Publications - 'S'
Publications 1126 - 1150 de 2428
Titre | DOI |
Solidarity within a fixed community S. Beal; A. Casajus; F. Huettner; E. Remila; P. Solal 2014 |
10.1016/j.econlet.2014.10.023 |
Solidification microstructure during selective laser melting of Ni based superalloy: experiment and mesoscopic modelling Y. Li; A. Olmedilla; M. Zaloznik; J. Zollinger; L. Dembinski; A. Mathieu 2019 |
10.1088/1757-899X/529/1/012004 |
Solidification of ion exchange resins saturated with Na+ ions: Comparison of matrices based on Portland and blast furnace slag cement E. Lafond; C.Dit Coumes; S. Gauffinet; D. Chartier; L. Stefan; P. Le Bescop 2017 |
10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.11.003 |
Solitaire FR as a first-line device in acute intracerebral occlusion: A single-centre retrospective analysis P.H. Lefevre; C. Lainay; P. Thouant; A. Chavent; A. Kazemi; F. Ricolfi 2014 |
10.1016/j.neurad.2013.10.002 |
Solitary state at the edge of synchrony in ensembles with attractive and repulsive interactions Y. Maistrenko; B. Penkovsky; M. Rosenblum 2014 |
10.1103/PhysRevE.89.060901 |
Solitonic waveguide reflection at an electric interface M. Alonzo; C. Soci; M. Chauvet; E. Fazio 2019 |
10.1364/OE.27.020273 |
SOLTI NeoPARP: a phase II randomized study of two schedules of iniparib plus paclitaxel versus paclitaxel alone as neoadjuvant therapy in patients with triple-negative breast cancer A. Llombart-Cussac; B. Bermejo; C. Villanueva; S. Delaloge; S. Morales; J. Balmana; K. Amillano; H. Bonnefoi; A. Casas; L. Manso; H. Roche; S. Gonzalez-Santiago; J. Gavila; P. Sanchez-Rovira; S. Di Cosimo; N. Harbeck; E. Charpentier; I. Garcia-Ribas; N. Radosevic-Robin; C. Aura; J. Baselga 2015 |
10.1007/s10549-015-3616-8 |
Solubility of Monazite-Cheralite and Xenotime in Granitic Melts, and Experimental Evidence of Liquid-Liquid Immiscibility in Concentrating REE M. Van Lichtervelde; P. Goncalves; A. Eglinger; A. Colin; J.M. Montel; N. Dacheux 2021 |
10.1093/petrology/egab020 |
Soluble CD146, a new endothelial biomarker of acutely decompensated heart failure E. Gayat; A. Caillard; S. Laribi; C. Mueller; M. Sadoune; M.F. Seronde; A. Maisel; J. Bartunek; M. Vanderheyden; J. Desutter; P. Dendale; G. Thomas; M. Tavares; A. Cohen-Solal; J.L. Samuel; A. Mebazaa 2015 |
10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.07.039 |
Soluble Fiber Inulin Consumption Limits Alterations of the Gut Microbiota and Hepatic Fatty Acid Metabolism Caused by High-Fat Diet M. Albouery; A. Bretin; B. Buteau; S. Gregoire; L. Martine; S. Gambert; A.M. Bron; N. Acar; B. Chassaing; M.A. Bringer 2021 |
10.3390/nu13031037 |
Soluble immune checkpoint-related proteins as predictors of tumor recurrence, survival, and T cell phenotypes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients Q. Wang; J. Zhang; H. Tu; D. Liang; D.W. Chang; Y. Ye; X. Wu 2019 |
10.1186/s40425-019-0810-y |
Soluble immunoglobulin A in breast milk is inversely associated with atopic dermatitis at early age: the PASTURE cohort study L. Orivuori; G. Loss; C. Roduit; J.C. Dalphin; M. Depner; J. Genuneit; R. Lauener; J. Pekkanen; P. Pfefferle; J. Riedler; M. Roponen; J. Weber; E. Von Mutius; C. Braun-Fahrlaender; O. Vaarala; P.A.S.T.U.R.E.Study Grp 2014 |
