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Spatial heterogeneity in the timing of birch budburst in response to future climate warming in Ireland A. Caffarra; F. Zottele; E. Gleeson; A. Donnelly 2014 |
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Spatial interpolation of daily rainfall stochastic generation parameters over East Africa P. Camberlin; W. Gitau; P. Oettli; L. Ogallo; B. Bois 2014 |
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Spatial Laplace transform for complex wavenumber recovery and its application to the analysis of attenuation in acoustic systems A. Geslain; S. Raetz; M. Hiraiwa; A. Ghanem; S.P. Wallen; A. Khanolkar; N. Boechler; J. Laurent; C. Prada; A. Duclos; P. Leclaire; J.P. Groby 2016 |
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Spatial scale variability in shoot density and epiphytic leaves of Posidonia oceanica on Kerkennah Island (Tunisia) in relation to current tide effects M. Ben Brahim; L. Mabrouk; A. Hamza; M. Mahfoudhi; A. Bouain; L. Aleya 2015 |
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Spatial segregation of the biological soil crust microbiome around its foundational cyanobacterium, Microcoleus vaginatus, and the formation of a nitrogen-fixing cyanosphere E. Couradeau; A. Giraldo-Silva; F. De Martini; F. Garcia-Pichel 2019 |
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Spatially uniform enhancement of single quantum dot emission using plasmonic grating decoupler A. Kumar; J.C. Weeber; A. Bouhelier; F. Eloi; S. Buil; X. Quelin; M. Nasilowski; B. Dubertret; J.P. Hermier; G.Colas des Francs 2015 |
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Spatio-temporal analysis of trajectories for safer construction sites M. Arslan; C. Cruz; A.M. Roxin; D. Ginhac 2018 |
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Spatio-Temporal Beam Dynamics in Multimode Nonlinear Optical Fibers K. Krupa; D. Modotto; V. Couderc; A. Barthelemy; A. Tonello; G. Millot; S. Wabnitz 2017 |
Spatio-Temporal Beam Dynamics in Multimode Nonlinear Optical Fibers K. Krupa; D. Modotto; V. Couderc; A. Barthelemy; A. Tonello; G. Millot; S. Wabnitz 2017 |
Spatio-Temporal Beam Mapping for Studying Nonlinear Dynamics in Graded Index Multimode Fiber Y. Leventoux; G. Granger; A. Tonello; S. Wabnitz; K. Krupa; G. Millot; S. Fevrier; V. Couderc 2020 |
Spatio-Temporal Beam Mapping for Studying Nonlinear Dynamics in Graded Index Multimode Fiber Y. Leventoux; G. Granger; A. Tonello; S. Wabnitz; K. Krupa; G. Millot; S. Fevrier; V. Couderc 2020 |