'Her; M. Martinez; C. Milesi; E. Morawiec; M. Oberlin; P. Plaisance; R. Pouyau; C. Raherison; P. Ray; M. Schmidt; A.W. Thille; J. Truchot; G. Valdenaire; J. Vaux; D. Viglino; G. Voiriot; B. Vrignaud; S. Jean; E. Mariotte; P.G. Claret 2019 |
10.1186/s13613-019-0584-x |
Management of Severe Bleeding in Patients Treated with Direct Oral Anticoagulants An Observational Registry Analysis P. Albaladejo; C.M. Samama; P. Sie; S. Kauffmann; V. Memier; P. Suchon; A. Viallon; J.Stephane David; Y. Gruel; L. Bellamy; E. De Maistre; P. Romegoux; S. Thoret; G. Pernod; J.L. Bosson; G.I.H.P.N.A.C.O.Study Grp 2017 |
10.1097/ALN.0000000000001631 |