Publications - 'I'
Publications 1726 - 1750 de 2447
Titre | DOI |
Integration of ergonomics in the process of conception of special vehicles with an evolutionary simulator of cockpit architectures M. Roger; J.B. Bluntzer; M. Mahdjoub 2014 |
Integration of Future Maintenance Actions in the Prediction of the Parameters of the ATLAS COPCO ZR 200 Compressor A.Virginie Tjahe; B.Mtopi Fotso; M. Fogue; N. Zerhouni 2021 |
10.36001/IJPHM.2021.v12i2.2916 |
Integration of human factors into the design process of helicopter maintainability F. Bernard; M. Zare; J.C. Sagot; R. Paquin 2019 |
10.1002/hfm.20792 |
10.1215/00127094-2017-0056 |
Integration of the palliative approach into intensive care medicine: from theory to practice O. Noizet-Yverneau; F. Bordet; J. Pillot; B. Eon; F. Gonzalez; S. Dray; A. Boyer; I. Blondiaux; B. Quentin; S. Rolando; M.C. Jars-Guincestre; A. Laurent; J.P. Quenot; T. Boulain; L. Soufir; M. Serie; G. Penven; L. De Saint-Blanquat; T. Vanderlinden; J.P. Rigaud; J. Reignier 2019 |
10.3166/rea-2019-0124 |
Integration of the SMXL/D53 strigolactone signalling repressors in the model of shoot branching regulation in Pisum sativum S.C. Kerr; S.B. Patil; Ade Saint Germain; J.P. Pillot; J. Saffar; Y. Ligerot; G. Aubert; S. Citerne; Y. Bellec; E.A. Dun; C.A. Beveridge; C. Rameau 2021 |
10.1111/tpj.15415 |
Integration over the quantum diagonal subgroup and associated Fourier-like algebras U. Franz; H.Hee Lee; A. Skalski 2016 |
10.1142/S0129167X16500737 |
Integrative analysis of a phase 2 trial combining lenalidomide with CHOP in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma F. Lemonnier; V. Safar; A. Beldi-Ferchiou; A.S. Cottereau; E. Bachy; G. Cartron; V. Fataccioli; L. Pelletier; C. Robe; A. Letourneau; E. Missiaglia; S. Fourati; M.P. Moles-Moreau; A. Delmer; R. Bouabdallah; L. Voillat; S. Becker; C. Bossard; M. Parrens; O. Casasnovas; V. Cacheux; C. Regny; V. Camus; M.H. Delfau-Larue; M. Meignan; L. de Leval; P. Gaulard; C. Haioun 2021 |
10.1182/bloodadvances.2020003081 |
Integrative analysis of resistance to BRAF-targeted therapies in lung adenocarcinomas S. Ortiz-Cuaran; J. Mazieres; A. Swalduz; W.Rene Chumb Flores; Y. Loriot; V. Westeel; A. Pradines; C. Tissot; C.Clement Duchene; C. Raynaud; X. Quantin; R. Gervais; E. Brain; I. Monnet; E.Giroux Leprieur; S. Neymarc; V. Avrillon; S. Marteau; S. Martinez; G. Clapisson; N. Girerd-Chambaz; C. Mahier; N. Hoog-Labouret; F. de Kievit; K. Howarth; E. Green; C. Morris; M. Perol; J.Y. Blay; P. Saintingy 2018 |
10.1158/1538-7445.AM2018-1841 |
Integrative analysis of the mineralogical and chemical composition of modern microbialites from ten Mexican lakes: What do we learn about their formation? N. Zeyen; K. Benzerara; O. Beyssac; D. Daval; E. Muller; C. Thomazo; R. Tavera; P. Lopez-Garcia; D. Moreira; E. Duprat 2021 |
10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.030 |
Integrative Assessment of Congestion in Heart Failure Throughout the Patient Journey N. Girerd; M.F. Seronde; S. Coiro; T. Chouihed; P. Bilbault; F. Braun; D. Kenizou; B. Maillier; P. Nazeyrollas; G. Roul; L. Fillieux; W.T. Abraham; ; L. Sebbag; F. Zannad; A. Mebazaa; P. Rossignol; I.N.I.C.R.C.T.Great Network; E.F.H.F. Grp 2018 |
10.1016/j.jchf.2017.09.023 |
Integrity basis of polyconvex invariants for modeling hyperelastic orthotropic materials - Application to the mechanical response of passive ventricular myocardium R. Cai; F. Holweck; Z.Q. Feng; F. Peyraut 2021 |
