
Publications 14326 - 14350 de 33557
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
High prevalence and moderate diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the U-bends of high-risk units in hospital
A. Varin; B. Valot; P. Cholley; C. Morel; M. Thouverez; D. Hocquet; X. Bertrand
High prevalence of abnormal cervical smears in a hospital cohort of French women beyond the upper age limit screening program
A. Luquain; E. Belglaiaa; D. Guenat; S. Vrecko; D. Riethmuller; S. Valmary-Degano; I. Bedgedjian; S. Chouham; J.L. Pretet; C. Mougin
High Prevalence of Anal Canal High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Patients With Crohn's Disease
L. Vuitton; E. Jacquin; A.L. Parmentier; E. Crochet; F. Fein; A.C. Dupont-Gossart; L. Plastaras; C.H. Bretagne; F. Mauny; S. Koch; J.L. Pretet; C. Mougin; S. Valmary-Degano
High prevalence of arrhythmic and haemodynamic complications in patients with cardiac glycogenosis secondary to PRKAG2 mutations
G. Laurent; J. Thevenon; F. Ader; P. Laforet; D. Klug; C. Maurage; J. Albuisson; E. Bieth; P. Reant; C. Bonithon-Kopp; C. Thauvin-Robinet; P. Bouvagnet; L. Faivre; P. Charron; P. Richard
High prevalence of arrhythmic and myocardial complications in patients with cardiac glycogenosis due to PRKAG2 mutations
J. Thevenon; G. Laurent; F. Ader; P. Laforet; D. Klug; A.Duva Pentiah; L. Gouya; C.Alain Maurage; S. Kacet; J.C. Eicher; J. Albuisson; M. Desnos; E. Bieth; D. Duboc; L. Martin; P. Reant; F. Picard; C. Bonithon-Kopp; E. Gautier; C. Binquet; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Faivre; P. Bouvagnet; P. Charron; P. Richard
High Prevalence of Human-AssociatedEscherichia coliin Wetlands Located in Eastern France
D. Martak; C.P. Henriot; M. Broussier; C. Couchoud; B. Valot; M. Richard; J. Couchot; G. Bornette; D. Hocquet; X. Bertrand
High prevalence of infectious events in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and genetic relationship with toll-like receptor 9 polymorphisms: experience of the French Thrombotic Microangiopathies Reference Center
M. Morgand; M. Buffet; M. Busson; P. Loiseau; S. Malot; K. Amokrane; C. Fortier; J. London; G. Bonmarchand; A. Wynckel; F. Provot; P. Poullin; P. Vanhille; C. Presne; D. Bordessoule; S. Girault; Y. Delmas; M. Hamidou; C. Mousson; C. Vigneau; A. Lautrette; J. Pourrat; L. Galicier; E. Azoulay; F. Pene; J.P. Mira; E. Rondeau; M. Ojeda-Uribe; D. Charron; E. Maury; B. Guidet; A. Veyradier; R. Tamouza; P. Coppo; T.Microangio Refer
High prevalence of international ESBL CTX-M-15-producing Enterobacter cloacae ST114 clone in animals
M. Haenni; E. Saras; C. Ponsin; S. Dahmen; M. Petitjean; D. Hocquet; J.Y. Madec
High Prevalence of PRPH2 in Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa in France and Characterization of Biochemical and Clinical Features
G. Manes; T. Guillaumie; W.L. Vos; A. Devos; I. Audo; C. Zeitz; V. Marquette; X. Zanlonghi; S. Defoort-Dhellemmes; B. Puech; S.Mohand Said; J.Alan Sahel; S. Odent; H. Dollfus; J. Kaplan; J.L. Dufier; G. Le Meur; M. Weber; L. Faivre; F.Behar Cohen; C. Beroud; M.C. Picot; C. Verdier; A. Senechal; C. Baudoin; B. Bocquet; J.B. Findlay; I. Meunier; C.M. Dhaenens; C.P. Hamel
High prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients with skin-restricted lupus: a case-control study
I. Jalenques; F. Rondepierre; C. Massoubre; E. Haffen; J.P. Grand; B. Labeille; J.L. Perrot; F. Aubin; F. Skowron; A. Mulliez; M. d'Incan; L. Grp
High prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in pets from COVID-19+ households
