Insertion Reactions of Neutral Phosphidozirconocene Complexes as a Convenient Entry into Frustrated Lewis Pair Territory A.T. Normand; C.G. Daniliuc; B. Wibbeling; G. Kehr; P. Le Gendre; G. Erker 2016 |
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Insight into Lying Behaviour with Priming Effect: Three Studies of Using FrenchPoliticians and Presidents as Primers K. Chang; J. Celse; S. Quinton 2016 |
Insight into the Mechanism of Water Adsorption/Desorption in Hydrophilic Viologen-Carboxylate Based PCP M. Leroux; N. Mercier; J.P. Bellat; G. Weber; I. Bezverkhyy 2017 |
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Insight into the primary mode of action of TiO2 nanoparticles on Escherichia coli in the dark B. Sohm; F. Immel; P. Bauda; C. Pagnout 2015 |
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Insight into the truffle brule: tripartite interactions between the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), holm oak (Quercus ilex) and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants E. Taschen; M. Sauve; B. Vincent; J. Parlade; D. van Tuinen; Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas; B. Assenat; M.A. Selosse; F. Richard 2020 |
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Insight into the truffle brule: tripartite interactions between the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), holm oak (Quercus ilex) and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants E. Taschen; M. Sauve; B. Vincent; J. Parlade; D. van Tuinen; Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas; B. Assenat; M.A. Selosse; F. Richard 2020 |
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Insights From the Use in Clinical Practice of Eculizumab in Adult Patients With Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Affecting the Native Kidneys: An Analysis of 19 Cases F. Fakhouri; Y. Delmas; F. Provot; C. Barbet; A. Karras; R. Makdassi; C. Courivaud; K. Rifard; A. Servais; C. Allard; V. Besson; M. Cousin; V. Chatelet; J.M. Goujon; J.P. Coindre; G. Laurent; C. Loirat; V. Fremeaux-Bacchi 2014 |
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Insights into gelation kinetics and gel front migration in cation-induced polysaccharide hydrogels by viscoelastic and turbidity measurements: Effect of the nature of divalent cations U.T.D. Huynh; O. Chambin; A.Maire du Poset; A. Assifaoui 2018 |
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Insights Into Mechanisms of GDF15 and Receptor GFRAL: Therapeutic Targets L. Rochette; M. Zeller; Y. Cottin; C. Vergely 2020 |
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Insights into sliding wear and friction behavior of copper in ethanol containing alkylphosphonic acid molecules X. Roizard; J. Heinrichs; E. Taouil; S. Jacobson; M. Olsson; J.M. Melot; F. Lallemand 2016 |
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Insights into the combination of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and motor imagery in a training-based approach A. Bouguetoch; A. Martin; S. Grospretre 2021 |
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Insights into the combination of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and motor imagery in a training-based approach A. Bouguetoch; A. Martin; S. Grospretre 2021 |
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Insights into the crystal packing of phosphorylporphyrins based on the topology of their intermolecular interaction energies R.I. Zubatyuk; A.A. Sinelshchikova; Y.Y. Enakieva; Y.G. Gorbunova; A.Y. Tsivadze; S.E. Nefedov; A. Bessmertnykh-Lemeune; R. Guilard; O.V. Shishkin 2014 |
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Insights into the Function and Horizontal Transfer of Isoproturon Degradation Genes (pdmAB) in a Biobed System V. Storck; S. Gallego; S. Vasileiadis; S. Hussain; J. Beguet; N. Rouard; C. Baguelin; C. Perruchon; M. Devers-Lamrani; D.G. Karpouzas; F. Martin-Laurent 2020 |
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Insights into the Summer Diurnal Cycle over Eastern South Africa S. Koseki; B. Pohl; B.Chandra Bhatt; N. Keenlyside; A.Stela Nkwi Njouodo 2018 |
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Insights into the Synthesis and the Solution Behavior of meso-Aryloxy- and Alkoxy-Substituted Porphyrins K.P. Birin; Y.G. Gorbunova; A.Yu Tsivadze; A.G. Bessmertnykh-Lemeune; R. Guilard 2015 |
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Insights on Car Relocation Operations in One-Way Carsharing Systems R. Zakaria; M. Dib; L. Moalic; A. Caminada 2018 |
Insights on Car Relocation Operations in One-Way Carsharing Systems R. Zakaria; M. Dib; L. Moalic; A. Caminada 2018 |
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Insights on the Role of Copper Addition in the Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of Binary Zr-Cu Metallic Glass Coatings J. Tang; Q. Zhu; Y. Wang; M. Apreutesei; H. Wang; P. Steyer; M. Chamas; A. Billard 2017 |
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Instabilities and Rogue Waves in Non-Linear Fiber Optics P.A. Lacourt; B. Wetzel; G. Genty; F. Dias; J. Dudley 2014 |
Instabilities and Rogue Waves in Non-Linear Fiber Optics P.A. Lacourt; B. Wetzel; G. Genty; F. Dias; J. Dudley 2014 |
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Instabilities in a dissipative soliton-similariton laser using a scalar iterative map F. Meng; C. Lapre; C. Billet; G. Genty; J.M. Dudley 2020 |
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