Exclusive Hyperfractionated Radiation Therapy and Reduced Boost Volume for Standard-Risk Medulloblastoma: Pooled Analysis of the 2 French Multicentric Studies MSFOP98 and MSFOP 2007 and Correlation With Molecular Subgroups C. Carrie; V. Kieffer; D. Figarella-Branger; J. Masliah-Planchon; S. Bolle; V. Bernier; A. Laprie; S. Supiot; J. Leseur; J.L. Habrand; C. Alapetite; C. Kerr; C. Dufour; L. Claude; S. Chapet; A. Huchet; P.Y. Bondiau; A. Escande; G. Truc; T.Dat Nguyen; C. Pasteuris; C. Vigneron; X. Muracciole; F. Bourdeaut; R. Appay; B. Dubray; C. Colin; C. Ferlay; S. Dussart; S. Chabaud; L. Padovani; F.Grp Pediat GFR; F.Soc Pediat SFCE 2020 |
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Exclusive intraoperative radiotherapy for invasive breast cancer in elderly patients (> 70 years): proportion of eligible patients and local recurrence-free survival E. Lambaudie; G. Houvenaeghel; A. Zioueche; S. Knight; F. Dravet; J.Remy Garbay; S. Giard; H. Charitansky; M. Cohen; C. Faure; D. Hudry; P. Azuar; R. Villet; P. Gimbergues; C.Tunon de Lara; A. Tallet; M. Bannier; M. Minsat; M. Resbeut 2016 |
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