33557 resultats trouvés
Assessing natural clays of a contaminated site to stabilize and reduce the ecotoxicity of a coal tar. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY. 190:110081.
2020. Assessing nitrate leaching in cropping systems based on integrated weed management using the STICS soil-crop model. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY. 62:46-54.
2015. Assessing pollution in a Mediterranean lagoon using acid volatile sulfides and estimations of simultaneously extracted metals. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 23:21908-21919.
2016. Assessing psychological adaptation during polar winter-overs: The isolated and confined environments questionnaire (ICE-Q). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. 65:101317.
2019. Assessing residential exposure to urban noise using environmental models: does the size of the local living neighborhood matter? JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY. 25:89-96.
2015. Assessing SMT and CLP approaches for workflow nets verification. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. 20:467-491.
2018. Assessing soil water content variation in a small mountainous catchment over different time scales and land covers using geographical variables. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY. 591:125593.
2020. Assessing surface sediment dynamics along the north-west coast of Marsa Dhouiba (Tunisia, southern Mediterranean). JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES. 116:213-224.
2016. Assessing the effectiveness of pirfenidone in changing the natural course of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the data from European IPF Registry (eurIPFreg). EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 56
2020. Assessing the Effects of beta-Triketone Herbicides on the Soil Bacterial and hppd Communities: A Lab-to-Field Experiment. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 11:610298.
2021. Assessing the freshness of Agadir blue fish using a metal oxide gas sensing array. MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS. 22:1-5.
2020. Assessing the impact of leachate plumes on groundwater quality in the Etueffont landfill (Belfort, France). ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 75:913.
2016. Assessing the impact of road developments on connectivity across multiple scales: Application to Yunnan snub-nosed monkey conservation. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 192:207-217.
2015. Assessing the impact of soil surface characteristics on vineyard erosion from very high spatial resolution aerial images (Cote de Beaune, Burgundy, France). CATENA. 116:163-172.
2014. Assessing the impact of telework enhancing policies for reducing car emissions: Exploring calculation methods for data-missing urban areas-Example of a medium-sized European city (Besancon, France). URBAN CLIMATE. 38:100876.
2021. Assessing the influence of fieldshaper material on magnetic pulse welded interface of Al/Cu joints. 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHEET METAL, SHEMET 2019 - NEW TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN SHEET METAL PROCESSING. 29:337-344.
2019. Assessing the influence of the amount of reachable habitat on genetic structure using landscape and genetic graphs. HEREDITY. 128:120-131.
2022. Assessing the link between price and financial stability. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY. 16:71-88.
2015. Assessing the microbiological contamination along with environmental factors of old books in the 1490-founded Bistrita Monastery, Romania. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 28:8743-8757.
2021. Assessing the microbiological contamination along with environmental factors of old books in the 1490-founded Bistrita Monastery, Romania. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 28:8743-8757.
2021. Assessing the Parasitic Burden in a Late Antique Florentine Emergency Burial Site. KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY. 57:587-593.
2019. Assessing the performance of trajectory surface hopping methods: Ultrafast internal conversion in pyrazine. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 150:154119.
2019. Assessing the role of megafauna in tropical forest ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles - the potential of vegetation models. ECOGRAPHY. 41:1934-1954.
2018. Assessing the sustainability of cropping systems in single- and multi-site studies. A review of methods. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY. 72:107-126.
2016. Assessing the Use of Genetic Algorithms to Schedule Independent Tasks Under Power Constraints. PROCEEDINGS 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING & SIMULATION (HPCS). :252-259.