
33557 resultats trouvés
Gouissem A., Hamila R., Al-Dhahir N., Foufou S..  2016.  Sparsity-Aware Multiple Relay Selection in Large dual-hop Decode-and-Forward Broadband Relay Networks. 2016 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE.
Gouissem A., Hamila R., Al-Dhahir N., Foufou S..  2016.  Sparsity-aware multiple relay selection in large multi-hop decode-and-forward relay networks. EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING. :81.
Gouissem A., Hamila R., Al-Dhahir N., Foufou S..  2016.  Sparsity-Aware Narrowband Interference Mitigation and Subcarriers Selection in OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. 2016 IEEE 84TH VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (VTC FALL).
Deschasse C., Baudin F., Gabrielle P.H, Bron A.M, Creuzot-Garcher C..  2017.  Spasm of iris dilator muscle or tadpole-shaped pupil. JOURNAL FRANCAIS D OPHTALMOLOGIE. 40:522-523.
Yamu C, Frankhauser P.  2015.  Spatial accessibility to amenities, natural areas and urban green spaces: using a multiscale, multifractal simulation model for managing urban sprawl. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN. 42:1054-1078.
Wei S, Jacquiod S, Philippot L, Blouin M, Sorensen SJohannes.  2021.  Spatial analysis of the root system coupled to microbial community inoculation shed light on rhizosphere bacterial community assembly. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS. 57:973-989.
Krupa K., Tonello A., Bendahmane A., Dupiol R., Shalaby B.M, Fabert M., Barthelemy A., Millot G., Wabnitz S., Couderc V..  2016.  Spatial and spectral nonlinear shaping of multimode waves. 2016 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (IPC). :572-573.
Casanova E, Arbogast R-M, Denaire A, Jeunesse C, Lefranc P, Evershed RP.  2020.  Spatial and temporal disparities in human subsistence in the Neolithic Rhineland gateway. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 122:105215.
Fu R, Li L, Yu Z, Afonso E, Giraudoux P.  2019.  Spatial and temporal distribution of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, indices. MAMMALIA. 83:103-109.
Regan K, Stempfhuber B, Schloter M, Rasche F, Prati D, Philippot L, Boeddinghaus RS, Kandeler E, Marhan S.  2017.  Spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrogen fixing, nitrifying and denitrifying microbes in an unfertilized grassland soil. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY. 109:214-226.
J. Bosila W.  2016.  Spatial and temporal dynamics of the cases of tuberculosis in the zone of farming health of Pendjwa, Province of Bandundu/RDC, 2009-2013. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 45:249.
Dabar OAssowe, Camberlin P, Pohl B, Waberi MMohamed, Awaleh MOsman, Silah-Eddine S.  Submitted.  Spatial and temporal variability of rainfall over the Republic of Djibouti from 1946 to 2017. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY.
Dabar OAssowe, Camberlin P, Pohl B, Waberi MMohamed, Awaleh MOsman, Silah-Eddine S.  2021.  Spatial and temporal variability of rainfall over the Republic of Djibouti from 1946 to 2017. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY. 41:2729-2748.
Niang A., Mansuryan T., Krupa K., Tonello A., Fabert M., Leproux P., Modotto D., Egorova O.N, Levchenko A.E, Lipatov D.S et al..  2019.  Spatial beam self-cleaning and supercontinuum generation with Yb-doped multimode graded-index fiber taper based on accelerating self-imaging and dissipative landscape. OPTICS EXPRESS. 27:24018-24028.
Krupa K., Tonello A., Shalaby B.M, Fabert M., Barthelemy A., Millot G., Wabnitz S., Couderc V..  2017.  Spatial beam self-cleaning in multimode fibres. NATURE PHOTONICS. 11:237-U99.
Guenard R, Krupa K, Tonello A, Fabert M, Auguste J-L, Humbert G, Leparmentier S, Duclere J-R, Chenu S, Delaizir G et al..  2019.  Spatial beam self-cleaning in multimode lanthanum aluminum silicate glass fiber. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. 53:102014.
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Tardy V, Etienne D, Masclaux H, Essert V, Millet L, Verneaux V, Lyautey E.  2021.  Spatial distribution of sediment archaeal and bacterial communities relates to the source of organic matter and hypoxia - a biogeographical study on Lake Remoray (France). FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY. 97:fiab126.
