Publications - '2'

Publications 26 - 43 de 43
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
2021, a year of hope?
C. Meyer
20th century human pressures drive reductions in deepwater oxygen leading to losses of benthic methane-based food webs
S. Belle; L. Millet; V. Verneaux; A. Lami; E. David; L. Murgia; C. Parent; S. Musazzi; E. Gauthier; V. Bichet; M. Magny
24(S)-hydroxycholesterol is a potent modulator of cholesterol metabolism in rat retinal Muller glia
E. Leger-Charnay; L. Martine; L. Bretillon; E. Masson; S. Gambert
24-Month-Treatment with-MD1003 (High Doses of Biotin) in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Results of the MS-SPI Trial Extension Phase
A. Tourbah; C. Lebrun-Frenay; G. Edan; M. Clane; C. Papeix; S. Vukusic; J. de Seze; M. Debouverie; O. Gout; P. Clavelou; G. Defer; D. Laplaud; T. Moreau; P. Labauge; B. Brochet; F. Sedel; J. Pelletier
24-moth durability after crosssover to the prostatic urethral lift from randomised, blinded sham
D. Rukstalis; P. Rashid; W.K. Bogache; R.F. Tutrone; J. Barkin; P.T. Chin; H.H. Woo; A.L. Cantwell; B.E. Cowan; D.M. Bolton
247 fs Time-Localized Structures from a Passively Mode-Locked Figure-of-Eight Semiconductor Laser
D. Chaparro; L. Furfaro; S. Balle
247 fs Time-Localized Structures from a Passively Mode-Locked Figure-of-Eight Semiconductor Laser
D. Chaparro; L. Furfaro; S. Balle
29 French adult patients with PMM2-congenital disorder of glycosylation: outcome of the classical pediatric phenotype and depiction of a late-onset phenotype
M.L. Monin; C. Mignot; P. De Lonlay; B. Heron; A. Masurel; M. Mathieu-Dramard; C. Lenaerts; C. Thauvin; M. Gerard; E. Roze; A. Jacquette; P. Charles; C. de Barace; V. Drouin-Garraud; P.Khau Van Kien; V. Cormier-Daire; M. Mayer; H. Ogier; A. Brice; N. Seta; D. Heron
2D quantitative proton (H-1) and carbon (C-13) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2D q NMR) for direct analysis of free and sulfite-bound carbonyl compounds in wine
M. Nikolantonaki; P. Magiatis; A.L. Waterhouse
2D quantitative proton (H-1) and carbon (C-13) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2D q NMR) for direct analysis of free and sulfite-bound carbonyl compounds in wine
M. Nikolantonaki; P. Magiatis; A.L. Waterhouse
2D topology optimization MATLAB codes for piezoelectric actuators and energy harvesters
A. Homayouni-Amlashi; T. Schlinquer; A. Mohand-Ousaid; M. Rakotondrabe
2D visual micro-position measurement based on intertwined twin-scale patterns
V. Guelpa; P. Sandoz; M.Asmad Vergara; C. Clevy; N. Le Fort-Piat; G.J. Laurent
2D Waveguided Bessel Beam Generated Using Integrated Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Axicon
Y. Fan; B. Cluzel; M. Petit; X. Le Roux; A. Lupu; A. de Lustrac
2D-3D Camera Fusion for Visual Odometry in Outdoor Environments
D.Pani Paudel; C. Demonceaux; A. Habed; P. Vasseur; I.So Kweon
2D-3D Camera Fusion for Visual Odometry in Outdoor Environments
D.Pani Paudel; C. Demonceaux; A. Habed; P. Vasseur; I.So Kweon
2D-3D synchronous/asynchronous camera fusion for visual odometry
D.Pani Paudel; C. Demonceaux; A. Habed; P. Vasseur
2nd ESMO Consensus Conference in Lung Cancer: locally advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer
W.E.E. Eberhardt; D. De Ruysscher; W. Weder; C. Le Pechoux; P. De Leyn; H. Hoffmann; V. Westeel; R. Stahel; E. Felip; S. Peters
2nd PSL Chemical Biology Symposium (2019): At the Crossroads of Chemistry and Biology
M. Lucchino; A. Billet; A. Versini; H. Bavireddi; B.D. Dasari; S. Debieu; L. Colombeau; T. Caneque; A. Wagner; G. Masson; F. Taran; P. Karoyan; M. Delepierre; C. Gaillet; A. Houdusse; S. Britton; F. Schmidt; J.C. Florent; P. Belmont; D. Monchaud; J. Cossy; C. Thomas; A. Gautier; L. Johannes; R. Rodriguez