M. Fritz; B. Rosolen; E. Krafft; P. Becquart; E. Elguero; O. Vratskikh; S. Denolly; B. Boson; J. Vanhomwegen; M.Ar Gouilh; A. Kodjo; C. Chirouze; S.G. Rosolen; V. Legros; E.M. Leroy
High Prevalence of Social Cognition Disorders and Mild Cognitive Impairment Long Term After Stroke
B. Sensenbrenner; O. Rouaud; A. Graule-Petot; S. Guillemin; A. Piver; M. Giroud; Y. Bejot; A. Jacquin-Piques
C. Jiang; D. Christie; D.Pani Paudel; C. Demonceaux
C. Jiang; D. Christie; D.Pani Paudel; C. Demonceaux
High quality-factor optical resonators High quality-factor optical resonators
R. Henriet; P. Salzenstein; D. Ristic; A. Coillet; M. Mortier; A. Rasoloniaina; K. Saleh; G. Cibiel; Y. Dumeige; M. Ferrari; Y.K. Chembo; O. Llopis; P. Feron
High rate of abnormal blood values and vascular complications before diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms
A. Enblom; E. Lindskog; H. Hasselbalch; D. Hersby; M. Bak; J. Tetu; F. Girodon; B. Andreasson
High rate of cardiac thrombus diagnosed by adding cardiac imaging in acute stroke computed tomography protocol
A. Bernard; T. Leclercq; P.O. Comby; G. Duloquin; F. Ricolfi; Y. Bejot; C. Guenancia
High rate of hypomorphic variants as the cause of inherited ataxia and related diseases: study of a cohort of 366 families
M. Benkirane; C. Marelli; C. Guissart; A. Roubertie; E. Ollagnon; A. Choumert; F. Fluchere; F.Ory Magne; Y. Halleb; M. Renaud; L. Larrieu; D. Baux; O. Patat; I. Bousquet; J.M. Ravel; D. Cuntz-Shadfar; C. Sarret; X. Ayrignac; A. Rolland; R. Morales; M. Pointaux; C. Lieutard-Haag; B. Laurens; C. Tillikete; E. Bernard; M. Mallaret; C. Carra-Dalliere; C. Tranchant; P. Meyer; L. Damaj; L. Pasquier; C. Acquaviva; A. Chaussenot; B. Isidor; K. Nguyen; W. Camu; A. Eusebio; N. Carriere; A. Riquet; E. Thouvenot; V. Gonzales; E. Carme; S. Attarian; S. Odent; A. Castrioto; C. Ewenczyk; P. Charles; L. Kremer; S. Sissaoui; N. Bahi-Buisson; E. Kaphan; A. Degardin; B. Doray; S. Julia; G. Remerand; V. Fraix; L.Abou Haidar; L. Lazaro; V. Laugel; F. Villega; C. Charlin; S. Frismand; M.Costa Moreira; T. Witjas; C. Francannet; U. Walther-Louvier; M. Fradin; B. Chabrol; J. Fluss; E. Bieth; G. Castelnovo; S. Vergnet; I. Meunier; A. Verloes; E. Brischoux-Boucher; C. Coubes; D. Genevieve; N. Lebouc; J.Phillipe Azulay; M. Anheim; C. Goizet; F. Rivier; P. Labauge; P. Calvas; M. Koenig
High rate of PIK3CA mutations but no TP53 mutations in low-grade adenosquamous carcinoma of the breast
G. Bataillon; L. Fuhrmann; E. Girard; E. Menet; M. Lae; M. Capovilla; I. Treilleux; L. Arnould; F. Penault-Llorca; R. Rouzier; C. Marchio; I. Bieche; A. Vincent-Salomon
High rate of recurrence at long-term follow-up after new-onset atrial fibrillation during acute myocardial infarction
C. Guenancia; C. Toucas; L. Fauchier; K. Stamboul; F. Garnier; B. Mouhat; A. Sagnard; L. Lorgis; M. Zeller; Y. Cottin
High Rate of Recurrent De Novo Mutations in Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies
F.F. Hamdan; C.T. Myers; P. Cossette; P. Lemay; D. Spiegelman; A.Dionne Laporte; C. Nassif; O. Diallo; J. Monlong; M. Cadieux-Dion; S. Dobrzeniecka; C. Meloche; K. Retterer; M.T. Cho; J.A. Rosenfeld; W. Bi; C. Massicotte; M. Miguet; L. Brunga; B.M. Regan; K. Mo; C. Tam; A. Schneider; G. Hollingsworth; D.R. FitzPatrick; A. Donaldson; N. Canham; E. Blair; B. Kerr; A.E. Fry; R.H. Thomas; J. Shelagh; J.A. Hurst; H. Brittain; M. Blyth; R.Roger