Publications - 'V'

Publications 76 - 100 de 409
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
Validation of the lung immune prognostic index (LIPI) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with nivolumab in the GETUG-AFU 26 NIVOREN trial
P. Lavaud; C. Dalban; S. Negrier; C. Chevreau; G. Gravis; S. Oudard; B. Laguerre; P. Barthelemy; D. Borchiellini; M.Gross Goupil; L. Geoffrois; F. Rolland; A. Thiery-Vuillemin; F. Joly; S. Ladoire; F. Tantot; L. Mezquita; B. Escudier; L. Albiges
Validation of the name Cyclophyllum memaoyaense, a rare species in New Caledonia
A. Mouly
Validation of the PRIMA-Prognostic Index for Patients Treated with Rituximab Plus Chemotherapy and Refinement of Prognostic Parameters for Patients on Rituximab Plus Lenalidomide in the Phase III Relevance Trial
E. Julia; N.H. Fowler; E. Bachy; P. Feugier; R. Bouabdallah; H. Tilly; L. Palomba; C. Fruchart; ; R.O. Casasnovas; I.W. Flinn; C. Haioun; H. Maisonneuve; L. Ysebaert; N.L. Bartlett; K. Bouabdallah; P. Brice; V. Ribrag; N. Daguindau; S. Le Gouill; G.M. Pica; A. Martin; A. Lopez-Guillermo; J.F. Larouche; K. Ando; Gda Silva Maria; M. Andre; K.Lung Wu; L.H. Sehn; K. Tobinai; G. Cartron; R. Delarue; M. Czuczman; L. Xerri; G.A. Salles; F. Morschhauser
Validation of the prognostic impact of lymphocyte infiltration (LI) in patients (pts) with stage III colon cancer (CC) treated with adjuvant FOLFOX plus /- cetuximab: A PETACC8 translational study.
J.F. Emile; K. Le Malicot; J. Tabernero; E. Mini; G. Folprecht; J.L. Van Laethem; C. Julie; M.Antoine Allard; J. Bennouna; C. Lepage; P. Laurent-Puig; J. Taieb
Validation of the STA-Liatest DDi assay for exclusion of proximal deep vein thrombosis according to the latest Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute/Food and Drug Administration guideline: results of a multicenter management study
C. Aguilar; M. Sartori; A. D'Angelo; C. Kabrhel; J. Groce; E. De Maistre; S.M. Wasan; J. Kassis; J. Lazarchick; C. Kaide; P.Marco Vera; J. Kline; M. Courtney; A. Rubin; M. Sharafuddin; G. Pernod; D.E.T.Study Grp
Validation of the Strain Assessment of a Phantom of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Comparison of Results Obtained From Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Stereovision Measurements
Y. Wang; D. Joannic; P. Juillion; A. Monnet; P. Delassus; A. Lalande; J.F. Fontaine
Validation of the use of a circulating biomarker of retinal omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in supplementation conditions: the BLISAR project
L. Bretillon; B.M.J. Merle; L. Martine; S. Gregoire; S. Ajana; O. Berdeaux; A.M. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher; J.F. Korobelnik; N. Acar; C. Delcourt
Validation of the use of a circulating biomarker of retinal omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in supplementation conditions: the BLISAR project
L. Bretillon; B.M.J. Merle; L. Martine; S. Gregoire; S. Ajana; O. Berdeaux; A.M. Bron; C. Creuzot-Garcher; J.F. Korobelnik; N. Acar; C. Delcourt
Validation of the ``Good2Go'': the first French-language transition readiness questionnaire
H. Mellerio; P. Jacquin; N. Trelles; E. Le Roux; R. Belanger; C. Alberti; N. Tubiana-Rufi; C. Stheneur; S. Guilmin-Crepon; H. Devilliers
Validation steps for the detection of L858R mutation in EGFR gene by real time quantitative PCR
E. Saitta; A. Brasselet; M. Cadouot; A. Gibeaud; M. Jourdain; D. Bozonnet; V. Goussot; J.M. Riedinger; S. Lizard
Validation study: evaluation of the metrological quality of French hospital data for perinatal algorithms
K. Goueslard; J. Cottenet; E. Benzenine; P. Tubert-Bitter; C. Quantin
