Publications - 'P'
Publications 2426 - 2450 de 2458
Titre | DOI |
Pulsating Solitons in Mode-Locked Fibre Lasers J. Peng; S. Boscolo; N. Tarasov; S. Sugavanam; D.V. Churkin; C. Finot 2017 |
Pulsating Solitons in Mode-Locked Fibre Lasers J. Peng; S. Boscolo; N. Tarasov; S. Sugavanam; D.V. Churkin; C. Finot 2017 |
Pulse breaking through spectral filtering in dispersion-managed fiber lasers M. Alsaleh; T. Uthayakumar; T. Felenou; T. Dinda; P. Grelu; K. Porsezian 2018 |
10.1364/JOSAB.35.000276 |
Pulse shaping in mode-locked fiber lasers by in-cavity spectral filter S. Boscolo; C. Finot; H. Karakuzu; P. Petropoulos 2014 |
10.1364/OL.39.000438 |
Pulse Wave Transit Time Measurements of Cardiac Output in Septic Shock Patients: A Comparison of the Estimated Continuous Cardiac Output System with Transthoracic Echocardiography M. Feissel; L.Serge Aho; S. Georgiev; R. Tapponnier; J. Badie; R. Bruyere; J.P. Quenot 2015 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0130489 |
Pulse Width Modulation Applied to Olfactory Stimulation for Intensity Tuning P. Andrieu; P.E. Billot; J.L. Millot; T. Gharbi 2015 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0145373 |
Pulse Width Modulation applied to olfactory stimulation for modifying its intensity P. Andrieu; P.E. Billot; J.L. Millot; T. Gharbi 2015 |
PULSE: A single arm trial assessing the activity and safety of avelumab immunotherapy maintenance among patients with locally advanced or metastatic squamous cell penile carcinoma (mSCPC) N. Gassian; G. Mouillet; D. Vernerey; O. Manseur; A. Frontczak; A. Meurisse; D. Berthod; E. Robert; F. Calcagno; A. Thiery-Vuillemin 2019 |
Pulsed coherent population trapping spectroscopy in microfabricated Cs-Ne vapor cells R. Boudot; V. Maurice; C. Gorecki; E. de Clercq 2018 |
10.1364/JOSAB.35.001004 |
Pulsed Optically Pumped Rb clock S. Micalizio; F. Levi; A. Godone; C.E. Calosso; B. Francois; R. Boudot; C. Affolderbach; S. Kang; M. Gharavipour; F. Gruet; G. Mileti 2016 |
10.1088/1742-6596/723/1/012015 |
PulseRider for Treatment of Wide-Neck Bifurcation Intracranial Aneurysms: 6-Month Results B. Gory; A.M. Spiotta; F. Di Paola; S. Mangiafico; L. Renieri; A. Consoli; A. Biondi; R. Riva; P.E. Labeyrie; F. Turjman 2017 |
10.1016/j.wneu.2016.12.065 |
PulseRider Stent-Assisted Coiling of Wide-Neck Bifurcation Aneurysms: Periprocedural Results in an International Series B. Gory; A.M. Spiotta; S. Mangiafico; A. Consoli; A. Biondi; E. Pomero; M. Killer-Oberpfalzer; W. Weber; R. Riva; P.E. Labeyrie; F. Turjman 2016 |
10.3174/ajnr.A4506 |
Pupil Diameter May Reflect Motor Control and Learning O. White; R.M. French 2017 |
10.1080/00222895.2016.1161593 |
Pupillometry pain index decreases intraoperative sufentanyl administration in cardiac surgery: a prospective randomized study V. Berthoud; M. Nguyen; A. Appriou; O. Ellouze; M. Radhouani; T. Constandache; S. Grosjean; B. Durand; I. Gounot; P.A. Bahr; A. Martin; N. Nowobilski; B. Bouhemad; P.G. Guinot 2020 |
10.1038/s41598-020-78221-5 |
Pure copper components fabricated by cold spray (CS) and selective laser melting (SLM) technology J. Huang; X. Yan; C. Chang; Y. Xie; W. Ma; R. Huang; R. Zhao; S. Li; M. Liu; H. Liao 2020 |
10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125936 |
Pure Pediatric Ovarian Immature Teratomas: The French Experience R. Pavone; V. Ro; F. Dijoud; L. Galmiche; D. Orbach; C. Briandet; M. Pasquet; M. Pasquet; A. Bertrand; B. Fresneau; B. Fresneau; C. Faure-Conter 2019 |
Pure rotation spectrum of CF4 in the v(3)=1 state using THz synchrotron radiation V. Boudon; M. Carlos; C. Richard; O. Pirali 2018 |
10.1016/j.jms.2017.07.010 |
Pure thalamic infarcts: what's new? M. de Bustos; M. de Bustos 2015 |
Purely long-range polar molecules composed of identical lanthanide atoms H. Li; G. Quemener; J.F. Wyart; O. Dulieu; M. Lepers 2019 |
10.1103/PhysRevA.100.042711 |
Purification of Lindblad dynamics, geometry of mixed states and geometric phases D. Viennot 2018 |
10.1016/j.geomphys.2018.06.019 |
Purity speed limit of open quantum systems from magic subspaces ; V. Martikyan; S.J. Glaser; D. Sugny 2020 |
10.1103/PhysRevA.102.033104 |
Push and pull factors in Tunisian internal migration: The role of human capital R. Laajimi; J. Le Gallo Submitted |
10.1111/grow.12607 |
Putting time into space: the temporal coherence of spatial applications in the housing market S. Thanos; J. Dube; D. Legros 2016 |
10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2016.03.001 |
PV-Alert: A Fog-based Architecture for Safeguarding Vulnerable Road Users E. Alemneh; S.M. Senouci; P. Brunet 2017 |
PV-Alert: A Fog-based Architecture for Safeguarding Vulnerable Road Users E. Alemneh; S.M. Senouci; P. Brunet 2017 |