Publications 13576 - 13600 de 33557
Titre | DOI |
Geometric theories for the algebra of real numbers H. Lombardi; A. Mahboubi 2017 |
10.1090/conm/697/14056 |
Geometric Tweedie regression models for continuous and semicontinuous data with variation phenomenon R. Abid; C.C. Kokonendji; A. Masmoudi 2020 |
10.1007/s10182-019-00350-8 |
Geometrical optimization study of diabolo nanoantenna N.M. Hameed; M.A.Al Lethawe 2020 |
10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163534 |
Geometrical Study of a Quasi-spherical Module for Building Programmable Matter B. Piranda; J. Bourgeois 2019 |
10.1007/978-3-319-73008-0_27 |
Geometry of glaciofluvial deposits and dynamics of the Lyonnais lobe ice front during the last glacial period (France, Northern Alps) T. Roattino; C. Crouzet; J.F. Buoncristiani; H. Tissoux 2021 |
10.1051/bsgf/2021012 |
Geometry on the Wasserstein Space Over a Compact Riemannian Manifold H. Ding; S. Fang 2021 |
10.1007/s10473-021-0612-4 |
GEOMORPHOLOGY AND GEOARCHAEOLOGICAL TYPOLOGY OF ANCIENT HARBOURS IN LAGOONAL CONTEXTS C. Morhange; N. Marriner; A. Baralis; M.Luisa Blot; G. Bony; N. Carayon; P. Carmona; C. Flaux; M. Giaime; J.P. Goiran; M. Kouka; A. Lena; A. Oueslati; M. Pasquinucci; A. Porotov 2015 |
Georges Magnane: The Pen and the Sport S. Laffage-Cosnier 2016 |
10.1080/09523367.2016.1138660 |
Geothermal based hybrid energy systems, toward eco-friendly energy approaches A.Ghani Olabi; M. Mahmoud; B. Soudan; T. Wilberforce; M. Ramadan 2020 |
10.1016/j.renene.2019.09.140 |
GER-E-TEC: TELEMONITORING PROJECT FOR ELDERLY RESIDENTS IN NURSING HOMES A.A. Zulfiqar; A. Hajjam; S. Talha; M. Hajjam; J. Hajjam; S. Erve; B. Geny; E. Andres 2019 |
10.1093/ageing/afy202.06 |
Geriatric analysis from PRODIGE 20 randomized phase II trial evaluating bevacizumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in older patients with untreated metastatic colorectal cancer T. Aparicio; O. Bouche; E. Francois; F. Retornaz; E. Barbier; J. Taieb; S. Kirscher; P.L. Etienne; R. Faroux; K. Akouz; E. Hajbi; C. Locher; Y. Rinaldi; T. Lecomte; S. Lavau-Denes; M. Baconnier; A. Oden-Gangloff; D. Genet; L. Bedenne; E. Paillaud; P.R.O.D.I.G.E.20 Investigators 2018 |
10.1016/j.ejca.2018.03.030 |
Geriatric Choosing Wisely choice of recommendations in France: a pragmatic approach based on clinical audits T. Tannou; E. Menand; D. Veillard; B. Contreras; C. Slekovec; V. Daucourt; D. Somme; A. Corvol; F.Choosing W. G 2021 |
10.1186/s12877-021-02619-7 |
Geriatric factors analyses from FFCD 2001-02 phase III study of first-line chemotherapy for elderly metastatic colorectal cancer patients T. Aparicio; D. Gargot; L. Teillet; E. Maillard; D. Genet; J. Cretin; C. Locher; O. Bouche; G. Breysacher; J.F. Seitz; M. Gasmi; L. Stefani; M. Ramdani; T. Lecomte; D. Auby; R. Faroux; J.B. Bachet; C. Lepere; F. Khemissa; I. Sobhani; O. Boulat; E. Mitry; J.L. Jouve; F.F.C.D.200102 Investigators 2017 |
10.1016/j.ejca.2016.09.029 |
