Publications 14176 - 14200 de 33557
Titre | DOI |
Hepatic hydrothorax J.F. Cadranel; A. Garioud; H. Lison; M. Medmoun; T. Thevenot 2016 |
10.1016/j.lpm.2016.04.024 |
Hepatic transcriptome and DNA methylation patterns following perinatal and chronic BPS exposure in male mice A. Brulport; D. Vaiman; E. Bou-Maroun; M.C. Chagnon; L. Le Corre 2020 |
10.1186/s12864-020-07294-3 |
Hepatitis A: an epidemiological survey in blood donors, France 2015 to 2017 P. Gallian; V. Barlet; L. Mouna; S. Gross; S. Lecam; C. Ricard; F. Wind; E. Pouchol; C. Fabra; B. Flan; C. Visse; R. Djoudi; E. Couturier; H. De Valk; P. Tiberghien; A.M. Roque-Afonso 2018 |
10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.21.1800237 |
Hepatitis B virus reactivation in transplant patients treated for hepatitis C recurrence: Prophylaxis makes the difference L. Mouna; E. Rossignol; M. Tateo; A. Coilly; J.C. Duclos-Vallee; C. Duvoux; F. Durand; A. Tran; S. Radenne; V. Canva-Delcambre; P. Houssel-Debry; J. Dumortier; F. Conti; V. de Ledinghen; V. Leroy; N. Kamar; V. Di Martino; C. Moreno; D.Botta Fridlund; L. d'Alteroche; P. Lebray; P. Perre; C. Besch; C. Silvain; F. Habersetzer; M. Debette-Gratien; A. Abergel; A. Diallo; D. Samuel; A.M. Roque-Afonso; G.P. Pageaux; A.N.R.S.C.O.23 C.U.P.I.L. Grp 2019 |
10.1016/j.jhep.2019.02.019 |
Hepatitis B virus vaccination in HIV-infected people: A review F.X. Catherine; L. Piroth 2017 |
10.1080/21645515.2016.1277844 |
Hepatitis C: the path towards effective universal therapy L. Piroth; C. Rabaud; D. Rey; J.L. Schmit; C. Chirouze; G. Beck-Wirth; O. Robineau; F. Bani-Sadr; I.C.O.N.E.Study Grp 2016 |
10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31540-9 |
Hepatitis E transmission by transfusion of Intercept blood system-treated plasma L. Hauser; A.M. Roque-Afonso; A. Beyloune; M. Simonet; B.Deau Fischer; N.Burin des Roziers; V. Mallet; P. Tiberghien; P. Bierling 2014 |
10.1182/blood-2013-09-524348 |
Hepatitis E Virus Infections in Blood Donors, France P. Gallian; S. Lhomme; Y. Piquet; K. Saune; F. Abravanel; A. Assal; P. Tiberghien; J. Izopet 2014 |
10.3201/eid2011.140516 |
Hepatitis E virus-induced primary cutaneous CD30(+) T cell lymphoproliferative disorder V. Mallet; J. Bruneau; J. Zuber; C. Alanio; S. Leclerc-Mercier; A.M. Roque-Afonso; A.R.M. Kraft; L. Couronne; D. Roulot; H. Wedemeyer; M.L. Albert; P. Hillon; L. Laroche; S. Pol; O. Hermine 2017 |
Hepatitis E virus-induced primary cutaneous CD30(+) T cell lymphoproliferative disorder V. Mallet; J. Bruneau; J. Zuber; C. Alanio; S. Leclerc-Mercier; A.M. Roque-Afonso; A.R.M. Kraft; L. Couronne; D. Roulot; H. Wedemeyer; M.L. Albert; P. Hillon; L. Laroche; S. Pol; O. Hermine 2017 |
10.1016/j.jhep.2017.08.011 |
Hepatitis E virus: Blood transfusion implications P. Gallian; Y. Piquet; A. Assal; R. Djoudi; J. Chiaroni; J. Izopet; P. Tiberghien 2014 |
10.1016/j.tracli.2014.07.007 |
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy allows the evaluation of short-term functional toxicity of liver stereotactic body radiotherapy: Results of a pilot study B. De Bari; T. Breuneval; M. Zeverino; S. Godin; L. Deantonio; C. Geldhof; J. Bourhis; N. Schaefer; R. Moeckli; J. Prior; M. Ozsahin 2018 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0204013 |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Children: Does Modified Platinum- and Doxorubicin-Based Chemotherapy Increase Tumor Resectability and Change Outcome? Lessons Learned From the SIOPEL 2 and 3 Studies M. Murawski; V.B. Weeda; R. Maibach; B. Morland; D.J. Roebuck; A. Zimmerman; M. Casanova; G. Perilongo; V. Laithier; R. Kebudi; M.J. Scopinaro; A. Shun; B. Brichard; B. de Camargo; M. Childs; D.C. Aronson; P. Czauderna 2016 |
