Publications - 'S'
Publications 1026 - 1050 de 2428
Titre | DOI |
SNP-SNP interaction analysis of NF-kappa B signaling pathway on breast cancer survival M. Jamshidi; R. Fagerholm; S. Khan; K. Aittomaki; K. Czene; H. Darabi; J. Li; I.L. Andrulis; J. Chang-Claude; P. Devilee; P.A. Fasching; K. Michailidou; M.K. Bolla; J. Dennis; Q. Wang; Q. Guo; V. Rhenius; S. Cornelissen; A. Rudolph; J.A. Knight; C.R. Loehberg; B. Burwinkel; F. Marme; J.L. Hopper; M.C. Southey; S.E. Bojesen; H. Flyger; H. Brenner; B. Holleczek; S. Margolin; A. Mannermaa; V.M. Kosma; L. Van Dyck; I. Nevelsteen; F.J. Couch; J.E. Olson; G.G. Giles; C. Mclean; C.A. Haiman; B.E. Henderson; R. Winqvist; K. Pylkas; R.A.E.M. Tollenaar; M. Garcia-Closas; J. Figueroa; M.J. Hooning; J.W.M. Martens; A. Cox; S.S. Cross; J. Simard; A.M. Dunning; D.F. Easton; P.D.P. Pharoah; P. Hall; C. Blomqvist; M.K. Schmidt; H. Nevanlinna; K.C.F. Investigators 2015 |
10.18632/oncotarget.4991 |
Sobolev and bounded variation functions on metric measure spaces L. Ambrosio; R. Ghezzi 2016 |
Sobolev estimates for optimal transport maps on Gaussian spaces S. Fang; V. Nolot 2014 |
10.1016/j.jfa.2014.02.017 |
Sobolev, Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces on Quantum Tori X. Xiong; Q.H. Xu; Z. Yin 2018 |
10.1090/memo/1203 |
Sobremesa L-type Amino Acid Transporter Expressed in Glia Is Essential for Proper Timing of Development and Brain Growth D. Galagovsky; A. Depetris-Chauvin; G. Maniere; F. Geillon; M. Berthelot-Grosjean; E. Noirot; G. Alves; Y. Grosjean 2018 |
10.1016/j.celrep.2018.08.067 |
Social acceptability of Condorcet committees M. Diss; M. Mahajne 2020 |
10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2020.03.004 |
Social and emotional cognition in patients with severe migraine consulting in a tertiary headache center: A preliminary study M. Bouteloup; R.A. Belot; N. Noiret; G. Sylvestre; M. Bertoux; E. Magnin; F. Vuillier 2021 |
10.1016/j.neurol.2020.09.013 |
Social and Environmental Benefits from Farming. An ostromian approach of three case studies in France M. Berriet-solliec; C. Depres; C. Chervier; F.G. Lataste; D. Lepicier; H.Vu Pham; V. Piguet 2020 |
10.4000/developpementdurable.17598 |
Social capital, depressive symptoms, and perceived quality of care among hypertensive patients in primary care H. Li; H. Xia; S. Yi; L. Rao 2020 |
10.1186/s12955-020-01630-7 |
Social cognition impairment in SPG4 spastic paraplegia L. Chamard; S. Ferreira; M. Silvestre; E. Berger; E. Magnin 2015 |
Social deprivation among socio-economic contrasted french areas: Using item response theory analysis to assess differential item functioning of the EPICES questionnaire in stroke patients A. Guilloteau; C. Binquet; A. Bourredjem; I. Fournel; M.Laure Lalanne-Mistrih; M. Nacher; D. Rochemont; A. Cabie; E. Mimeau; C. Mislin-Tritsch; J. Joux; A. Lannuzel; C. Bonithon-Kopp; Y. Bejot; H. Devilliers; I.N.D.I.A.Study Grp 2020 |
10.1371/journal.pone.0230661 |
Social deprivation and 1-year survival after stroke: a prospective cohort study Y. Bejot; A. Bourredjem; E. Mimeau; J. Joux; A. Lannuzel; C. Misslin-Tritsch; C. Bonithon-Kopp; D. Rochemont; M. Nacher; A. Cabie; M.L.Lalanne Mistrih; I. Fournel; I.N.D.I.A.Study Grp 2021 |
10.1111/ene.14614, Early Access Date = {NOV 2020 |
Social deprivation and 1-year survival after stroke: a prospective cohort study Y. Bejot; A. Bourredjem; E. Mimeau; J. Joux; A. Lannuzel; C. Misslin-Tritsch; C. Bonithon-Kopp; D. Rochemont; M. Nacher; A. Cabie; M.L.Lalanne Mistrih; I. Fournel; I.N.D.I.A.Study Grp 2021 |
10.1111/ene.14614 |
Social deprivation and stroke severity on admission: a French cohort study in Burgundy and the West Indies - Guyana region Y. Bejot; A. Guilloteau; J. Joux; A. Lannuzel; E. Mimeau; C. Mislin-Tritsch; I. Fournel; C. Bonithon-Kopp; I.N.D.I.A.Study Grp 2017 |
10.1111/ene.13271 |
Social entrepreneurship finance: the gaps in an innovative discipline N. Parekh; L. Attuel-mendes 2022 |
10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0397 |
Social Inequalities and Preventive Care: the Case of Physical Activity Counselling in General Practice G. Bloy; L.Moussard Philippon; L. Rigal 2018 |
10.3917/spub.184.0081 |
Social information-processing mechanisms and school-bullying profiles among adolescents K. Hure; R. Fontaine; V. Kubiszewski 2015 |
10.1016/j.erap.2014.11.003 |
Social Interpretations of the Transfers of Alpine Jades Axe-heads in the Neolithic Europe Spatial Analysis in the Framework of the ANR Program JADE 2 E. Gauthier; P. Petrequin 2017 |
10.4000/archeosciences.4856 |
Social Norms and Pro-environmental Behavior: A Review of the Evidence K. Farrow; G. Grolleau; L. Ibanez 2017 |
10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.04.017 |
Social preferences across different populations: Meta-analyses on the ultimatum game and dictator game F. Cochard; J. Le Gallo; N. Georgantzis; J.C. Tisserand 2021 |
10.1016/j.socec.2020.101613 |
Social Process of Adaptation to Environmental Changes: How Eastern African Societies Intervene between Crops and Climate C. Mwongera; J. Boyard-Micheau; C. Baron; C. Leclerc 2014 |
10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00034.1 |
Social science as a world view. Emile Durkheim and the mirage of salvation J.C. Marcel 2021 |
10.3917/rfs.622.0353 |
Social sciences and the gilets jaunes: Two years of studies on an unprecedented movement Z. Bendali; A. Rubert 2020 |
10.3917/pox.132.0177 |
Social stratification, risk factor prevalence and cancer screening attendance F. Eisinger; J. Viguier; C. Touboul; Y. Coscas; X. Pivot; J.Y. Blay; C. Lhomel; J.F. Morere 2015 |
10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000144 |
Social upgrading in globalized production: The case of the textile and clothing industry C. Gimet; B. Guilhon; N. Roux 2015 |
10.1111/j.1564-913X.2015.00244.x |