Publications - 'C'

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| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
Clinical Features of Tuberculous Versus Crohn's Anal Fistulas, in Korea
Y.S. Choi; D.S. Kim; J.B. Lee; J.K. Kim; H.J. Jung; S.D. Lee; K.H. Song; D.H. Lee; M.J. Kim
Clinical frailty scale and outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting
D. Reichart; S. Rosato; W. Nammas; F. Onorati; M. Dalen; L. Castro; R. Gherli; G. Gatti; I. Franzese; G. Faggian; M. De Feo; S. Khodabandeh; G. Santarpino; A.S. Rubino; D. Maselli; S. Nardella; A. Salsano; F. Nicolini; M. Zanobini; M. Saccocci; K. Bounader; E.M. Kinnunen; T. Tauriainen; J. Airaksinen; F. Seccareccia; G. Mariscalco; V.G. Ruggieri; A. Perrotti; F. Biancari
Clinical guidelines for the management of depression with specific comorbid psychiatric conditions French recommendations from experts (the French Association for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology and the fondation FondaMental)
D. Bennabi; A. Yrondi; T. Charpeaud; J.B. Genty; S. Destouches; S. Lancrenon; N. Allaili; F. Bellivier; T. Bougerol; V. Camus; O. Doumy; J.M. Dorey; F. Haesebaert; J. Holtzmann; C. Lancon; M. Lefebvre; F. Moliere; I. Nieto; C. Rabu; R. Richieri; L. Schmitt; F. Stephan; G. Vaiva; M. Walter; M. Leboyer; W. El-Hage; B. Aouizerate; E. Haffen; P.M. Llorca; P. Courtet
Clinical guidelines for the management of treatment-resistant depression: French recommendations from experts, the French Association for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology and the fondation FondaMental
L.D. Bennabi; T. Charpeaud; A. Yrondi; J.B. Genty; S. Destouches; S. Lancrenon; N. Alali; F. Bellivier; T. Bougerol; V. Camus; J.M. Dorey; O. Doumy; F. Haesebaert; J. Holtzmann; C. Lancon; M. Lefebvre; F. Moliere; I. Nieto; C. Rabu; R. Richieri; L. Schmitt; F. Stephan; G. Vaiva; M. Walter; M. Leboyer; W. El-Hage; P.M. Llorca; P. Courtet; B. Aouizerate; E. Haffen
Clinical heterogeneity and phenotype/genotype findings in 5 families with &ITGYG1&IT deficiency
R. Ben Yaou; A. Hubert; I. Nelson; J.R. Dahlqvist; D. Gaist; N. Streichenberger; M. Beuvin; M. Krahn; P. Petiot; F. Parisot; F. Michel; E. Malfatti; N. Romero; R.Yves Carlier; B. Eymard; P. Labrune; M. Duno; T. Krag; M. Cerino; M. Bartoli; G. Bonne; J. Vissing; P. Laforet; F.M. Petit
Clinical History and High Prevalence of Gonadal Tumor in 14 Patients with 46 XY Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
C. Sechter-Mavel; M. Cartigny; G. Pinto; M. Bidet; S. Catteau-Jonard; G. Robin; D. Dewailly; Y. Aigrain; T. Blanc; Y. Morel; J. Weill; M. Polak; D. Samara-Boustani
Clinical History and High Prevalence of Gonadal Tumor in 14 Patients with 46 XY Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
C. Sechter-Mavel; M. Cartigny; G. Pinto; M. Bidet; S. Catteau-Jonard; G. Robin; D. Dewailly; Y. Aigrain; T. Blanc; Y. Morel; J. Weill; M. Polak; D. Samara-Boustani
Clinical Image: Bone marrow edema and ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints-spondyloarthritis, they said
F. Verhoeven; M. Sondag; C. Prati; D. Wendling
10.1002/art.41045, Early Access Date = {SEP 2019
Clinical Image: Bone marrow edema and ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints-spondyloarthritis, they said
F. Verhoeven; M. Sondag; C. Prati; D. Wendling
Clinical Images: Positron emission tomography assessment for polymyalgia rheumatica
D. Wendling; A. Stabile; X. Guillot; H. Boulahdour
Clinical Images: Progressive Noninfectious Anterior Vertebral Fusion (Copenhagen Syndrome) in a 15-Year-Old Boy
C. Prati; J. Langlais; S. Aubry; B.Barbier Brion; D. Wendling
Clinical Images: Refractory SAPHO syndrome involving the mandible
P. Ornetti; P. Pottecher
Clinical impact and room for improvement of intensity and adherence to lipid lowering therapy: Five years of clinical follow-up from 164,565 post-myocardial infarction patients
