Publications 12551 - 12575 de 33557
Titre | DOI |
First prenatal PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) cohort N. Bourgon; Y. Duffourd; S. Onge; J. Martinovic; J. Aziza; N. Chassaing; C. Quelin; D. Amram; J. Tanteau; T. Attie-Bitach; E. Razavi; N. Laurent; J. Riviere; P. Vabres; L. Faivre; P. Kuentz 2018 |
First prenatal PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) cohort N. Bourgon; Y. Duffourd; S. Onge; J. Martinovic; J. Aziza; N. Chassaing; C. Quelin; D. Amram; J. Tanteau; T. Attie-Bitach; E. Razavi; N. Laurent; J. Riviere; P. Vabres; L. Faivre; P. Kuentz 2018 |
First real life data on durvalumab after definitive concomitant chemoradiotherapy (cCRT) in unresectable stage (St) III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in France: Analysis of 591 patients (pts) enrolled in the French cohort (c) temporary authorization V. Avrillon; B. Ouchlif; P. Merle; E. Pichon; A.T. Stancu; C. Chouaid; C. Sire; H. Boudabous; A. Lagrange; M. Sabatini; G. Eberst; P. Boisselier; A. Gourion; A. Lion; A. Lahouegue; K. Belkhiria; I. de La Porte; M. Urbieta; F. Mornex; N. Girard 2019 |
First real life data on durvalumab after definitive concomitant chemoradiotherapy (cCRT) in unresectable stage (St) III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in France: Analysis of 591 patients (pts) enrolled in the French cohort (c) temporary authorization V. Avrillon; B. Ouchlif; P. Merle; E. Pichon; A.T. Stancu; C. Chouaid; C. Sire; H. Boudabous; A. Lagrange; M. Sabatini; G. Eberst; P. Boisselier; A. Gourion; A. Lion; A. Lahouegue; K. Belkhiria; I. de La Porte; M. Urbieta; F. Mornex; N. Girard 2019 |
First record of early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a from the Paris Basin (France)-Climate signals on a terrigenous shelf J.F. Deconinck; D. Boue; F. Amedro; F. Baudin; L. Bruneau; E. Huret; P. Landrein; J.D. Moreau; A.Lise Santoni 2021 |
10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104846 |
First Report of Branched Broomrape (Phelipanche ramosa) on Celeriac (Apium graveolens) in Eastern France S. Gibot-Leclerc; C. Reibel; S. Legros 2014 |
10.1094/PDIS-02-14-0148-PDN |
First Report of Rhamphicarpa fistulosa on Peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Soybean (Glycine max), and Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius) in Togo T. Houngbedji; S. Gibot-Leclerc 2015 |
10.1094/PDIS-04-15-0429-PDN |
First report of the invasive species Branchiomma bairdi McIntosh, 1885 (Annelida: Sabellidae) along the Tunisian coast (Mediterranean Sea) I. Khedhri; M.Ana Tovar-Hernandez; P. Bonifacio; A. Ahmedand; L. Aleya 2017 |
10.3391/bir.2017.6.2.09 |
First report of the zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis in raccoon dogs in Estonia, and comparisons with other countries in Europe L. Laurimaa; K. Sueld; E. Moks; H. Valdmann; G. Umhang; J. Knapp; U. Saarma 2015 |
10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.06.004 |
First results of the French cohort ANABASE : treatment and outcome in non-metastatic anal cancer. V. Vendrely; C. Lemanski; E. Francois; E. Barbier; B. Hamed; N. Bonichon-Lamichhane; A. de La Rochefordiere; O. Bouche; D. Tougeron; O. Diaz; P. Pommier; P. Ronchin; M. Saliou; J. Cretin; C. Lepage; L. Quero 2018 |
10.1016/S0167-8140(18)30594-2 |
First results on an electro-optic visible multi-telescope beam combiner for next generation FIRST/SUBARU instruments G. Martin; F. Gardillou; C. Cassagnettes; D. Barbier; C. Guyot; J. Hauden; G. Ulliac; N. Courjal; N. Cvetojevic; E. Huby; S. Lacour 2018 |
10.1117/12.2312841 |
First use of Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (S-TPE) in adults with diabetes: a pilot study C. Pennecot; M. Luu; C. Marchand; R. Gagnayre; N. Dechannes; S. Rudoni; A.M. Hilaire; A. Demongeot; D. Capelle; M. Bardou 2022 |
10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049454 |
First Wave of COVID-19 in French Patients with Cystic Fibrosis H. Corvol; S. de Miranda; L. Lemonnier; A. Kemgang; M.Reynaud Gaubert; R. Chiron; M.L. Dalphin; I. Durieu; J.C. Dubus; V. Houdouin; A. Prevotat; S. Ramel; M. Revillion; L. Weiss; L. Guillot; P.Y. Boelle; P.R. Burgel; F.Cystic Fib Referen 2020 |
10.3390/jcm9113624 |
First World War Diaries. Making the Private Public S. Crinquand 2020 |
