Publications - 'I'
Publications 2376 - 2400 de 2447
Titre | DOI |
Ischemia-reperfusion. Preservation solution and hypothermic machine perfusion B. Barrou; N. Chatauret; T. Hauet; R. Thuret; F. Kleinclauss; M.O. Timsit; R. Codas; X. Matillon; L. Badet 2016 |
10.1016/j.purol.2016.08.007 |
Ischemic Digital Ulcers Affect Hand Disability and Pain in Systemic Sclerosis L. Mouthon; P.H. Carpentier; C. Lok; P. Clerson; V. Gressin; E. Hachulla; A. Berezne; E. Diot; A.Khau Van Kien; P. Jego; C. Agard; A.Benedicte Duval-Modeste; A. Sparsa; E. Puzenat; M.A. Richard; E.C.L.I.P.S.E.Study Investigators 2014 |
10.3899/jrheum.130900 |
Ischemic Stroke Increases Heart Vulnerability to Ischemia-Reperfusion and Alters Myocardial Cardioprotective Pathways A. Meloux; E. Rigal; L. Rochette; Y. Cottin; Y. Bejot; C. Vergely 2018 |
10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.022207 |
Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation Characteristics and Time Trends 2006 to 2017 in the Dijon Stroke Registry A. Gabet; C. Guenancia; G. Duloquin; V. Olie; Y. Bejot 2021 |
10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030812 |
Ischemic strokes in adolescents T. Rambaud; L. Nicolas; C. Bellesme; B. Lapergue; E. Jouvent; M. Zuber; S. Crozier; C. Lamy; Y. Bejot; M. Kossorotoff; C. Denier 2019 |
Ischemic strokes in adolescents T. Rambaud; L. Nicolas; C. Bellesme; B. Lapergue; E. Jouvent; M. Zuber; S. Crozier; C. Lamy; Y. Bejot; M. Kossorotoff; C. Denier 2019 |
iScore for Predicting Institutional Care after Ischemic Stroke: A Population-Based Study Y. Bejot; B. Daubail; B. Sensenbrenner; N. Legris; J. Durier; M. Giroud 2015 |
10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2014.11.010 |
Islet of Langerhans isolation from pediatric and juvenile donor pancreases R.P.H. Meier; I. Sert; P. Morel; Y.D. Muller; S. Borot; L. Badet; C. Toso; D. Bosco; T. Berney 2014 |
10.1111/tri.12367 |
Islet transplantation versus insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes with severe hypoglycaemia or poorly controlled glycaemia after kidney transplantation (TRIMECO): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial S. Lablanche; M.C. Vantyghem; L. Kessler; A. Wojtusciszyn; S. Borot; C. Thivolet; S. Girerd; D. Bosco; J.L. Bosson; C. Colin; R. Tetaz; S. Logerot; J. Kerr-Conte; E. Renard; A. Penfornis; E. Morelon; F. Buron; K. Skaare; G. Grguric; C. Camillo-Brault; H. Egelhofer; K. Benomar; L. Badet; T. Berney; F. Pattou; P.Y. Benhamou; T.R.I.M.E.C.O.Trial Investigators 2018 |
10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30078-0 |
ISOCHROMOSOME 17Q, UNBALANCED TRANSLOCATIONS AND 8Q GAIN REPRESENT ADVERSE PROGNOSTIC FACTORS IN CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA (CLL) WITH 17P DELETION. A GFCH STUDY E. Chapiro; C. Lesty; C. Gabillaud; E. Durot; S. Struski; A. Bidet; E. Laharanne; C. Barin; L. Veronese; V. Eclache; B. Gailllard; L. Michaud; C. Lefebvre; J.B. Gaillard; C. Terre; D. Penther; C. Bastard; N. Nadal; S. Fert-Ferrer; N. Auger; C. Godon; O. Tournilhac; L. Sutton; F. Nguyen-Khac 2017 |
Isochromosome 17q, unbalanced translocations and 8q gain represent adverse prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with 17p deletion. A Groupe Francophone de Cytogenetique Hematologique (GFCH) study C. Godon; E. Chapiro; F. Nguyen-Khac; C. Lesty; S. Struski; E. Durot; A. Bidet; E. Laharanne; C. Barin; C. Gabillaud; L. Veronese; N. Prie; V. Eclache; B. Gaillard; L. Michaux; C. Lefebvre; J.B. Gaillard; C. Terre; D. Penther; C. Bastard; N. Nadal; S. Fert-Ferrer; N. Auger; O. Tournilhac; L. Sutton 2017 |
Isolated Anti-HBc: Significance and Management F. Moretto; F.X. Catherine; C. Esteve; M. Blot; L. Piroth 2020 |