F. Schiele; N. Quignot; A. Khachatryan; G. Gusto; G. Villa; D. Kahangire; J.V. Chauny; L. Ricci; G. Desamericq
Clinical Impact of External Laryngeal Manipulation During Laryngoscopy on Tracheal Intubation Success in Critically Ill Children
T. Kojima; E.K. Laverriere; E.B. Owen; I. Harwayne-Gidansky; A.N. Shenoi; N. Napolitano; K.J. Rehder; M.A. Adu-Darko; S.T. Nett; D. Spear; K. Meyer; ; K.M. Tarquinio; ; J.Hau Lee; D.W. Simon; P.A. Vanderford; A.Y. Lee; ; P.W. Skippen; R.K. Breuer; I. Toedt-Pingel; S.J. Parsons; E.A. Gradidge; L.B. Glater; K. Culver; S. Li; L.A. Polikoff; J.D. Howell; G. Nuthall; G.K. Bysani; A.L. Graciano; G. Emeriaud; O. Saito; A. Orioles; K. Walson; P. Jung; A.M. Al-Subu; T. Ikeyama; R. Shetty; K.M. Yoder; V.M. Nadkarni; A. Nishisaki; N.Emergency Registry; PALISI
Clinical Impact of Flat Panel Volume CT Angiography in Evaluating the Accurate Intraoperative Deployment of Flow-Diverter Stents
F. Clarencon; F. Di Maria; J. Gabrieli; E. Shotar; V. Degos; A. Nouet; A. Biondi; N.A. Sourour
R. Chopard; G. Serzian; S. Humbert; N. Falvo; M. Morel; B. Bonnet; G. Napporn; E. Kalbacher; L. Obert; B. Degano; G. Capellier; Y. Cottin; F. Schiele; N. Meneveau
Clinical impact of nodal status on survival after cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for patients with gastric peritoneal metastasis.
P.Emmanuel Bonnot; F. Mercier; M. Alyami; J.Marc Bereder; K. Abboud; F. Quenet; D. Goere; P. Meeus; S. Msika; C. Arvieux; J.H. Lefevre; D. Pezet; R. Wernert; P. Rat; N. Pirro; T. Courvoisier; R. Kianmanesh; F. Marchal; M. Pocard; O. Glehen
Clinical impact of post-mortem genetic testing in cardiac death and cardiomyopathy
I. Marey; V. Fressart; C. Rambaud; P. Fornes; L. Martin; S. Grotto; Y. Alembik; H. Gorka; G. Millat; E. Gandjbakhch; C. Bordet; G.Lorin de la Grandmaison; P. Richard; P. Charron
Clinical impact of targeted therapies in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma
V. Nerich; M. Hugues; M.Justine Paillard; L. Borowski; T. Nai; U. Stein; T.Nguyen Tan Hon; P. Montcuquet; T. Maurina; G. Mouillet; F. Kleinclauss; X. Pivot; S. Limat; A. Thiery-Vuillemin
Clinical impact of targeted therapies in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma
M. Hugues; V. Nerich; T. Nai; M.J. Paillard; L. Borowski; U. Stein; N.Tan T. Hon; P. Montcuquet; T. Maurina; G. Mouillet; F. Kleinclauss; X. Pivot; A. Thiery-Vuillemin; S. Limat
Clinical impact of targeted therapies in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma
M. Hugues; V. Nerich; T. Nai; M.J. Paillard; L. Borowski; U. Stein; N.Tan T. Hon; P. Montcuquet; T. Maurina; G. Mouillet; F. Kleinclauss; X. Pivot; A. Thiery-Vuillemin; S. Limat
Clinical impact of the disposable ventouse iCup (R) versus a metallic vacuum cup: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
V. Equy; S. David-Tchouda; M. Dreyfus; D. Riethmuller; F. Vendittelli; V. Cabaud; B. Langer; J. Margier; J.L. Bosson; J.P. Schaal
Clinical Impairment in Patients Followed With or Without Interventional Therapy in a Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain Avms (aruba)
J.P. Mohr; J.R. Overbey; C. Stapf; A. Hartmann; M.Antonio Stefani; M.K. Parides; E. Moquete; C.S. Moy; A.J. Moskowitz; C. Cordonnier; R. von Kummer; A. Biondi; K. Harkness; R. Libman; H. Kim; J. Pile-Spellman; C.J.M. (Kar Klijn; I.A.R.U.B.A. Investigators; 39Int Aruba Ctr
Clinical Impairment in Patients Followed with or without Interventional Therapy in a Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain AVMs (ARUBA)
J. Mohr; J. Overbey; C. Stapf; A. Hartmann; M. Stefani; M. Parides; E. Moquete; C. Moy; V.Alan Moskowitzt; A.S. Salman; E. Houdart; C. Cordonnier; R. von Kummer; A. Biondi; J. Berkefeld; C. Klijn; K. Harkness; R. Libman; X. Barreau; H. Kim
Clinical implications of immunosenescence in chronic kidney disease
J. Bamoulid; C. Carron; T. Crepin; P. Saas; D. Ducloux
