Publications - 'V'

Publications 126 - 150 de 409
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
Variables determining the amount of care for very preterm neonates: The concept of medical stance
A. Burguet; A. Menget; A.C. Chary-Tardy; E. Savajols; N. Abed; G. Thiriez
Variance component analysis to assess protein quantification in biomarker discovery. Application to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
C. Mercier; A. Klich; C. Truntzer; V. Picaud; J.F. Giovannelli; P. Ducoroy; P. Grangeat; D. Maucort-Boulch; P. Roy
Variance Estimation and Asymptotic Confidence Bands for the Mean Estimator of Sampled Functional Data with High Entropy Unequal Probability Sampling Designs
H. Cardot; C. Goga; P. Lardin
Variance Thresholded EMD-CCA Technique for Fast Eye Blink Artifacts Removal in EEG
A. Egambaram; N. Badruddin; V.S. Asirvadam; T. Begum; E. Fauvet; C. Stolz
Variance Thresholded EMD-CCA Technique for Fast Eye Blink Artifacts Removal in EEG
A. Egambaram; N. Badruddin; V.S. Asirvadam; T. Begum; E. Fauvet; C. Stolz
Variant recurrence in neurodevelopmental disorders: the use of publicly available genomic data identifies clinically relevant pathogenic missense variants
F. Lecoquierre; Y. Duffourd; A. Vitobello; A.L. Bruel; B. Urteaga; C. Coubes; P. Garret; S. Nambot; M. Chevarin; T. Jouan; S. Moutton; F. Tran-Mau-Them; C. Philippe; A. Sorlin; L. Faivre; C. Thauvin-Robinet; O.Phys Grp
Variants in the SK2 channel gene (KCNN2) lead to dominant neurodevelopmental movement disorders
F. Mochel; A. Rastetter; B. Ceulemans; K. Platzer; S. Yang; D.N. Shinde; K.L. Helbig; D. Lopergolo; F. Mari; A. Renieri; E. Benetti; R. Canitano; Q. Waisfisz; A.S. Plomp; S.A. Huisman; G.N. Wilson; S.S. Cathey; R.J. Louie; D. Del Gaudio; D. Waggoner; S. Kacker; K.M. Nugent; E.R. Roeder; A.L. Bruel; J. Thevenon; N. Ehmke; D. Horn; M. Holtgrewe; F.J. Kaiser; S.B. Kamphausen; R.Abou Jamra; S. Weckhuysen; C. Dalle; C. Depienne
Variants of human CLDN9 cause mild to profound hearing loss
M. Ramzan; C. Philippe; I.A. Belyantseva; Y. Nakano; C. Fenollar-Ferrer; R. Tona; R. Yousaf; R. Basheer; A. Imtiaz; R. Faridi; Z. Munir; H. Idrees; M. Salman; S. Nambot; A. Vitobello; S. Kartti; O. Zarrik; D. Witmer; N. Sobreria; A. Ibrahimi; B. Banfi; S. Moutton; T.B. Friedman; S. Naz
Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds
A.P. Moller; F. Adriaensen; A. Artemyev; J. Banbura; E. Barba; C. Biard; J. Blondel; Z. Bouslama; J.C. Bouvier; J. Camprodon; F. Cecere; A. Charmantier; M. Charter; M. Cichon; C. Cusimano; D. Czeszczewik; V. Demeyrier; B. Doligez; C. Doutrelant; A. Dubiec; M. Eens; T. Eeva; B. Faivre; P.N. Ferns; J.T. Forsman; E. Garcia-del-Rey; A. Goldshtein; A.E. Goodenough; A.G. Gosler; I. Gozdz; A. Gregoire; L. Gustafsson; I.R. Hartley; P. Heeb; S.A. Hinsley; P. Isenmann; S. Jacob; A. Jaervinen; R. Juskaitis; E. Korpimaeki; I. Krams; T. Laaksonen; B. Leclercq; E. Lehikoinen; O. Loukola; A. Lundberg; M.C. Mainwaring; R. Maend; B. Massa; T.D. Mazgajski; S. Merino; C. Mitrus; M. Moenkkoenen; J. Morales-Fernaz; X. Morin; R.G. Nager; J.A. Nilsson; S.G. Nilsson; A.C. Norte; M. Orell; P. Perret; C.S. Pimentel; R. Pinxten; I. Priedniece; M.C. Quidoz; V. Remes; H. Richner; H. Robles; S. Rytkoenen; J.Carlos