Publications - 'C'
Publications 1026 - 1050 de 2875
Titre | DOI |
Climate Change Legislations and Environmental Degradation N. Stef; S. Ben Jabeur 2020 |
10.1007/s10640-020-00520-2 |
Climate change: A driver of future conflicts in the Persian Gulf Region? A.Naderi Beni; N. Marriner; A. Sharifi; J. Azizpour; K. Kabiri; M. Djamali; A. Kirman 2021 |
10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06288 |
Climate co-variability between South America and Southern Africa at interannual, intraseasonal and synoptic scales Y. Puaud; B. Pohl; N. Fauchereau; C. Macron; G. Beltrando 2017 |
10.1007/s00382-016-3318-x |
Climate pacing of millennial sea-level change variability in the central and western Mediterranean M. Vacchi; K.M. Joyse; R.E. Kopp; N. Marriner; D. Kaniewski; A. Rovere 2021 |
10.1038/s41467-021-24250-1 |
Climate reconstructions based on GDGT and pollen surface datasets from Mongolia and Baikal area: calibrations and applicability to extremely cold-dry environments over the Late Holocene L. Dugerdil; S. Joannin; O. Peyron; I. Jouffroy-Bapicot; B. Vanniere; B. Boldgiv; J. Unkelbach; H. Behling; G. Menot 2021 |
10.5194/cp-17-1199-2021 |
Climate Variable Choice in Ricardian Studies of European Agriculture J. Vaitkeviciute; R. Chakir; S. Van Passel 2019 |
10.3917/reco.703.0375 |
Climate variation during the Holocene influenced the skeletal properties of Chamelea gallina shells in the North Adriatic Sea (Italy) A. Cheli; A. Mancuso; M. Azzarone; S. Fermani; J. Kaandorp; F. Marin; D. Montroni; I. Polishchuk; F. Prada; M. Stagioni; G. Valdre; B. Pokroy; G. Falini; S. Goffredo; D. Scarponi 2021 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0247590 |
Climate vs grapevine pests and diseases worldwide : the first results of a global survey B. Bois; S. Zito; A. Calonnec 2017 |
10.20870/oeno-one.2016.0.0.1780 |
Climate warming alters the structure of farmland tritrophic ecological networks and reduces crop yield S.A.P. Derocles; D.H. Lunt; S.C.F. Berthe; P.C. Nichols; E.D. Moss; D.M. Evans 2018 |
10.1111/mec.14903 |
Climate warming induced a stretch of the breeding season and an increase of second clutches in a passerine breeding at its altitudinal limits T. Mingozzi; P. Storino; G. Venuto; A. Massolo; G. Tavecchia 2022 |
10.1093/cz/zoab029 |
Climate, environment and society in southern Italy during the last 2000 years. A review of the environmental, historical and archaeological evidence L. Sadori; C. Giraudi; A. Masi; M. Magny; E. Ortu; G. Zanchetta; A. Izdebski 2016 |
10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.020 |
Climate-driven Mediterranean fire hazard assessments for 2020-2100 on the light of past millennial variability M. Lestienne; B. Vanniere; T. Curt; I. Jouffroy-Bapicot; C. Hely 2022 |
10.1007/s10584-021-03258-y |
Climatic and palaeoceanographic changes during the Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) inferred from clay mineralogy and stable isotope (C-O) geochemistry (NW Europe) C. Bougeault; P. Pellenard; J.F. Deconinck; S.P. Hesselbo; J.L. Dommergues; L. Bruneau; T. Cocquerez; R. Laffont; E. Huret; N. Thibault 2017 |
10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.01.005 |
Climatic and sea-level control of Jurassic (Pliensbachian) clay mineral sedimentation in the Cardigan Bay Basin, Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) borehole, Wales J.F. Deconinck; S.P. Hesselbo; P. Pellenard 2019 |
10.1111/sed.12610 |
Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 1: climate variability P. Camberlin; J. Boyard-Micheau; N. Philippon; C. Baron; C. Leclerc; C. Mwongera 2014 |
10.1002/joc.3427 |
Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 2: crop sensitivity N. Philippon; C. Baron; J. Boyard-Micheau; A. Adde; C. Leclerc; C. Mwongera; P. Camberlin 2016 |
10.1002/joc.4394 |
Climatic reconstruction for the Younger Dryas/Early Holocene transition and the Little Ice Age based on paleo-extents of Argentiere glacier (French Alps) M. Protin; I. Schimmelpfennig; J.L. Mugnier; L. Ravanel; M. Le Roy; P. Deline; V. Favier; J.F. Buoncristiani; A.S.T.E.R. Team 2019 |
10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105863 |
Climatically-driven impacts on sedimentation processes in the Bay of Quiberon (south Brittany, France) over the last 10,000 years A. Baltzer; A.V. Walter-Simonnet; Z. Mokeddem; B. Tessier; E. Goubert; S. Cassen; A. Diffo 2014 |
10.1177/0959683614526933 |
Clinic of forensic pathology of sleep R. Didi; A. Marin; J.C. Girod; L. Nicolleau; D. Maltaverne 2014 |
10.1016/j.eurpsy.2014.09.266 |
Clinical activity of MCLA-128 (zenocutuzumab) in combination with endocrine therapy (ET) in ER+/HER2-low, non-amplified metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients (pts) with ET-resistant disease who had progressed on a CDK4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i). B. Pistilli; H. Wildiers; E.Paige Hamilton; A.Alexandra Ferreira; F. Dalenc; M. Vidal; J. Gavila; A. Goncalves; C. Murias; M.A. Mouret-Reynier; J.L.Re Canon; F. Bazan; S. Ladoire; A. Sirulnik; M. Bekradda; K. Bol; V. Stalbovskaya; A. Murat; J. Ford; F.Clement Bidard 2020 |
Clinical activity of MCLA-128 (zenocutuzumab) in combination with endocrine therapy (ET) in ER+/HER2-low, non-amplified metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients (pts) with ET-resistant disease who had progressed on a CDK4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i). B. Pistilli; H. Wildiers; E.Paige Hamilton; A.Alexandra Ferreira; F. Dalenc; M. Vidal; J. Gavila; A. Goncalves; C. Murias; M.A. Mouret-Reynier; J.L.Re Canon; F. Bazan; S. Ladoire; A. Sirulnik; M. Bekradda; K. Bol; V. Stalbovskaya; A. Murat; J. Ford; F.Clement Bidard 2020 |
Clinical activity, safety, and PK/PD from a phase I study of RO6874281, a fibroblast activation protein (FAP) targeted interleukin-2 variant (IL-2v) I. Melero; C. Alvarez; M. Mau-Sorensen; U.N. Lassen; M.P. Lolkema; D.G. Robbrecht; C.A. Gomez-Roca; J. Martin-Liberal; J. Tabernero; W. Ros; S. Ahmed; N. Isambert; P. Lepoutre; C. Boetsch; J. Charo; S. Evers; V. Teichgraber; J.H.M. Schellens 2018 |
Clinical activity, safety, and PK/PD from a phase I study of RO6874281, a fibroblast activation protein (FAP) targeted interleukin-2 variant (IL-2v) I. Melero; C. Alvarez; M. Mau-Sorensen; U.N. Lassen; M.P. Lolkema; D.G. Robbrecht; C.A. Gomez-Roca; J. Martin-Liberal; J. Tabernero; W. Ros; S. Ahmed; N. Isambert; P. Lepoutre; C. Boetsch; J. Charo; S. Evers; V. Teichgraber; J.H.M. Schellens 2018 |
Clinical and biological features in PIEZO1-hereditary xerocytosis and Gardos channelopathy: a retrospective series of 126 patients V. Picard; C. Guitton; I. Thuret; C. Rose; L. Bendelac; K. Ghazal; P. Aguilar-Martinez; C. Badens; C. Barro; C. Beneteau; C. Berger; P. Cathebras; E. Deconinck; J. Delaunay; J.M. Durand; N. Firah; F. Galacteros; B. Godeau; X. Jais; J.P. de Jaureguiberry; C. Le Stradic; F. Lifermann; R. Maffre; G. Morin; J. Perrin; V. Proulle; M. Ruivard; F. Toutain; A. Lahary; L. Garcon 2019 |
10.3324/haematol.2018.205328 |
Clinical and coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction occurring during sport practice: contemporary data from the RICO survey F. Chague; G. Porot; A. Gudjoncink; R. Robert; J.C. Beer; M. Maza; Y. Cottin; M. Zeller 2018 |