
33557 resultats trouvés
Zhu J-J, Chen X, Jauslin H-R, Guerin S.  2020.  Robust control of unstable nonlinear quantum systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 102:052203.
Trung NThanh, Hoan TDinh, Trung NLinh, Ha LManh.  2019.  Robust Denoising of Low-Dose CT Images using Convolutional Neural Networks. PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 6TH NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (NAFOSTED) CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (NICS). :506-511.
Trung NThanh, Hoan TDinh, Trung NLinh, Ha LManh.  2019.  Robust Denoising of Low-Dose CT Images using Convolutional Neural Networks. PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 6TH NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (NAFOSTED) CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (NICS). :506-511.
M. Houssou EElvire, A. Mahama TSanda, Gouton P, Degla G.  2022.  Robust Facial Recognition System using One Shot Multispectral Filter Array Acquisition System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 13:25-33.
Hammouche M, Lutz P, Rakotondrabe M.  2017.  Robust feedback control for automated force/position control of piezoelectric tube based microgripper. 2017 13TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (CASE). :598-604.
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Escareno J., Abadie J., Piat E., Rakotondrabe M..  2019.  Robust micro-positionnig control of a 2DOF piezocantilever based on an extended-state LKF. MECHATRONICS. 58:82-92.
Boudaoud M, de Faria MGaudenzi, Haddab Y, Haliyo S, Le Gorrec Y, Lutz P, Regnier S.  2015.  Robust microscale grasping through a multimodel design: synthesis and real time implementation. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE. 39:12-22.
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Li C, Benezeth Y, Nakamura K, Gomez R, Yang F.  2018.  A robust multispectral palmprint matching algorithm and its evaluation for FPGA applications. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE. 88:43-53.
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Ebrahim MAhmed, Ramadan HSaad, Soliman M.  2019.  Robust non-fragile approach to resilient design of PID-based blade pitch control for wind energy conversion system. ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 21:1952-1965.
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Zhuo S, Xu L, Gaillard A, Huangfu Y, Paire D, Gao F.  2019.  Robust Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis of Multi-Phase Floating Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter Based on Sliding Mode Observer. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION. 5:638-649.
Van Damme L., Ansel Q., Glaser S.J, Sugny D..  2017.  Robust optimal control of two-level quantum systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 95:063403.
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Andre AN, Sandoz P, Mauze B, Jacquot M, Laurent GJ.  2021.  Robust Phase-Based Decoding for Absolute (X, Y, Theta) Positioning by Vision. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. 70:5001612.
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