Senar; J.T. Seppaenen; L.P. da Silva; T. Slagsvold; T. Solonen; A. Sorace; M.J. Stenning; J. Toeroek; P. Tryjanowski; A.J. van Noordwijk; M. von Numers; W. Walankiewicz; M.M. Lambrechts
Variation in end-of-life care and hospital palliative care among hospitals and local authorities: A preliminary contribution of big data
M.K. Gusmano; V.G. Rodwin; D. Weisz; J. Cottenet; C. Quantin
Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study
T.A. van Essen; H.F. den Boogert; M.C. Cnossen; G.C.W. de Ruiter; I. Haitsma; S. Polinder; E.W. Steyerberg; D. Menon; A.I.R. Maas; H.F. Lingsma; W.C. Peul; A. Cecilia; A. Hadie; A. Vanni; A. Judith; A. Krisztina; A. Norberto; A. Nada; A. Lasse; A. Azasevac; A. Audny; A. Anna; A. Hilko; A. Gerard; A. Kaspars; A. Philippe; A.Maria Luisa; B. Camelia; B. Rafael; B. Ronald; B. Pal; B. Ursula; B. Romuald; B. Ronny; B.Francisco Javier; B. Bo-Michael; B. Antonio; B. Remy; B. Habib; B. Thierry; B. Maurizio; B. Luigi; B. Christopher; B. Federico; B. Harald; B. Erta; B. Morten; denBoogert Hugo; B. Pierre; B. Peter; B. Alexandra; B. Vibeke; B. Joanne; B. Camilla; B. Andras; B. Monika; C. Emiliana; C.Maria Rosa; C. Peter; C.Lozano Guillermo; C. Marco; C. Elsa; K. Carpenter; C.L.Ana M; C. Francesco; C. Giorgio; C. Arturo; C. Giuseppe; C. Maryse; C. Mark; C. Jonathan; C.K. Lizzie; C. Johnny; C.D. Jamie; C. Marta; C. Amra; C. Nicola; C. Endre; C. Marek; D.F. Claire; D. Francois; D. Pierre; D. Helen; D.Keyser Veronique; D.Corte Francesco; D. Bart; deRuiter C. Godard; D. Dula; D. Shenghao; D. Diederik; D. Abhishek; D. Emma; D. Jens; D. Guy-Loup; E. George; E. Heiko; E. Ari; E. Patrick; E. Erzsebet; F. Martin; F.L. Valery; F. Junfeng; F. Kelly; F. Francesca; F. Gilles; F. Ulderico; F. Shirin; F. Alex; G. Pablo; G. Damien; G. Dashiell; G. Guoyi; G. Karin; G. Pradeep; G. Alexandre; G. Lelde; G. Benoit; G. Ben; G. Jagos; G.A. Pedro; G. Francesca; G.L. Russell; G. Deepak; H.A. Juanita; H. Iain; H.A. Jed; H. Raimund; H. Eirik; H. Daniel; H. Astrid; H. Stefan; H. Lindsay; H. Jilske; H.J. Peter; H.Asta Kristine; J. Bram; J. Stefan; J. Mike; J. Bojan; J. Ji-yao; J. Kelly; K. Konstantinos; K. Mladen; K. Ari; K. Maija; K. Thomas; K. Riku; K.G. Angelos; K. Balint; K. Erwin; K. Ksenija; K. Daniel; K. Lars-Owe; K. Noemi; L. Alfonso; L. Linda; L. Steven; L. Fiona; L. Christian; L. Rolf; L. Valerie; L. Jin; L. Leon; L. Roger; L. Hester; L. Dirk; L. Angels; M.I.R. Andrew; M.D. Stephen; M. Marc; M. Marek; M. Sebastian; M. Alex; M. Geoffrey; M. Didier; M.Leon