6 resultats trouvés
Filtres: Auteur is Garnier, Emmanuel [Clear All Filters]
Analysis of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazards: a new historical extreme storm surges dataset for Dunkirk, France. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 18:3383-3402.
2018. Dating historical droughts from religious ceremonies, the international pro pluvia rogation database. SCIENTIFIC DATA. 8:186.
2021. Exploring of the spatially varying completeness of a tsunami catalogue. NATURAL HAZARDS. 111:191-212.
2022. Quantifying historic skew surges: an example for the Dunkirk Area, France. NATURAL HAZARDS. 98:869-893.
2019. Technological accidents caused by floods: The case of the Saga prefecture oil spill, Japan 2019. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION. 66:102634.
2021. Volcanic activity controls cholera outbreaks in the East African Rift. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES. 14:e0008406.