10 resultats trouvés
Filtres: Auteur is Verstuyft, Celine [Clear All Filters]
Association between rs4149056 variant in SLCO1B1 and early discontinuation of statin after acute myocardial infarction. PHARMACOGENOMICS. 21:163-172.
2020. .
Early weight gain predicts later metabolic syndrome in depressed patients treated with antidepressants: Findings from the METADAP cohort. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. 107:120-127.
2018. Early weight gain predicts later weight gain in depressed patients treated with antidepressants: Findings from the METADAP cohort. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 241:22-28.
2018. Galaxy Is a Suitable Bioinformatics Platform for the Molecular Diagnosis of Human Genetic Disorders Using High-Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis: Five Years of Experience in a Clinical Laboratory. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. 68:313-321.
2022. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta genetic polymorphisms and insomnia in depressed patients: A prospective study. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 240:230-236.
2018. Impact of acetaminophen on acute liver failure of unknown cause. JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY. 70:E421.
2019. Secondary actionable findings identified by exome sequencing: expected impact on the organisation of care from the study of 700 consecutive tests. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 27:1197-1214.
2019. Severe insomnia is associated with hypertriglyceridemia in women with major depression treated in psychiatry settings. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 217:159-162.
2017. .