Lebel; E.H. Gerkes; L. Davis-Keppen; Q. Stein; W.K. Chung; S.J. Dorison; P.J. Benke; E. Fassi; N. Corsten-Janssen; E.J. Kamsteeg; F.T. Mau-Them; A.L. Bruel; A. Verloes; K. Ounap; M.H. Wojcik; D.V.F. Albert; S. Venkateswaran; T. Ware; D. Jones; Y.C. Liu; S.S. Mohammad; P. Bizargity; C.A. Bacino; V. Leuzzi; S. Martinelli; B. Dallapiccola; M. Tartaglia; L. Blumkin; K.J. Wierenga; G. Purcarin; J.J. O'Byrne; S. Stockler; A. Lehman; B. Keren; M.C. Nougues; C. Mignot; S. Auvin; C. Nava; S.M. Hiatt; M. Bebin; Y. Shao; F. Scaglia; S.R. Lalani; R.E. Frye; I.T. Jarjour; S. Jacques; R.M. Boucher; E. Riou; M. Srour; L. Carmant; A. Lortie; P. Major; P. Diadori; F. Dubeau; G. D'Anjou; G. Bourque; S.F. Berkovic; L.G. Sadleir; P.M. Campeau; Z. Kibar; R.G. Lafreniere; S.L. Girard; S. Mercimek-Mahmutoglu; C. Boelman; G.A. Rouleau; I.E. Scheffer; H.C. Mefford; D.M. Andrade; E. Rossignol; B.A. Minassian; J.L. Michaud; D.Dev Disord Study
High Rates of Prescribing Antimicrobials for Prophylaxis in Children and Neonates: Results From the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children Point Prevalence Survey
M. Hufnagel; A. Versporten; J. Bielicki; N. Drapier; M. Sherland; H. Goossens; G.Maria Calle; J. Clark; C. Cooper; C.C. Blyth; J.Reginald Francis; J. Alsalman; H. Jansen; L. Mahieu; P. Van Rossom; W. Vandewal; P. Lepage; S. Blumental; C. Briquet; D. Robbrecht; P. Maton; P. Gabriels; Z. Rubic; T. Kovacevic; J.Peter Nielsen; J.Reinholdt Petersen; P. Poorisrisak; L.Heilmann Jensen; M. Laan; E. Tamm; M. Matsinen; M.L. Rummukainen; V. Gajdos; R. Olivier; F. Le Marechal; A. Martinot; F. Dubos; M. Lagree; S. Prot-Labarthe; M. Lorrot; D. Orbach; K. Pagava; M. Knuf; S.A.A. Schlag; J. Liese; L. Renner; A. Enimil; M. Awunyo; G. Syridou; N. Spyridis; E. Critselis; S. Kouni; K. Mougkou; F. Ladomenou; D. Gkentzi; E. Iosifidis; E. Roilides; S. Sahu; S. Murki; M. Malviya; D.Bhavani Kalavalapalli; S. Singh; T. Singhal; G. Garg; P. Garg; N. Kler; J. Soltani; Z. Jafarpour; G. Pouladfar; G. Nicolini; C. Montagnani; L. Galli; S. Esposito; R. Tenconi; A.Lo Vecchio; D. Dona; C. Giaquinto; E. Borgia; P. D'Argenio; M. De Luca; C. Centenari; L. Raka; D. Raka; A. Omar; H. Al-Mousa; D. Mozgis; I. Sviestina; S. Burokiene; V. Usonis; G. Tavchioska; A. Hargadon-Lowe; P. Zarb; M.A. Borg; C.Agustin Go Lozano; P.Zarate Castanon; M.E. Cancino; B. McCullagh; A. McCorry; C. Gormley; Z.Al Maskari; A. Al-Jardani; M. Pluta; F. Rodrigues; A. Brett; I. Esteves; L. Marques; J.Ali AlAjmi; S.Claudia Cambrea; A.N. Rashed; A.Abdu Mubar Azmi; S.Min Chan; M.Suhaila Isa; P. Najdenov; M. Cizman; S. Unuk; H. Finlayson; A. Dramowski; I. Mate-Cano; B. Soto; C. Calvo; B. Santiago; J. Saavedra-Lozano; A. Bustinza; L. Escosa-Garcia; N. Ureta; E. Lopez-Varela; P. Rojo; A. Tagarro; P.Terol Barrero; E.Maria Rincon-Lopez; I. Abubakar; J. Aston; M. Patel; A.Bedford Russell; M. Heginbothom; P. Satodia; M. Garbash; A. Johnson; D. Sharpe; C. Barton; E. Menson; S. Arenas-Lopez; S. Luck; K. Doerholt; P. McMaster; N.A. Caldwell; A. Lunn; S.B. Drysdale; R. Howe; T. Scorrer; F. Gahleitner; R. Gupta; C. Nash; J. Alexander; M. Raman; E. Bell; V. Rajagopal; S. Kohlhoff; E. Cox; K. Nichols; T. Zaoutis; A.R.P.E.C.Project Grp
High rates of sexually transmissible infections in HIV-positive patients in the Australian HIV Observational Database: a prospective cohort study
B.P. Mulhall; S. Wright; D. Allen; K. Brown; B. Dickson; M. Grotowski; E. Jackson; K. Petoumenos; P. Read; T. Read; D. Russell; D.J. Smith; D.J. Templeton; C.K. Fairley; M.G. Law
High repetition rate mid-infrared supercontinuum generation from 1.3 to 5.3 mu m in robust step-index tellurite fibers
S. Kedenburg; C. Strutynski; B. Kibler; P. Froidevaux; F. Desevedavy; G. Gadret; J.C. Jules; T. Steinle; F. Moerz; A. Steinmann; H. Giessen; F. Smektala
High Resolution Actuators
M. Grossard; M. Rakotondrabe
