New consumer-dependent energy management system to reduce cost and carbon impact in smart buildings N. Haidar; M. Attia; S.M. Senouci; E.H. Aglzim; A. Kribeche; Z.Binti Asus 2018 |
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New data on type locality and dental morphometry of the Gerbe's vole Microtus pyrenaicus gerbei (Gerbe, 1879) (Cricetidae, Rodentia) P. Rolland; P. Brunet-Lecomte 2015 |
New data on type locality and dental morphometry of the Gerbe's vole Microtus pyrenaicus gerbei (Gerbe, 1879) (Cricetidae, Rodentia) P. Rolland; P. Brunet-Lecomte 2015 |
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New desulfured troglitazone derivatives: Improved synthesis and biological evaluation D. Dupommier; C. Muller; C. Comoy; S. Mazerbourg; A. Bordessa; E. Piquard; M. Pawlak; F. Piquard; H. Martin; E. De Fays; S. Grandemange; S. Flament; M. Boisbrun 2020 |
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New desulfured troglitazone derivatives: Improved synthesis and biological evaluation (vol 187, 111939, 2020) D. Dupommier; C. Muller; C. Comoy; S. Mazerbourg; A. Bordessa; E. Piquard; M. Pawlak; F. Piquard; H. Martin; E. De Fays; S. Grandemange; S. Flament; M. Boisbrun 2020 |
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New determinants of olfactory habituation C. Sinding; F. Valadier; V. Al-Hassani; G. Feron; A. Tromelin; I. Kontaris; T. Hummel 2017 |
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New development of monoclonal antibodies targeting TRAIL agonist receptors A. Dubuisson 2019 |
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New Developments in Spatial Economics and Economic Geography J. Le Gallo 2016 |
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New Drugs in Infectious Diseases. Which Place for Tedizolid, Ceftaroline, and Ceftobiprole in the ICU? P.E. Charles; A. Dargent; P. Andreu 2017 |
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New Dual Small Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy Combining Histamine H-3 Receptor (H3R) Antagonism and Calcium Channels Blockade with Additional Cholinesterase Inhibition R. Malek; R.L. Arribas; A. Palomino-Antolin; P. Totoson; C. Demougeot; T. Kobrlova; O. Soukup; I. Iriepa; I. Moraleda; D. Diez-Iriepa; J. Godyn; D. Panek; B. Malawska; M. Gluch-Lutwin; B. Mordyl; A. Siwek; F. Chabchoub; J. Marco-Contelles; K. Kiec-Kononowicz; J. Egea; Cde los Rios; L. Ismaili 2019 |
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New dynamic modeling of a real embedded metal hydride hydrogen storage system D. Zhu; Y. Ait-Amirat; A. N'Diaye; A. Djerdir 2019 |
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New Eco-Friendly Synthesized Thermosets from Isoeugenol-Based Epoxy Resins Q. Ruiz; S. Pourchet; V. Placet; L. Plasseraud; G. Boni 2020 |
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New entrepreneurial worlds Can the use of role models in higher education inspire students? The case of Nigeria S. Adesola; Bden Outer; S. Mueller 2019 |
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New Eocene Coleoid (Cephalopoda) Diversity from Statolith Remains: Taxonomic Assignation, Fossil Record Analysis, and New Data for Calibrating Molecular Phylogenies P. Neige; H. Lapierre; D. Merle 2016 |
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New European medical device regulation: How the French ecosystem should seize the opportunity of the EUDAMED and the UDI system, while overcoming the constraints thereof D. Camus; D. Thiveaud; A. Josseran; C.E. Barthelemy; P.Y. Chambrin; G. Hebbrecht; J. Lafont; P. Mazaud; L. Pazart; P. Soly; C. Vaugelade; F. Wilquin-Bequet; T.Ronde Tech Sant 2019 |
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New European medical device regulation: How the French ecosystem should seize the opportunity of the EUDAMED and the UDI system, while overcoming the constraints thereof D. Camus; D. Thiveaud; A. Josseran; C.E. Barthelemy; P.Y. Chambrin; G. Hebbrecht; J. Lafont; P. Mazaud; L. Pazart; P. Soly; C. Vaugelade; F. Wilquin-Bequet; G.L.E.N.S.X.X.X.I.V.Roun HlthT 2019 |
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New evidence for chunk-based models in word segmentation P. Perruchet; B. Poulin-Charronnat; B. Tillmann; R. Peereman 2014 |
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New evidence from exceptionally ``well-preserved'' specimens sheds light on the structure of the ammonite brachial crown C.P.A. Smith; N.H. Landman; J. Bardin; I. Kruta 2021 |
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New Evidence of Entamoeba histolytica Infections in Pre-Columbian and Colonial Cemeteries in the Caribbean M. Le Bailly; T. Romon; S. Kacki 2014 |
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New femoral derotation technique based on guided growth in children J.D. Metaizeau; D. Denis; D. Louis 2019 |
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New ferrocene-integrated multifunctional guanidine surfactants: synthesis, spectroscopic elucidation, DNA interaction studies, and DFT calculations S. Nawaz; F. Asghar; J. Patujo; S. Fatima; B. Murtaza; S. Munir; M. Naz; A. Badshah; I.S. Butler 2021 |
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New force field for GCMC simulations of D-2/H-2 quantum sieving in pure silica zeolites B. Radola; M. Giraudet; I. Bezverkhyy; J.Marc Simon; J.M. Salazar; M. Macaud; J.Pierre Bellat 2020 |
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New forms of oral medication for multiple sclerosis Y. Michiels; M. Voirin 2015 |
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New framework for person-independent facial expression recognition combining textural and shape analysis through new feature extraction approach M. Kas; E. Merabet; Y. Ruichek; R. Messoussi 2021 |
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