10.1200/JCO.2014.60.2250 |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Is Diagnosed at a Later Stage in Alcoholic Patients: Results of a Prospective, Nationwide Study C.E. Costentin; A. Mourad; P. Lahmek; X. Causse; A. Pariente; H. Hagege; A.Stela Dobrin; C. Becker; B. Marks; R. Bader; B. Condat; F. Heluwaert; J.Francois Seitz; B. Lesgourgues; J. Denis; S. Deuffic-Burban; I. Rosa; T. Decaens; C.H.A.N.G.H.Study Grp 2018 |
10.1002/cncr.31215 |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening in Patients With Compensated Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-Related Cirrhosis Aware of Their HCV Status Improves Survival: A Modeling Approach A. Mourad; S. Deuffic-Burban; N. Ganne-Carrie; T. Renaut-Vantroys; I. Rosa; A.M. Bouvier; G. Launoy; S. Cattan; A. Louvet; S. Dharancy; J.C. Trinchet; Y. Yazdanpanah; P. Mathurin 2014 |
10.1002/hep.26944 |
Hepatopulmonary syndrome T. Thevenot; D. Weil; A. Garioud; H. Lison; J.F. Cadranel; B. Degano 2016 |
10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.017 |
HER2 imaging by SPECT-CT using 111In radiolabeled pertuzumab-fab DOTAGA-conjugate: A proof of concept study in a preclinical model of breast cancer A. Oudot; P.S. Bellaye; J.M. Vrigneaud; O. Raguin; C. Bernhard; L. Dumont; F. Brunotte; A. Savina; F. Bouquet; P. Fumoleau; B. Collin 2018 |
HER2-positive breast cancer: Combined 18F-FDG PET and CGFL/Curie nomogram to predict pathologic complete response after preoperative chemotherapy with trastuzumab L. Vincent; C. Jankowski; M. Cortet; L. Arnould; S. Ladoire; B. Coudert; I. Desmoulins; C. Charron-Barra; F. Beltjens; R. Rouzier; F. Reyal; O. Humbert; A. Cochet; C. Coutant 2020 |
10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS19-P2-16-14 |
HER2-positive breast cancer: Combined F-18-FDG PET and CGFL/Curie nomogram to predict pathologic complete response after preoperative chemotherapy with trastuzumab. L. Vincent; C. Jankowski; M. Cortet; L. Arnould; S. Ladoire; B.P. Coudert; I. Desmoulins; C. Charon-Barra; F. Beltjens; R. Rouzier; F. Reyal; O. Humbert; A. Cochet; C. Coutant 2019 |
10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.e12095 |
HER2-positive breast cancer: F-18-FDG PET for early prediction of response to trastuzumab plus taxane-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy O. Humbert; A. Cochet; J.M. Riedinger; A. Berriolo-Riedinger; L. Arnould; B. Coudert; I. Desmoulins; M. Toubeau; I. Dygai-Cochet; S. Guiu; C. Coutant; P. Fumoleau; F. Brunotte 2014 |
10.1007/s00259-014-2739-1 |
HER2-positivity rates in breast cancer: no variation over time when clinicopathological features and testing are stable F. Beltjens; A. Bertaut; S. Pigeonnat; C. Loustalot; I. Desmoulins; C. Charon-Barra; B. Coudert; P. Fumoleau; P. Arveux; L. Arnould 2017 |
10.1111/ecc.12404 |
Herbicide Resistance in Setaria H. Darmency; T.Y. Wang; C. Delye 2017 |
10.1007/978-3-319-45105-3_15 |
Herbicides do not ensure for higher wheat yield, but eliminate rare plant species S. Gaba; E. Gabriel; J. Chadoeuf; F. Bonneu; V. Bretagnolle 2016 |
10.1038/srep30112 |
Herbs as thermoregulation agents: A comprehensive review (vol 703, pg 134399, 2020) M.E.Abd El-Hack; S.A. Abdelnour; A.E. Taha; A.F. Khafaga; M. Arif; T. Ayasan; A.A. Swelum; M.H. Abukhalil; S. Alkahtani; L. Aleya; M.M. Abdel-Daim 2021 |
10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145659 |
Herbs as thermoregulatory agents in poultry: An overview M.E.Abd El-Hack; S.A. Abdelnour; A.E. Taha; A.F. Khafaga; M. Arif; T. Ayasan; A.A. Swelum; M.H. Abukhalil; S. Alkahtani; L. Aleya; M.M. Abdel-Daim 2020 |
10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134399 |