Geriatric Patient Safety Indicators Based on Linked Administrative Health Data to Assess Anticoagulant-Related Thromboembolic and Hemorrhagic Adverse Events in Older Inpatients: A Study Proposal M.A. Le Pogam; C. Quantin; O. Reich; P. Tuppin; A. Fagot-Campagna; F. Paccaud; I. Peytremann-Bridevaux; B. Burnand 2017 |
10.2196/resprot.7562 |
German genesis of epistemocritics: from romanticism to the ``sciences of culture'' L. Dahan-Gaida 2019 |
German genesis of epistemocritics: from romanticism to the ``sciences of culture'' L. Dahan-Gaida 2019 |
German genesis of epistemocritics: from romanticism to the ``sciences of culture'' L. Dahan-Gaida 2019 |
German utility weights for the EORTC QLQ-C30: first results of a general population survey using discrete choice experiments G. Kemmler; E.M. Gamper; V. Nerich; R. Norman; M. King; B. Holzner 2015 |
German utility weights for the EORTC QLQ-C30: first results of a general population survey using discrete choice experiments G. Kemmler; E.M. Gamper; V. Nerich; R. Norman; M. King; B. Holzner 2015 |
German value sets for the EORTC QLU-C10D, a cancer-specific utility instrument based on the EORTC QLQ-C30 G. Kemmler; E. Gamper; V. Nerich; R. Norman; R. Viney; B. Holzner; M. King; E.Org Res Tr EO 2019 |
10.1007/s11136-019-02283-w |
Germinal immunogenetics and response to nivolumab in recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (RM HNSCC) patients (pts): TopNIVO ancillary study E.B. Saada; Y. Koudou; A. Daste; J. Fayette; G. Lefebvre; S. Zanetta; C. Toullec; D. Cupissol; S. Salas; M.C. Kaminsky-Forrett; A.C. Johnson; E. Vauleon; N. Ebran; M. Schmidt; M. Texier; F. Peyrade; G. Milano; J. Guigay; C. Even; M.C. Etienne-Grimaldi 2020 |
10.1016/j.annonc.2020.08.1061 |
Germination base temperature and relative growth rate of 13 weed species - comparing populations from two geographical origins J. Buerger; N. Colbach 2018 |
10.5073/jka.2018.458.061 |
Germline correction of an epimutation related to Silver-Russell syndrome C. Bruno; V. Carmignac; I. Netchine; C. Choux; Y. Duffourd; L. Faivre; C. Thauvin-Robinet; Y. Le Bouc; P. Sagot; D. Bourc'his; P. Fauque 2015 |
10.1093/hmg/ddv079 |
Germline JAK2 L611S mutation in a child with thrombocytosis B. Aral; M. Courtois; S. Ragot; V. Bourgeois; E. Bottolier-Lemallaz; C. Briandet; F. Girodon 2018 |
10.3324/haematol.2018.188995 |
Germline Loss-of-Function Mutations in EPHB4 Cause a Second Form of Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation (CM-AVM2) Deregulating RAS-MAPK Signaling M. Amyere; N. Revencu; R. Helaers; E. Pairet; E. Baselga; M. Cordisco; W. Chung; J. Dubois; J.P. Lacour; L. Martorell; J. Mazereeuw-Hautier; R.E. Pyeritz; D.J. Amor; A. Bisdorff; F. Blei; H. Bombei; A. Dompmartin; D. Brooks; J. Dupont; M.Antonia Gonzalez-Enseat; I. Frieden; M. Gerard; M. Kvarnung; A.Kwan Hanson-Kahn; L. Hudgins; C. Leaute-Labreze; C. McCuaig; D. Metry; P. Parent; C. Paul; F. Petit; A. Phan; I. Quere; A. Salhi; A. Turner; P. Vabres; A. Vicente; O. Wargon; S. Watanabe; L. Weibel; A. Wilson; M. Willing; J.B. Mulliken; L.M. Boon; M. Vikkula 2017 |
10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.026886 |