Francisco; M. Costanza; M. Armando; M. Hugues; M. Alessandro; M. Julia; M.F. Charles; M.M. Catherine; M. Bela; M. David; M. Tomas; M.K. Cristina; M. Davide; M. Visakh; M. Lynnette; M. Holger; N. Nandesh; N. Ancuta; N. David; N. Virginia; N. Daan; N. Quentin; N. Jozsef; O. Mauro; O. Annemarie; O. Matej; O. Fabrizio; P. Aarno; P.M. Paul; P. Adriana; P. Jean-Francois; P. Natascha; P. Vincent; P. Paolo; PeulWilco; P.K. Anna; P.Floury Sebastien; P. Matti; P. Horia; P.Maria Antonia; P. Suzanne; P. Inigo; P. Jussi; P. Louis; R. Andreea; R. Arminas; R. Rahul; R. Malinka; R. Ruben; R. Veronika; R. Jonathan; R. Samuli; R. Saulius; R. Cecilie; R. Olav; R. Gerwin; R. Jonathan; R. Jeffrey; R. Christina; R. Guy; R. Rolf; R. Sandra; R. Daniel; R. Martin; S. Marco; S. Barbara; S. Juan; S. Oliver; S. Francesca; S.P. Renan; S. Janos; S. Edgar; S. Luminita; S. Davide; S. Nadine; S. Inger; S. Barbara; S. Silke; S. Herbert; S. Guus; S.Rico Frederik; S. Elisabeth; S. Michael; S. Ozcan; S. Toril; S. Lidwien; S. Dirk; S. Peter; S. Abayomi; S. Emmanuel; S. Simon; S. Nicole; S. Ana; S. Robert; S. William; S.W. Ewout; S. Nino; S. Nina; S. Anneliese; T.Fabio Silvio; T. Riikka; T. Viktoria; T. Paivi; T.Mark Steven; T.Ao Braden; T. Olli; T. Ralph; T. Guido; T. Alice; T. Matt; T. Dick; T. Christos; T.JeanFlory Luaba; T. Tony; T.Cristina Maria; V. Peter; V. Shirley; V. Egils; Vder Steen Gregory; Vder Jagt Mathieu; Vder Naalt Joukje; vanDijck T.J. Jeroen; V.Essen A. Thomas; V.Hecke Wim; vanHeugten Caroline; V.Praag Dominique; V.Vyvere Thijs; V.Waesberghe Julia; V. Audrey; V. Alessia; V. Emmanuel; V. Kimberley; V. Jan; V.M. Paul; V. Anne; V. Rimantas; V. Giacinta; V.L. Carmen; V. Victor; V. Daphne; V. Peter; V. Zoltan; W. Derick; W.K.W. Kevin; W. Lei; W. Lars; W. Eno; W. Guy; W. Lindsay; W.K.L. Maren; W. Stefan; Y. Peter; Y. Alexander; Z. Menashe; Z. Yang; Z. Agate; Z. Fabrizio; C.E.N.T.E.R.T.B.I.Investigat Partici
Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study (vol 161, pg 453, 2019)
T.A. van Essen; H.F. den Boogert; M.C. Cnossen; G.C.W. de Ruiter; I. Haitsma; S. Polinder; E.W. Steyerberg; D. Menon; A.I.R. Maas; H.F. Lingsma; W.C. Peul; C. Ackerlund; H. Adams; V. Agnoletti; J. Allanson; K. Amrein; N. Andaluz; N. Andelic; L. Andreassen; A. Antun; A. Anke; A. Antoni; H. Ardon; G. Audibert; K. Auslands; P. Azouvi; M.Luisa Azzolini; C. Baciu; R. Badenes; R. Bartels; P. Barzo; U. Bauerfeind; R. Beauvais; R. Beer; F.Javier Belda; B.M. Bellander; A. Belli; R. Bellier; H. Benali; T. Benard; M. Berardino; L. Beretta; C. Beynon; F. Bilotta; H. Binder; E. Biqiri; M. Blaabjerg; Hden Boogert; P. Bouzat; P. Bragge; A. Brazinova; V. Brinck; J. Brooker; C. Brorsson; A. Buki; M. Bullinger; E. Calappi; M.Rosa Calvi; P. Cameron; L.Guillermo Carbayo; M. Carbonara; E. Carise; K. Carpenter; A.M. Castano-Leon; F. Causin; G. Chevallard; A. Chieregato; G. Citerio; M. Cnossen; M. Coburn; J. Coles; L. Coles-Kemp; J. Collett; J.D. Cooper; M. Correia; A. Covic; N. Curry; E. Czeiter; M. Czosnyka; C. Dahyot-Fizelier; F. Damas; P. Damas; H. Dawes; V. De