Publications - 'I'

Publications 551 - 575 de 2447
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
Impact of hospital volume on outcomes after emergency management of obstructive colon cancer: a nationwide study of 1957 patients
M. Aubert; D. Mege; G. Manceau; V. Bridoux; Z. Lakkis; A. Venara; T. Voron; S. Abdalla; L. Beyer-Berjot; I. Sielezneff; C. Sabbagh; M. Karoui; A.F.C.French Sur Grp
Impact of host nutritional status on infection dynamics and parasite virulence in a bird-malaria system
S. Cornet; C. Bichet; S. Larcombe; B. Faivre; G. Sorci
Impact of HPV on effect of chemotherapy in SCCHN : results of the GORTEC 2007-01 randomized trial
X. Sun; Y. Tao; A. Auperin; C. Sire; L. Martin; C. Khoury; P. Maingon; E. Bardet; M. Lapeyre; Y. Pointreau; N. Ollivier; A. Cornely; O. Casiraghi; J. Bourhis
Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Minority Variants on the Virus Response to a Rilpivirine-Based First-line Regimen
S. Raymond; F. Nicot; C. Pallier; P. Bellecave; A. Maillard; M.Anne Trabaud; L. Morand-Joubert; A. Rodallec; C. Amiel; T. Mourez; L. Bocket; A. Beby-Defaux; M. Bouvier-Alias; S. Lambert-Niclot; C. Charpentier; B. Malve; A. Mirand; J. Dina; H. Le Guillou-Guillemette; S. Marque-Juillet; A. Signori-Schmuck; F. Barin; A. Si-Mohamed; V.Avettand Fenoel; C. Roussel; V. Calvez; K. Saune; A.Genevieve Marcelin; C. Rodriguez; D. Descamps; J. Izopet; A.C.11Resistance Grp
Impact of Human-Centered Vestibular System Model for Motion Control in a Driving Simulator
C. Rengifo; J.R. Chardonnet; H. Mohellebi; A. Kemeny
Impact of Hybridization on Shape, Variation and Covariation of the Mouse Molar
S. Renaud; P. Alibert; J.C. Auffray
Impact of Hygiene, Famine and Environment on Transmission and Spread of Cholera
E. Dangbe; D. Bekolle; D. Irepran; A. Perasso
Impact of immune assessment on patterns of care in stage II colon cancer.
A. Barzi; G.M. Poage; A. Catteau; D. Vernerey
Impact of immune assessment on patterns of care in stage II colon cancer.
A. Barzi; G.M. Poage; A. Catteau; D. Vernerey
Impact of in vivo T cell depletion in HLA-identical allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission conditioned with a fludarabine iv-busulfan myeloablative regimen: a report from the EBMT Acute Leukemia Working
M.Therese Rubio; M. D'Aveni-Piney; M. Labopin; R.M. Hamladji; M.A. Sanz; D. Blaise; H. Ozdogu; E. Daguindeau; C. Richard; S. Santarone; G. Irrera; I. Yakoub-Agha; M. Yeshurun; J.L. Diez-Martin; M. Mohty; B.N. Savani; A. Nagler
Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Early Spondyloarthritis in a Prospective Longitudinal Cohort
D. Wendling; X. Guillot; C. Prati; R. Lories; M. Dougados
Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Early Spondyloarthritis in a Prospective Longitudinal Cohort
D. Wendling; X. Guillot; C. Prati; R. Lories; M. Dougados
Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Mortality in the Oldest Old: A Propensity Score-Matched Cohort Study
P. Walzer; C. Esteve; J. Barben; D. Menu; C. Cuenot; P. Manckoundia; A. Putot
Impact of information and in-home sensory exposure on liking and willingness to pay: The beginning of Fairtrade labeled coffee in France
C. Lange; P. Combris; S. Issanchou; P. Schlich
Impact of initial pulse characteristics on the mitigation of self-phase modulation by sinusoidally time varying phase
S. Boscolo; F. Audo; C. Finot
Impact of initial pulse shape on the nonlinear spectral compression in optical fibre
S. Boscolo; F. Chaussard; E. Andresen; H. Rigneault; C. Finot
Impact of Innovation on Consumers Liking and Willingness to Pay for Traditional Sausages
S. Zakowska-Biemans; M. Sajdakowska; S. Issanchou
Impact of interferon on a triple positive polycythemia vera
H. Campario; M. Mosca; B. Aral; V. Bourgeois; P. Martin; A. Brustel; M. Filser; C. Marzac; I. Plo; F. Girodon
Impact of internal variability on projections of Sahel precipitation change
P.A. Monerie; E. Sanchez-Gomez; B. Pohl; J. Robson; B. Dong
Impact of intraoperative cone beam computed tomography in the management of zygomatic fractures
M. Pons; J.C. Lutz; B. Chatelain; E. Weber; A. Barrabe; C. Meyer; N. Sigaux; A. Louvrier
Impact of intravenous exenatide infusion for perioperative blood glucose control on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injuries after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: sub study of the phase II/III ExSTRESS randomized trial
G. Besch; A. Perrotti; L.Salomon du Mont; M. Puyraveau; X. Ben-Said; M. Baltres; B. Barrucand; G. Flicoteaux; L. Vettoretti; E. Samain; S. Chocron; S. Pili-Floury
Impact of invasive plants in Mediterranean habitats: disentangling the effects of characteristics of invaders and recipient communities
G. Fried; B. Laitung; C. Pierre; N. Chague; F.D. Panetta
Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region
S. Tweed; H. Celle-Jeanton; L. Cabot; F. Huneau; V. De Montety; N. Nicolau; Y. Travi; M. Babic; L. Aquilina; V. Vergnaud-Ayraud; M. Leblanc
Impact of ischemia time on islet isolation success and posttransplantation outcomes: A retrospective study of 452 pancreas isolations
C.H. Wassmer; Q. Perrier; C. Combescure; N. Pernin; G. Parnaud; D. Cottet-Dumoulin; E. Brioudes; K. Bellofatto; F. Lebreton; E. Berishvili; S. Lablanche; L. Kessler; A. Wojtusciszyn; F. Buron; S. Borot; D. Bosco; T. Berney; V. Lavallard
Impact of Kir Ligand Mismatch after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Retrospective Study in 383 Patients from the SFGM-TC
J.E. Martin; S. Morisset; R.Peffault De La Tour; N. Fegueux; E. Forcade; S. Francois; J.B. Mear; P. Chevallier; E. Deconink; H. Labussiere-Wallet; C.E. Bulabois; J.O. Bay; M. Mohty; M.T. Rubio; D. Blaise; S. Nguyen