10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2021.103713 |
Intellectual disability in patients with MODY due to hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) molecular defects D. Dubois-Laforgue; C. Bellanne-Chantelot; P. Charles; A. Jacquette; E. Larger; C. Ciangura; C. Saint-Martin; C. Rastel; B. Keren; J. Timsit; C. Ajzenberg; R. Azar; E. Badet; E. Baechler-Sadoul; G. Barrande; E. Bertin; H. Bony; S. Gross; C. Bouche; J.F. Gautier; P.J. Guillausseau; N. Bourcigaux; L. Jacquesson; J. Bruzeau; G. Lefort; C. Colmar-Montiel; M. Cordonnier; L. Couzi; E. Delgrange; L.D. Pasquier; P. Ronco; J. Dupont; L. Dusselier; E. Etr; A. Franchini; C. Godart; C. Vincent-Dejean; F. Guemazi; M.E. Jeanjean; S. Jeannea; S. Loric; M. Joubert; Y. Reznik; E. Kaloustian; L. Kessler; D. Paris-Bockel; P. Perrin; A. Kitzis; A. Lemoine; D. Le Penher; C. Perlemoine; V. Lesire; D. Smati; F. Le Thai; D. Levy; E. Maury; P. Moulin; P. Pierre; F. Plat; J.P. Poynard; M.L. Raffin-Sanson; S. Coz; E. Requeda; G. Roussey-Kesler; F. Schillo; J.F. Subra; E. Sonnet; R. Valero; M.C. Vantyghem; R. Wautelet; A. Wojtusciszyn; SFD 2017 |
10.1016/j.diabet.2016.10.003 |
Intellectual functioning of adults with Silver-Russell syndrome due to IGF2/H19 hypomethylation in the 11p15 region M. Burgevin; A. Lacroix; G. Brown; M. Mikaty; A. Toutain; M. Vincent; D. Martin-Coignard; F. Petit; R. Coutant; C. Thauvin-Robinet; B. Donadille; I. Netchine; S. Odent 2020 |
Intelligent agents for feature modelling in computer aided design A.J. Fougeres; E. Ostrosi 2018 |
10.1016/j.jcde.2017.11.001 |
Intelligent agents for feature modelling in computer aided design (vol 5, pg 19, 2018) A.J. Fougeres; E. Ostrosi 2018 |
10.1016/j.jcde.2018.05.005 |
Intelligent Breathing Soliton Generation in Ultrafast Fiber Lasers X. Wu; J. Peng; S. Boscolo; Y. Zhang; C. Finot; H. Zeng 2022 |
10.1002/lpor.202100191 |
Intelligent Cloud Storage Management for Layered Tiers M. Batrouni; S. Finch; S. Wilson; A. Bertaux; C. Nicolle 2018 |
10.1007/978-3-030-00560-3_5 |
Intelligent Engineering Design of Complex City: a Co-evolution Model B. He; E. Ostrosi; F. Pfaender; A.J. Fougeres; D. Choulier; B. Bachimont; M.Z. Tzen 2014 |
10.3233/978-1-61499-440-4-434 |
Intelligent modular design with holonic fuzzy agents E. Ostrosi; A.J. Fougeres; Z.F. Zhang; J. Stjepandic 2021 |
10.1007/s40436-020-00331-0 |
Intelligent modular design with holonic fuzzy agents E. Ostrosi; A.J. Fougeres; Z.F. Zhang; J. Stjepandic Submitted |
10.1007/s40436-020-00331-0, Early Access Date = {JAN 2021 |
Intelligent monitoring of multi-axis robots for online diagnostics of unknown arm deviations M. Soualhi; K.T.P. Nguyen; K. Medjahe; D. Lebel; D. Cazaban Submitted |
10.1007/s10845-021-01882-0 |
Intelligent monitoring of multi-axis robots for online diagnostics of unknown arm deviations (Jan, 10.1007/s10845-021-01882-0, 2022) M. Soualhi; K.T.P. Nguyen; K. Medjaher; D. Lebel; D. Cazaban Submitted |
10.1007/s10845-022-01919-y |
Intelligent prognostics of bearings based on bidirectional long short-term memory and wavelet packet decomposition H. Habbouche; T. Benkedjouh; N. Zerhouni 2021 |
10.1007/s00170-021-06814-z |
Intelligent virtual manufacturing cell formation in cloud-based design and manufacturing E. Ostrosi; A.J. Fougeres 2018 |
10.1016/j.engappai.2018.08.012 |