Keyser; D.Corte Francesco; B. Depreitere; G.C.W. de Ruiter; D. Dilvesi; S. Ding; D. Dippel; A. Dixit; E. Donoghue; J. Dreier; G.L. Duliere; G. Eapen; H. Engemann; A. Ercole; P. Esser; E. Ezer; M. Fabricius; V.L. Feigin; J. Feng; K. Foks; F. Fossi; G. Francony; U. Freo; S. Frisvold; A. Furmanov; P. Gagliardo; D. Galanaud; D. Gantner; G. Gao; K. Geleijns; P. George; A. Ghuysen; L. Giga; B. Giraud; B. Glocker; J. Golubovic; P.A. Gomez; F. Grossi; R.L. Gruen; D. Gupta; J.A. Haagsma; I. Haitsma; J.A. Hartings; R. Helbok; E. Helseth; D. Hertle; A. Hoedemaekers; S. Hoefer; L. Horton; J. Huijben; P.J. Hutchinson; A.Kristine Haberg; B. Jacobs; S. Jankowski; M. Jarrett; B. Jelaca; Jyao Jiang; K. Jones; K. Kamnitsas; M. Karan; A. Katila; M. Kaukonen; T. Kerforne; R. Kivisaari; A.G. Kolias; B. Kolumban; E. Kompanje; K. Kolundzija; D. Kondziella; L.O. Koskinen; N. Kovacs; A. Lagares; L. Lanyon; S. Laureys; F. Lecky; C. Ledig; R. Lefering; V. Legrand; J. Lei; L. Levi; R. Lightfoot; H. Lingsma; D. Loeckx; A. Lozano; A.I.R. Maas; S. MacDonald; M. Maegele; M. Majdan; S. Major; A. Manara; G. Manley; D. Martin; L.Francisco Martin; C. Martino; A. Maruenda; H. Marechal; A. Masala; J. Mattern; C. McFadyen; C. McMahon; B. Melegh; D. Menon; T. Menovsky; C. Morganti-Kossmann; D. Mulazzi; V. Muraleedharan; L. Murray; H. Muehlan; N. Nair; A. Negru; D. Nelson; V. Newcombe; D. Nieboer; Q. Noirhomme; J. Nyiradi; M. Oddo; A. Oldenbeuving; M. Oresic; F. Ortolano; A. Palotie; P.M. Parizel; A. Patruno; J.F. Payen; N. Perera; V. Perlbarg; P. Persona; W. Peul; A. Piippo-Karjalainen; F.Sebastien Pili; M. Pirinen; H. Ples; M.Antonia Poca; S. Polinder; I. Pomposo; J. Posti; L. Puybasset; A. Radoi; A. Ragauskas; R. Raj; M. Rambadagalla; R. Real; V. Rehorcikova; J. Rhodes; S. Ripatti; S. Rocka; C. Roe; O. Roise; G. Roks; J. Rosand; J. Rosenfeld; C. Rosenlund; G. Rosenthal; R. Rossaint; S. Rossi; D. Rueckert; M. Rusnak; M. Sacchi; B. Sahakian; J. Sahuquillo; O. Sakowitz; F. Sala; R. Sanchez-Porras; J. Sandor; E. Santos; L. Sasu; D. Savo; N. Schaeffer; I. Schipper; B. Schloesser; S. Schmidt; H. Schoechl; G. Schoonman; R.Frederik Schou; E. Schwendenwein; M. Schoell; O. Sir; T. Skandsen; L. Smakman; D. Smeets; P. Smielewski; A. Sorinola; E. Stamatakis; S. Stanworth; N. Steinbuechel; A. Stevanovic; R. Stevens; W. Stewart; E.W. Steyerberg; N. Stocchetti; N. Sundstrom; A. Synnot; F.Silvio Taccone; R. Takala; V. Tamas; P. Tanskanen; M.Steven Taylor; B.Te Ao; O. Tenovuo; R. Telgmann; G. Teodorani; A. Theadom; M. Thomas; D. Tibboel; C. Tolias; J.F.Luaba Tshibanda; T. Trapani; C.Maria Tudora; P. Vajkoczy; S. Vallance; E. Valeinis; G. Van der Steen; M. van der Jagt; J. van der Naalt; J.T.J.M. van Dijck; T.A. van Essen; W. van Hecke; C. van Heugten; D. van Praag; T.Vande Vyvere; J. Van Waesberghe; A. Vanhaudenhuyse; A. Vargiolu; E. Vega; K. Velt; J. Verheyden; P.M. Vespa; A. Vik; R. Vilcinis; G. Vizzino; C. Vleggeert-Lankamp; V. Volovici; D. Voormolen; P. Vulekovic; Z. Vamos; D. Wade; K.K.W. Wang; L. Wang; L. Wessels; E. Wildschut; G. Williams; L. Wilson; M.K.L. Winkler; S. Wolf; P. Ylen; A. Younsi; M. Zaaroor; Y. Zhihui; A. Ziverte; F. Zumbo; C.E.N.T.E.R.T.B.I. Investigators