First-in-human first-in-class phase I trial of murlentamab, an anti-Mullerian-hormone receptor II (AMHRII) monoclonal antibody acting through tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) engagement, as single agent and in combination with carboplatin (C) and paclita A. Leary; A. Awada; J.P. Delord; A. Floquet; I.Laure Ray-Coquard; C. Abdeddaim; M. Fabbro; E. Kalbacher; I. Vergote; S.N. Banerjee; F.X. Frenois; G. Noel; O. Lantz; L. Cassard; A. Coste; M. Villard; F. Lemee; I.Marie Tabah-Fisch; C. Le Tourneau 2019 |
10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.2521 |
First-in-human phase 1 of YS110, a monoclonal antibody directed against CD26 in advanced CD26-expressing cancers E. Angevin; N. Isambert; V. Trillet-Lenoir; B. You; J. Alexandre; G. Zalcman; P. Vielh; F. Farace; F. Valleix; T. Podoll; Y. Kuramochi; I. Miyashita; O. Hosono; N.H. Dang; K. Ohnuma; T. Yamada; Y. Kaneko; C. Morimoto 2017 |
10.1038/bjc.2017.62 |
First-in-human phase I administration of YS110, a monoclonal antibody directed against the CD26 immunostimulatory molecule in advanced cancer patients. E. Angevin; N. Isambert; V.N. Trillet-Lenoir; B. You; J. Alexandre; G. Zalcman; P. Viehl; F. Farace; F. Valleix; T. Podoll; Y. Kuramochi; I. Miyashita; O. Hosono; N.H. Dang; K. Ohnuma; T. Yamada; Y. Kaneko; C. Morimoto 2015 |
10.1200/jco.2015.33.15_suppl.2519 |
First-line (1-L) bevacizumab plus chemotherapy (Bev/CT) in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients with potentially resectable liver only (LM) or liver and lung metastases (LLM): KRAS mutation analysis of the non-interventional PICASSO study D. Malka; J.P. Metges; D. Elias; J. Bennouna; F. Bonnetain; L.M. Dourthe; M. Ben Abdelghani; A. Radji; P. Laplaige; P. Laurent; J. Telliez; S. Bakiri; M. Rivoire 2016 |
10.1093/annonc/mdw370.35 |
First-line and second-line systemic treatments of patients with metastatic cutaneous melanoma (without brain metastasis) : French national guidelines D. Cupissol; B. Sassolas; P. Combemale; P. Modiano; C. Bedane; S. Derrey; I. Dygai-Cochet; L. Lamant; V. Lubrano; X. Mirabel; A. Mourregot; M.E.Rouge Bugat; S. Siegrist; J. Thariat; O. Tiffet; G. Truc; L. Verdoni; V. Mazeau-Woynar; F. Planchamp; M.T. Leccia 2014 |
10.1007/s10269-013-2360-4 |
First-Line Chemotherapy for Metastatic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinico-Biological Predictors of Disease Control N. Kotecki; S. Hiret; P.L. Etienne; N. Penel; E. Tresch; E. Francois; M.Pierre Galais; M. Ben Abdelghani; P. Michel; L. Dahan; F. Ghiringelli; L. Bedenne; E. Samalin; G. Piessen; J. Bennouna; C. Peugniez; F.El Hajbi; S. Clisant; A. Kramar; C. Mariette; A. Adenis 2016 |
10.1159/000442947 |
First-line escalated BEACOPP does not hinder stem cell collection and transplantation strategy in patients with relapsed/refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma D. Ghez; C. Fortpied; N. Mounier; P. Carde; A. Perrot; H. Khaled; S. Amorim; S. Ramadan; F.L. Bras; M. Erlanson; C. Herbaux; J.P. Marolleau; E. Nicolas-Virelezier; O. Casasnovas; A. Stamatoullas-Bastard; C. Ferme; E.O.R.T.C.Cooperatin Grp; L.Y.S.A.Cooperatin Grp; N.L.G.Cooperatin Grp 2017 |
10.1038/bmt.2016.271 |
First-line medical treatment of high-grade epithelial ovarian cancer F. Selle; J. Alexandre; K. Prulhiere; E. Kalbacher; I. Ray-Coquard; A. Leary; G. GINECO 2021 |
First-line pertuzumab (P), trastuzumab (H), and taxane therapy for HER2-positive locally recurrent/metastatic breast cancer (LR/mBC): Interim safety results (N=704) from PERUSE T.Denis Bachelot; E. Ciruelos; T. Peretz-Yablonski; F. Puglisi; A. Schneeweiss; M. Campone; B.P. Coudert; B. Kaufman; A.M. Wardley; L. Bastiere-Truchot; U. Freudensprung; E. Restuccia; D. Miles 2014 |
10.1200/jco.2014.32.15_suppl.548 |
First-line ribociclib (RIB) plus letrozole (LET) in hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC): MONALEESA-2 biomarker analyses G.N. Hortobagyi; S. Paluch-Shimon; K. Petrakova; C. Villanueva; A. Chan; A. Nusch; Y.Sim Yap; L. Hart; A. Favret; N. Marschner; G.S. Sonke; H.Oma Ohnstad; C. Arteaga; F. Su; W. He; M.Kristine Miller; S.M. Stemmer 2018 |
10.1200/JCO.2018.36.15_suppl.1022 |
First-line ribociclib plus letrozole in hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer: Efficacy by baseline circulating tumor DNA alterations in MONALEESA-2 G.N. Hortobagyi; S. Stemmer; M. Campone; G.S. Sonke; C.L. Arteaga; S. Paluch-Shimon; K. Petrakova; C. Villanueva; A. Nusch; E.M. Grischke; A. Chan; E. Jakobsen; N. Marschner; L.L. Hart; E. Alba; H.O. Ohnstand; S. Blau; D.A. Yardley; N. Solovieff; F. Su; C. Germa; Y.S. Yap 2018 |