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Filtres: Mot-clé is Hedonic models [Clear All Filters]
Fine wine returns: a review of the literature. JOURNAL OF ASSET MANAGEMENT. 20:196-214.
2019. Hedonic approach to the determinants of the price of cider. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS.
Submitted. Heterogeneity in Perceptions of Noise and Air Pollution: A Spatial Quantile Approach on the City of Madrid. SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. 10:317-343.
2015. The price of cider: empirical analysis in Quebec province. BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL. 122:87-98.
2019. The spatial dimension of the French private rental markets: Evidence from microgeographic data in 2015. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE. 48:2399808320977877.