Publications - '`'
Publications 51 - 75 de 76
Titre | DOI |
``Methods for microbial needleless connector decontamination: A systematic review and meta-analysis'' - Interpret results with caution L.Serge Aho Glele; A. Guilloteau; K. Astruc; Y. Carre; P. Chaize; O. Keita-Perse; Y. Lurton; D. Lepelletier 2019 |
10.1016/j.ajic.2019.06.030 |
``Not All That Is White Is Lime'-White Substances from Archaeological Burial Contexts: Analyses and Interpretations E.M.J. Schotsmans; F. Toksoy-Koksal; R.C. Brettell; M. Bessou; R. Corbineau; A.M. Lingle; D. Bouquin; P. Blanchard; K. Becker; D. Castex; C.J. Knusel; A.S. Wilson; R. Chapoulie 2019 |
10.1111/arcm.12453 |
``Obscene and touching''-the tainted aesthetic of Djuna Barnes's Nightwood M. Gillespie 2020 |
10.4000/miranda.27773 |
``Paradoxical'' arthralgia occurring under anti-TNF alpha treatment for inflammatory bowel disease M. Sondag; F. Verhoeven; X. Guillot; C. Prati; C. Briot; L. Vuitton; S. Koch; D. Wendling 2018 |
10.1016/j.jbspin.2017.01.001 |
``PASS'' A SUIT TO SLIP INTO THE PAST Know-how and body appearance in historical reconstruction A.Tuaillon Demesy 2018 |
10.7202/1054311ar |
``Preoperative risk management: Strategy for Staphylococcus aureus preoperative decolonization'' (2013 update) D. Lepelletier; P. Saliou; A. Lefebvre; J.C. Lucet; B. Grandbastien; F. Bruyere; J.P. Stahl; O. Keita-Perse; P. Berthelot; S. Aho; W. SF2H 2014 |
10.1016/j.medmal.2014.04.003 |
``Pro-youthful'' factors in the ``labyrinth'' of cardiac rejuvenation L. Rochette; C. Vergely 2016 |
10.1016/j.exger.2016.07.004 |
``pyGDM''-new functionalities and major improvements to the python toolkit for nano-optics full-field simulations P.R. Wiecha; C. Majorel; A. Arbouet; A. Patoux; Y. Brule; G.Colas des Francs; C. Girard 2022 |
10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108142 |
``Real life'' use of raltegravir during pregnancy in France: The Coferal-IMEA048 cohort study P. Gantner; B. Sylla; L. Morand-Joubert; P. Frange; K. Lacombe; M.A. Khuong; C. Duvivier; O. Launay; M. Karmochkine; C. Arvieux; A. Menard; L. Piroth; A. Canestri; D. Trias; G. Peytavin; R. Landman; J. Ghosn; R. Landman; B. Sylla; A. Benalycharif; K. Amat; O. Launay; P.M. Girard; Y. Yazdanpanah; O. Lortholary; G. Pialoux; L. Weiss; C. Michelet; A. Stein; M.A. Khuong; L. Piroth; C.I.M.E.A.048Study Grp 2019 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0216010 |
``RED'' Matters When Naming ``CAR'': The Cascading Activation of Nontarget Properties S. Roux; P. Bonin 2016 |
10.1037/xlm0000181 |
``Rehab for all!'' Is it too early in pulmonary arterial hypertension? L. Bertoletti; H. Bouvaist; C. Tromeur; S. Bezzeghoud; C. Dauphin; I. Enache; A. Bourdin; M.F. Seronde; D. Montani; S. Turquier; C. Pison; B. Degano; S.Chomette Ballereau; S. Accassat; E. De Magalhaes; D. Hupin; P. Labeix; P. Croisille; C. Pison; M. Noirclerc; C. Dauphin; R. Tresorier; F. Costes; C. Tromeur; F. Couturaud; C. Gut-Gobert; S. Turquier; V. Cottin; J. Traclet; S. Lamoureux; C.Deudon. Strasbourg; I. Enache; M. Riou; M. Canuet; A. Schuller; E. Lonsdorfer; M.F. Seronde; P.Marie Roux; A. Bourdin; C. Boissin; A.S. Gamez-Dubuis; D. Montani; G. Garcia; P. Laveneziana; A. Guerder; M. Humbert; F.H. Investigators 2019 |