Validity and Reliability of the 3D Motion Analyzer in Comparison with the Vicon Device for Biomechanical Pedalling Analysis
A. Bouillod; A. Costes; G. Soto-Romero; E. Brunet; F. Grappe
Validity and reproducibility of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) questionnaire for the measurement of the physical activity level in patients after total knee arthroplasty
S. Bolszak; N.C. Casartelli; F.M. Impellizzeri; N.A. Maffiuletti
Validity and Usage of the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) in a French Population of Patients with Depression, Bipolar Disorders and Controls
E. Reynaud; F. Berna; E. Haffen; L. Weiner; J. Maruani; M. Lejoyeux; C.M. Schroder; P. Bourgin; P.A. Geoffroy
Validity of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in daily primary healthcare practice in France
K. Mazalovic; F. Morlon; J.N. Beis; P.E. Duglet; Y. Cottin; C. Zabawa
Validity of the global anti-phospholipid syndrome score to predict thrombosis: a prospective multicentre cohort study
S. Zuily; B. de Laat; S. Mohamed; H. Kelchtermans; Z. Shums; R. Albesa; G.L. Norman; C. Lamboux-Matthieu; A.C. Rat; J. Ninet; N. Magy-Bertrand; J.L. Pasquali; M. Lambert; B. Lorcerie; P. Kaminsky; F. Guillemin; V. Regnault; D. Wahl; T.A.C.I.T. Investigators
Valley-bottom wetland selection for water-quality preservation: How to deal with the absence of quantification of water-quality benefits?
P. Curmi; M. Hilal; E. Martin; V. Piguet
Valorization of pomegranate peel balls as bioadsorbents of methylene blue in aqueous media
R. Msaadi; W. Sassi; J.Y. Hihn; S. Ammar; M.M. Chehimi
10.1007/s42247-021-00174-w, Early Access Date = {FEB 2021
Valorization of pomegranate peel balls as bioadsorbents of methylene blue in aqueous media
R. Msaadi; W. Sassi; J.Y. Hihn; S. Ammar; M.M. Chehimi
Valorization of Waste Date Seeds for Green Carbon Catalysts and Biodiesel Synthesis
A.'aH. Al-Muhtaseb; F. Jamil; L.Al Haj; E. Mahmoud; M. Becherif; U. Rashid; S. Rafiq; A.E. Atabani; G. Kumar
Value of combined spherocytose osmotic and EMA tests in the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis
E. Cheli; J. Roze; N. Daouairi; J. Racine; J. Guy; K. Ghazal; V. Picard; F. Girodon
Value of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Quantification Criteria for Identifying Patients not Responding to Bevacizumab-Based Therapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases
F. Tranquart; P.A. Dujardin; O. Bouche; C. Marcus; C. Borg; P. Manzoni; J.Y. Douillard; C. Labbe-Devilliers; E. Terrebonne; D. Smith; H. Trillaud; O. Capitain; C. Aube; J.P. Spano; O. Lucidarme; A. Ferrul; J.P. Tasu; S. Manfredi; A. Bleuzen; J. Leger; T. Lecomte
Value of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Adult Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome (Ph)-Negative Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Treated in the Pediatric-Inspired Trials from the Group for Research on Adult ALL (GRAALL)
M. Lafage-Pochitaloff; L. Baranger; M. Hunault; W. Cuccuini; A. Bidet; N. Dastugue; I. Tigaud; C. Henry; C. Gervais; D. Penther; C. Lefebvre; N. Nadal; F. Mugneret; V. Eclache; I. Radford; N. Gachard; M.J. Mozziconacci; E. Delabesse; M.C. Bene; A. Chassevent; K. Beldjord; V. Asnafi; F. Huguet; V. Lheritier; N. Ifrah; H. Dombret
Value of Donor-Specific Anti-HLA Antibody Monitoring and Characterization for Risk Stratification of Kidney Allograft Loss
D. Viglietti; A. Loupy; D. Vernerey; C. Bentlejewski; C. Gosset; O. Aubert; J.P.Duong van Huyen; X. Jouven; C. Legendre; D. Glotz; A. Zeevi; C. Lefaucheurt
Value of serum procalcitonin for the diagnosis of bacterial septic arthritis in daily practice in rheumatology
M. Chouk; F. Verhoeven; M. Sondag; X. Guillot; C. Prati; D. Wendling
