Investigation of the Effect of Residual Stress Gradient on the Wear Behavior of PVD Thin Films B. Tlili; C. Nouveau; G. Guillemot; A. Besnard; A. Barkaoui 2018 |
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Investigation of the effect of torch tilt and external magnetic field on arc during overlapping deposition of wire arc additive manufacturing X. Zhou; Q. Tian; Y. Du; Y. Zhang; X. Bai; Y. Zhang; H. Zhang; C. Zhang; Y. Yuan 2021 |
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Investigation of the High-Resolution Fourier Spectrum of the nu(3)+nu(4) Band of the (CH3D)-C-13 Molecule K.B. Berezkin; A.L. Fomchenko; C. Leroy; V.M. Horneman; S. Bauerecker; E.S. Bekhtereva 2017 |
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Investigation of the impact of a wireless Fog Warning System with respect to road traffic on a highway F. Outay; A.U.H. Ahmar; F. Kamoun; A.U.H. Yasar; C. Sommer; N. Jabeur; S. El-Amine 2019 |
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Investigation of the influence of incremental sheet forming process parameters using response surface methodology B. Karim; O.Ouali Mohand; Z. Nasereddine; T. Sebastien 2021 |
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Investigation of the interactions between proton exchange membrane fuel cell and interleaved DC/DC boost converter in case of power switch faults D. Guilbert; A. Gaillard; A. Mohammadi; A. N'Diaye; A. Djerdir 2015 |
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Investigation of the internal structure of hemp fibres using optical coherence tomography and Focused Ion Beam transverse cutting V. Placet; J. Meteau; L. Froehly; R. Salut; L. Boubakar 2014 |
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Investigation of the Liquid-Vapor Interface of Water-Formamide Mixtures by Computer Simulation and Intrinsic Surface Analysis B. Kiss; B. Fabian; A. Idrissi; M. Szori; P. Jedlovszky 2018 |
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Investigation of the liquid-vapour interface of aqueous methylamine solutions by computer simulation methods R.A. Horvath; B. Fabian; M. Szori; P. Jedlovszky 2019 |
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Investigation of the Na2O/Ag2O ratio on the synthesis conditions and properties of the 80TeO(2)-10ZnO-[(10-x)Na2O-xAg(2)O] glasses D. Boiruchon; F. Desevedavy; S. Chenu; C. Strutynski; F. Smektala; G. Gadret; M. Dussauze; V. Jubera; Y. Messaddeq; T. Cardinal; S. Danto 2019 |
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Investigation of the Photothermal Excited Microcantilevers Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory Y.Q. Song; B. Cretin; D.M. Todorovic; P. Vairac 2019 |
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Investigation of the possible origins of the differences in mechanical properties of hemp and flax fibres: A numerical study based on sensitivity analysis A. Del Masto; F. Trivaudey; V. Guicheret-Retel; V. Placet; L. Boubakar 2019 |
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Investigation of the prognostic value of CD4 T cell subsets expanded from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes of colorectal cancer liver metastases M. Kroemer; C. Turco; L. Spehner; J. Viot; I. Idirene; A. Bouard; E. Renaude; M. Deschamps; Y. Godet; O. Adotevi; S. Limat; B. Heyd; M. Jary; R. Loyon; C. Borg 2020 |
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Investigation of the sintering of barytocalcite with BaCO3 as a secondary phase for immobilizing carbon-14 N. Massoni; S. Le Gallet 2016 |
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Investigation of the spontaneous nanoemulsification process with medium-and long-chain triglycerides Y. Jamoussi; T. Zaiter; C. Desrumaux; N. Acar; Y. Pellequer; A. Beduneau 2021 |
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Investigation of the swelling behavior of cationic exchange resins saturated with Na+ ions in a C3S paste E. Lafond; C.Dit Coumes; S. Gauffinet; D. Chartier; P. Le Bescop; L. Stefan; A. Nonat 2015 |
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Investigation of Ti0.54Al0.46/Ti0.54Al0.46N multilayer films deposited by reactive gas pulsing process by nano-indentation and electron energy-loss spectroscopy M.J. Pac; Y. Pinot; S. Giljean; C. Rousselot; P. Delobelle; C. Ulhaq-Bouillet; M.H. Tuilier 2017 |
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Investigation of tool deflection during milling of thread in Cr-Co dental implant A.Carla Araujo; G. Fromentin 2018 |
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Investigation of tool geometry effect and penetration strategies on cutting forces during thread milling V.S. Sharma; G. Fromentin; G. Poulachon; R. Brendlen 2014 |
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Investigation of Volumic Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Losses in Multi-Phase Synchronous Machines from Hybrid Multi-Layer Model Y. Benmessaoud; D. Ouamara; F. Dubas; M. Hilairet 2020 |
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Investigation on flicker noise of overtones and anharmonic modes of ultra-stables quartz crystal resonators P. Alok; S. Fabrice; I. Joel; E. Francois-Xavier; C. Gilles 2017 |
Investigation on flicker noise of overtones and anharmonic modes of ultra-stables quartz crystal resonators P. Alok; S. Fabrice; I. Joel; E. Francois-Xavier; C. Gilles 2017 |
Investigation on offshore wind energy potential in Benin Republic M.R. Aza-Gnandji; F.X. Fifatin; F. Dubas; T.C. Nounangnonhou; C. Espanet; A. Vianou 2021 |
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Investigation on offshore wind energy potential in Benin Republic M.R. Aza-Gnandji; F.X. Fifatin; F. Dubas; T.C. Nounangnonhou; C. Espanet; A. Vianou 2021 |
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Investigation on the Clogging Behavior and Additional Wall Cooling for the Axial-Injection Cold Spray Nozzle X. Wang; B. Zhang; J. Lv; S. Yin 2015 |
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