Variation in preoperative antithrombotic strategy, severe bleeding, and use of blood products in coronary artery bypass grafting: results from the multicentre E-CABG registry
F. Biancari; G. Mariscalco; R. Gherli; D. Reichart; F. Onorati; G. Faggian; I. Franzese; G. Santarpino; T. Fischlein; A.S. Rubino; D. Maselli; S. Nardella; A. Salsano; F. Nicolini; M. Zanobini; M. Saccocci; V.G. Ruggieri; K. Bounader; A. Perrotti; S. Rosato; P. D'Errigo; V. D'Andrea; M. De Feo; T. Tauriainen; G. Gatti; M. Dalen
Variation in structural styles within fold-and-thrust belts: Insights from field mapping, cross-sections balancing, and 2D-kinematic modelling in the Jura mountains (Eastern France)
L. Smeraglia; O. Fabbri; F. Choulet
Variation in the immune state of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) according to temperature: Are extreme temperatures a stress?
S. Labaude; Y. Moret; F. Cezilly; C. Reuland; T. Rigaud
Variation in the place of death among nursing home residents in France
L. Morin; K. Johnell; R. Aubry
Variation in the SLC16A1 and the ACOX1 Genes Is Associated with Gallop Racing Performance in Arabian Horses
M. Fontanel; E. Todd; A. Drabbe; K. Ropka-Molik; M. Stefaniuk-Szmukier; G. Mycka; B.D. Velie
Variation of Age-Related Changes in Endurance Performance Between Modes of Locomotion in Men: An Analysis of Master World Records
R. Lepers; P.J. Stapley; T. Cattagni
Variation of inbreeding depression in Centaurea cyanus L., a self-incompatible species
S. Bellanger; J.P. Guillemin; S. Touzeau; H. Darmency
Variation of seed dormancy and longevity in Raphanus raphanistrum L
Y. Tricault; A. Matejicek; H. Darmency
Variation of thickness of veneer unwinding of wood and its influence on the mechanical characteristics of LVL panels
A. Daoui; C. Descamps; A. Zerizer; R. Marchal; B. Palubicki
Variational Information Bottleneck Model for Accurate Indoor Position Recognition
W. Qian; F. Gechter
Variational Principle for Eigenmodes of Reactivity in Conceptual Density Functional Theory
P. Senet
Variations in infection levels and parasite-induced mortality among sympatric cryptic lineages of native amphipods and a congeneric invasive species: Are native hosts always losing?
M. Galipaud; L. Bollache; C. Lagrue
Variations in patterns of care across neonatal units and their associations with outcomes in very preterm infants: the French EPIPAGE-2 cohort study
V. Pierrat; A. Burguet; L. Marchand-Martin; G. Cambonie; A. Coquelin; J.C. Roze; M. Durox; B. Guillois; A.S. Morgan; M. Kaminski; N.Care Study EPIPAGE-2