10.1183/13993003.01558-2019 |
``SOCIAL ECONOMY'' IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY FRANCE R. Baranzini; E. Castleton; S. Swaton 2017 |
10.19272/201706101004 |
``Social food'': Food literacy co-construction and distortion on social media N. Steils; Z. Obaidalahe 2020 |
10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101932 |
``Stardust gastric mucosa'' - A novel and consistent marker of vonoprazan safety during follow-up? M. Luu; I. Ben Ghezala; M. Bardou 2021 |
10.1111/apt.16198 |
``Strong sustainability: epistemological and political stakes, from ecological economics to other social sciences'' V. Boisvert; L. Carnoye; R. Petitimbert 2020 |
10.4000/developpementdurable.17502 |
``Survival Processing of the Selfish Gene?'': Adaptive Memory and Inclusive Fitness P. Bonin; M. Gelin; B. Laroche; A. Meot 2020 |
10.1007/s40806-019-00220-1 |
``Survive to remember'' A novel approach to episodic memory: Adaptive memory P. Bonin; A. Bugaiska 2014 |
``Survive to remember'' A novel approach to episodic memory: Adaptive memory P. Bonin; A. Bugaiska 2014 |
10.3917/rhlf.143.0583 |
``The story of the history of sport and PE in France'', after ten years C. Vivier; J.F. Loudcher 2015 |
10.1123/shr.46.1.10 |
``They destroy our life, they tear down our factories'' Deindustrialization and worker's (de)mobilisations in two medium-sized cities. Romans and Autun (1949-2017) R. Castellesi 2019 |
``They destroy our life, they tear down our factories'' Deindustrialization and worker's (de)mobilisations in two medium-sized cities. Romans and Autun (1949-2017) R. Castellesi 2019 |
``What pressure ulcers mean to me? `` Representations of pressure ulcer in persons with spinal cord injury: A qualitative study M. Gourlan; A. Pellechia; S. Robineau; B. Foulon; D. Gault; M. Lefort; D. Goossens; S. Mathieu; I. Laffont; A. Dupeyron; G. Ninot; A. Gelis 2020 |
10.1016/j.jtv.2020.07.002 |
``Working for yourself?'' Small farmers in post-socialist Ukraine P. Deffontaines 2021 |
10.4000/nrt.8340 |
``You helped me keep my head above water''-experience of bereavement research after loss of a loved one in the ICU: insights from the ARREVE study A. Laurent; J. Reignier; A. Le Gouge; A. Cottereau; M. Adda; D. Annane; J. Audibert; F. Barbier; P. Bardou; S. Bourcier; J. Bourenne; A. Boyer; F. Brenas; V. Dash; A. Desachy; J. Devaquet; M. Feissel; F. Ganster; M. Garrouste-Orgeas; G. Grillet; O. Guisset; R. Hamidfar-Roy; A.C. Hyacinthe; S. Jochmans; M. Jourdain; A. Lautrette; N. Lerolle; O. Lesieur; F. Lion; P. Mateu; B. Megarbane; S. Merceron; E. Mercier; J. Messika; P. Morin-Longuet; B. Philippon-Jouve; J.P. Quenot; A. Renault; X. Repesse; J.P. Rigaud; S. Robin; A. Roquilly; A. Seguin; D. Thevenin; P. Tirot; I. Vinatier; E. Azoulay; R. Robert; N. Kentish-Barnes 2019 |
10.1007/s00134-019-05722-x |