10.3390/jcm9010202 |
Isolated Cerebellar Ischemic Strokes Revealing Giant Cell Arteritis in an Elderly Adult J. Bremont; T. Maillet; A. Putot; A. Lalu-Fraisse; E. Demaistre; B. Terriat; A. Camus; M. Giroud; L. Martin; E. Steinmetz; P. Manckoundia 2016 |
10.1111/jgs.14418 |
Isolated Cerebral Alveolar Echinococcosis A. Baldolli; J. Bonhomme; H. Yera; F. Grenouillet; F. Chapon; C. Barbier; P. Hazera; R. Verdon 2019 |
10.1093/ofid/ofy349 |
Isolated familial choanal atresia: a new entity in the phenotypic spectrum of KMT2D gene A. Garde; T. Mau-Them; S. Nambot; M. Fradin; S. Odent; Y. Duffour; S. Banka; C. Philippe; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Faivre 2020 |
Isolated familial choanal atresia: a new entity in the phenotypic spectrum of KMT2D gene A. Garde; T. Mau-Them; S. Nambot; M. Fradin; S. Odent; Y. Duffour; S. Banka; C. Philippe; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Faivre 2020 |
Isolated hepatic perfusion: Principles and results O. Facy; A. Doussot; F. Zinzindohoue; S. Holl; P. Rat; O. Deballon 2014 |
10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2013.12.006 |
Isolated intra-ocular relapses of primary central nervous system lymphoma N. Younan; C. Soussain; S. Choquet; V. Touitou; A. Schmitt; O. Chinot; L. Taillandier; A. Amiel; K. Laribi; T. Lamy; H. Ghesquieres; J.P. Marolleau; M.P. Moles; A. Tempescul; P. Agape; N. Cassoux; F. Jardin; R. Gressin; E. Gyan; A. Brion; G. Ahle; E. Yamani; M. Bourniquel; K. Hoang-Xuan; C. Houillier 2017 |
Isolated intra-ocular relapses of primary central nervous system lymphoma N. Younan; C. Soussain; S. Choquet; V. Touitou; A. Schmitt; O. Chinot; L. Taillandier; A. Amiel; K. Laribi; T. Lamy; H. Ghesquieres; J.P. Marolleau; M.P. Moles; A. Tempescul; P. Agape; N. Cassoux; F. Jardin; R. Gressin; E. Gyan; A. Brion; G. Ahle; E. Yamani; M. Bourniquel; K. Hoang-Xuan; C. Houillier 2017 |
Isolated ipsilateral local recurrence of breast cancer: Predictive factors and prognostic impact G. Houvenaeghel; A. De Nonneville; M. Cohen; J.M. Classe; F. Reyal; C. Mazouni; N. Chopin; A. Martinez; E. Darai; C. Coutant; P.E. Colombo; P. Gimbergues; M.P. Chauvet; A.S. Azuar; R. Rouzier; T. de Lara; X. Murraciole; A. Agostini; A. Goncalves; E. Lambaudie 2019 |
10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS18-P2-08-08 |
Isolated lymph node recurrence in epithelial ovarian cancer: Recurrence with better prognosis? R. Delangle; L. Rossard; J. Cirier; J. Delvallee; S. Bendifallah; C. Touboul; P. Collinet; C. Coutant; C. Akladios; V. Lavoue; P.A. Bolze; C. Huchon; A. Bricou; G. Canlorbe; M. Ballester; E. Darai; G. Body; L. Ouldamer; F.R.A.N.C.O.G.Y.N.Res Grp 2020 |
10.1016/j.ejogrb.2020.04.049 |
Isolated nail lichen planus: An expert consensus on treatment of the classical form M. Iorizzo; A. Tosti; M. Starace; R. Baran; ; N. Di Chiacchio; S. Goettmann; C. Grover; E. Haneke; S.R. Lipner; P. Rich; B. Richert; D. Rigopoulos; A.I. Rubin; M. Zaiac; B.Maria Piraccini 2020 |
10.1016/j.jaad.2020.02.056 |
Isolated pure verbal amnesia as the disease onset of probable multiple sclerosis with a left forniceal black hole E. Magnin; M. Bereau; L. Chamard; A. Jary; T. Moreau; E. Berger 2016 |
10.1016/j.neurol.2016.03.008 |
Isolated unilateral temporalis muscle hypertrophy: First case in an 8-year-old boy and review N. Zwetyenga; A. Hallier; M. Girodon; J. Levasseur; L. Loison-Robert; V. Moris 2018 |
10.1016/j.jormas.2017.10.010 |
Isolation and characterization of 8 microsatellite loci for the ``killer shrimp'', an invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) T. Rewicz; R.A. Wattier; T. Rigaud; K. Bacela-Spychalska; M. Grabowski 2015 |
10.1007/s11033-014-3742-0 |