10.1111/cea.12199 |
Soluble programmed death-1 (sPD-1) as predictor of early surgical outcomes of paediatric cystic echinococcosis E. Ben Salah; W. Sakly; C. Barrera; S. Mosbahi; A.P. Bellanger; R. Farhani; A. Ksia; B. Gottstein; A. Nouri; H. Babba; L. Millon 2021 |
10.1111/pim.12809, Early Access Date = {DEC 2020 |
Soluble programmed death-1 (sPD-1) as predictor of early surgical outcomes of paediatric cystic echinococcosis E. Ben Salah; W. Sakly; C. Barrera; S. Mosbahi; A.P. Bellanger; R. Farhani; A. Ksia; B. Gottstein; A. Nouri; H. Babba; L. Millon 2021 |
10.1111/pim.12809 |
Soluble Two-Dimensional Covalent Organometallic Polymers by (Arene)Ruthenium-Sulfur Chemistry J. Coraux; W. Hourani; V.L. Mueller; S. Lamare; D.Aiman Kamaruddin; L. Magaud; N. Bendiab; M.Den Hertog; O. Leynaud; F. Palmino; R. Salut; F. Cherioux 2017 |
10.1002/chem.201700054 |
Solution precursor plasma spray process as an alternative rapid one-step route for the development of hierarchical ZnO films for improved photocatalytic degradation Z. Yu; H. Moussa; M. Liu; R. Schneider; M. Moliere; H. Liao 2018 |
10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.10.156 |
Solution precursor plasma-sprayed tungsten oxide coatings for nitrogen dioxide detection C. Zhang; X. Geng; M. Olivier; H. Liao; M. Debliquy 2014 |
10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.03.109 |
10.1134/S0040577916020033 |
Solvability analysis and numerical approximation of linearized cardiac electromechanics B. Andreianov; M. Bendahmane; A. Quarteroni; R. Ruiz-Baier 2015 |
10.1142/S0218202515500244 |
Solve-RD: systematic pan-European data sharing and collaborative analysis to solve rare diseases B. Zurek; K. Ellwanger; L.E.L.M. Vissers; R. Schuele; M. Synofzik; A. Topf; R.M. de Voer; S. Laurie; L. Matalonga; C. Gilissen; S. Ossowski; P.A.C. `t Hoen; A. Vitobello; J.M. Schulze-Hentrich; O. Riess; H.G. Brunner; A.J. Brookes; A. Rath; G. Bonne; G. Gumus; A. Verloes; N. Hoogerbrugge; T. Evangelista; T. Harmuth; M. Swertz; D. Spalding; A. Hoischen; S. Beltran; H. Graessner; S.O.L.V.E.R.D. Consortium 2021 |
10.1038/s41431-021-00859-0 |
Solvent and Anion Effects on the Electrochemistry of Manganese Dipyrrin-Bisphenols Y. Fang; R. Osterloh; N. Desbois; S. Pacquelet; P. Fleurat-Lessard; C.P. Gros; K.M. Kadish 2020 |
10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02416 |
Solvent extraction studies of uranium(VI) from phosphoric acid: Role of synergistic reagents in mixture with bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid D. Beltrami; A. Chagnes; M. Haddad; H. Laureano; H. Mokhtari; B. Courtaud; S. Juge; G. Cote 2014 |
10.1016/j.hydromet.2014.02.010 |
Solvent-free ruthenium-catalysed triflate coupling as a convenient method for selective azole-o-C-H monoarylation O. Abidi; T. Boubaker; J.C. Hierso; J. Roger 2019 |
10.1039/c9ob00806c |
Solving a multi-period home health care routing and scheduling problem using an efficient matheuristic W. Liu; M. Dridi; H. Fei; A.Hajjam El Hassani 2021 |
10.1016/j.cie.2021.107721 |
Solving chance constrained optimal control problems in aerospace via kernel density estimation J.B. Caillau; M. Cerf; A. Sassi; E. Trelat; H. Zidani 2018 |
10.1002/oca.2445 |