Publications - 'I'

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Titre DOI
Impact of previous cyst-enterostomy on patients' outcome following resection of bile duct cysts
M. Ouaissi; R. Kianmanesh; E. Ragot; J. Belghiti; P. Majno; G. Nuzzo; R. Dubois; Y. Revillon; D. Cherqui; D. Azoulay; C. Letoublon; F.R. Pruvot; F. Paye; P. Rat; K. Boudjema; A. Roux; J.Y. Mabrut; J.F. Gigot
Impact of primary tumor sidedness on erlotinib efficacy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with bevacizumab maintenance: Results from the DREAM phase III trial.
B. Chibaudel; T. Andre; B. Samson; M.L. Garcia-Larnicol; J. Dauba; G. Lledo; O.Jean Marie Dupuis; Y. Rinaldi; M. Mabro; N. Aucoin; F. Viret; N. Tubiana-Mathieu; A. Khalil; G.Nabil Baba Hamed; W. Scheithauer; E. Carola; D. Vernerey; C. Louvet; A. de Gramont; C. Tournigand
Impact of Prior Intravenous Thrombolysis on the Outcome of Emergent Carotid Stenting in Acute Stroke Patients With Tandem Occlusion: A Collaborative Pooled Analysis.
M. Anadani; A.M. Spiotta; M. Piotin; F. Turjman; H. Steglich-Arnholm; M. Holtmannspotter; C. Taschner; S. Eiden; D.C. Haussen; R.G. Nogueira; P. Papanagiotou; M. Boutchakova; A. Siddiqui; B. Lapergue; F. Dorn; C. Cognard; M. Killer; S. Mangiafico; M. Ribo; M.N. Psychogios; M.A. Labeyrie; M. Mazighi; A. Biondi; S. Lauzon; S. Richard; R. Anxionnat; S. Bracard; B. Gory; T.I.T.A.N. Thrombectomy
Impact of Prior Intravenous Thrombolysis on the Outcome of Emergent Carotid Stenting in Acute Stroke Patients With Tandem Occlusion: A Collaborative Pooled Analysis.
M. Anadani; A.M. Spiotta; M. Piotin; F. Turjman; H. Steglich-Arnholm; M. Holtmannspotter; C. Taschner; S. Eiden; D.C. Haussen; R.G. Nogueira; P. Papanagiotou; M. Boutchakova; A. Siddiqui; B. Lapergue; F. Dorn; C. Cognard; M. Killer; S. Mangiafico; M. Ribo; M.N. Psychogios; M.A. Labeyrie; M. Mazighi; A. Biondi; S. Lauzon; S. Richard; R. Anxionnat; S. Bracard; B. Gory; T.I.T.A.N. Thrombectomy
Impact of prior statin therapy on the outcome of patients with suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia: an observational study
R. Bruyere; C. Vigneron; S. Prin; A. Pechinot; J.P. Quenot; S. Aho; L. Papazian; P.E. Charles
Impact of Probiotics on Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases. A Review
B. Ebel; G. Lemetais; L. Beney; R. Cachon; H. Sokol; P. Langella; P. Gervais
Impact of prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after acute myocardial infarction on 5-year mortality in the FAST-MI 2005 registry
F. Schiele; E. Puymirat; L. Bonello; G. Dentan; N. Meneveau; J.P. Collet; P. Motreff; R. Ravan; F. Leclercq; P.V. Ennezat; J. Ferrieres; L. Berard; T. Simon; N. Danchin
Impact of protein reinforcement on the deformation of soft cereal foods under chewing conditions studied by X-ray tomography and finite element modelling
M. Assad-Bustillos; S. Guessasma; A.L. Reguerre; D. Valle
Impact of proton therapy on antitumor immune response
C. Mirjolet; A. Nicol; E. Limagne; C. Mura; C. Richard; V. Morgand; M. Rousseau; R. Boidot; F. Ghiringhelli; G. Noel; H. Burckel
Impact of psychological factors in relapse of Crohn's disease
A. Laine; A. Laurent; A. Mariage; B. Flourie; S. Nancey
Impact of Pulmonary Valve Replacement on Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
F. Bessiere; K. Gardey; A. Bouzeman; G. Duthoit; L. Koutbi; F. Labombarda; C. Marquie; J.Baptiste Gourraud; P. Mondoly; J.Marc Sellal; P. Bordachar; A. Hermida; F. Anselme; A. Asselin; C. Audinet; Y. Bernard; S. Boveda; P. Chevalier; G. Clerici; A. Da Costa; M. de Guillebon; P. Defaye; R. Eschalier; R. Garcia; C. Guenancia; B. Guy-Moyat; R. Henaine; D. Irles; L. Iserin; F. Jourda; M. Ladouceur; P. Lagrange; M. Laredo; J. Mansourati; G. Massoulie; A. Mathiron; P. Maury; C. Nguyen; S. Ninni; M.C. Perier; B. Pierre; F. Sacher; C. Walton; P. Winum; R. Martins; J.Luc Pasquie; J.Benoit Thambo; X. Jouven; N. Combes; S. Di Filippo; E. Marijon; V. Waldmann
Impact of pulse proteins (pea and faba bean) enrichment in cereal products (brioche and sponge cake) designed for aging population on oral processing and in vitro protein digestibility
M. Assad-Bustillos; C. Tournier; H. Chiron; S. Guessasma; C. Septier; G.Della Valle; G. Feron
Impact of Radiological Caracteristic of Lung Nodules on Survival in Children with Metastatic Hepatoblastoma
F. Neumann; D. Pariente; L. Brugieres; B. Fresneau; M. Fabre; C. Guettiers; S. Branchereau; B. Mallon; V. Laithierl
Impact of Radiological Caracteristic of Lung Nodules on Survival in Children with Metastatic Hepatoblastoma
F. Neumann; D. Pariente; L. Brugieres; B. Fresneau; M. Fabre; C. Guettiers; S. Branchereau; B. Mallon; V. Laithierl
Impact of Radiological Caracteristic of Lung Nodules on Survival in ChildrenWith Metastatic Hepatoblastoma
F. Neumann; D. Pariente; L. Brugieres; B. Fresneau; M. Fabre; C. Guettier; S. Branchereau; B. Mallon; V. Laithier
Impact of Radiological Caracteristic of Lung Nodules on Survival in ChildrenWith Metastatic Hepatoblastoma
F. Neumann; D. Pariente; L. Brugieres; B. Fresneau; M. Fabre; C. Guettier; S. Branchereau; B. Mallon; V. Laithier
Impact of Radiological Caracteristic of Lung Nodules on Survival in ChildrenWith Metastatic Hepatoblastoma
F. Neumann; D. Pariente; L. Brugieres; B. Fresneau; M. Fabre; C. Guettier; S. Branchereau; B. Mallon; V. Laithier
Impact of radiotherapy administered simultaneously with systemic treatment in patients with melanoma brain metastases within MelBase, a French multicentric prospective cohort
P. Tetu; C. Allayous; B. Oriano; S. Dalle; L. Mortier; M.T. Leccia; B. Guillot; S. Dalac; C. Dutriaux; J.P. Lacour; P. Saiag; F. Brunet-Possenti; J. De Quatrebarbes; P.E. Stoebner; D. Legoupil; M. Beylot-Barry; T. Lesimple; F. Aubin; B. Dreno; S. Mohamed; A. Ballon; R. Porcher; C. Lebbe
Impact of Raman scattering on pulse dynamics in a fiber laser with narrow gain bandwidth
T. Uthayakumar; M. Alsaleh; J. Igbonacho; T. Felenou; T. Dinda; P. Grelu; K. Porsezian
Impact of rectal distension on prostate CBCT-based positioning assessed with 6 degrees-of-freedom couch
J. Charret; J. Salleron; M. Quivrin; F. Mazoyer; P. Lesueur; E. Martin; D. Peiffert; G. Crehange
Impact of reducing fat, salt and sugar in commercial foods on consumer acceptability and willingness to pay in real tasting conditions: A home experiment
S. Romagny; E. Ginon; C. Salles
Impact of Renal Impairment (RI) on Outcomes after Treatment (Tx) with Lenalidomide and Low-Dose Dexamethasone (Rd) in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Patients (Pts): First Trial Results
M.A. Dimopoulos; M.C. Cheung; M. Roussel; T. Liu; B. Gamberi; B. Kolb; G. Derigs; H.Seok Eom; K. Belhadj; P. Lenain; R.H. van der Jagt; S. Rigaudeau; M. Dib; R. Hall; A. Jaccard; A. Tosikyan; L. Karlin; W. Bensinger; R. Schots; G. Chen; J. Marek; A. Ervin-Haynes; T. Facon
Impact of repeated irrigation of lettuce cultures with municipal wastewater on soil bacterial community diversity and composition
S. Gallego; M. Brienza; J. Beguet; S. Chiron; F. Martin-Laurent
Impact of repeated measures of joint space width on the sample size calculation: An application to hip osteoarthritis
P. Ornetti; L. Gossec; D. Laroche; C. Combescure; M. Dougados; J.F. Maillefert
Impact of resolution recovery for improvement of image quality in 123I/99mTc-MIBI parathyroid SPECT
M. Verstraete; Y.R. Petegnief; O. Morel; C. Ungureanu; G. Landecy; L. Comas; C. Drouet; H. Boulahdour
