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The Diversity of the Philippine Population. PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO. :159-179.
2017. The Division of the University of Prague in 1882: A successful Compromise. DEUTSCH OHNE GRENZEN: GESELLSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN. :103-120.
2015. The Dog That Sniffs Out Cancer. DISCOVERING ODORS. :97-99.
2019. The double-power nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its generalizations: uniqueness, non-degeneracy and applications. CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 59:197.
2020. The Dual Impact of Technical Progress. LABOUR: A HETERODOX APPROACH. :108+.
2014. The dual role of non-selective beta-blockers in cirrhotic patients: How do we know when Dr Jekyll turns into Mr Hyde? LIVER INTERNATIONAL. 41:1166-1167.
2021. The Durkheim Pharmacy, to heal or console? REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE. :447-453.
2019. The dynamics of soil micro-food web structure and functions vary according to litter quality. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY. 95:262-274.
2016. The dynamics of wine tourism adoption in Chile. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. 127:474-485.
2021. The dysregulated innate immune response in severe COVID-19 pneumonia that could drive poorer outcome (vol 18, 457, 2020). JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 19:100.
2021. .
Submitted. The Early Development of Wheeze Environmental Determinants and Genetic Susceptibility at 17q21. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 193:889-897.
2016. The Echinococcoses: Diagnosis, Clinical Management and Burden of Disease. ECHINOCOCCUS AND ECHINOCOCCOSIS, PT B. 96:259+.
2017. The ecology of medical care in a population from Paris in 2013. EXERCER-LA REVUE FRANCOPHONE DE MEDECINE GENERALE. 26:74-75.
2015. The economic, environmental and social performance of European certified food. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 191:107244.
2022. The economic impact of sudden cardiac arrest. RESUSCITATION. 163:49-56.
2021. The E-DIS study, a randomized discontinuation trial of first-line chemotherapy (CT) in patients with metastatic squamous-cell esophageal cancer (MSEC): efficacy and quality of life results. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 27:141.
2016. The E-DIS study, a randomized discontinuation trial of first-line chemotherapy (CT) in patients with metastatic squamous-cell esophageal cancer (MSEC): efficacy and quality of life results. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 27:141.
2016. The Effect of Coenzyme Q(10) on Morbidity and Mortality in Chronic Heart Failure Results From Q-SYMBIO: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial. JACC-HEART FAILURE. 2:641-649.
2014. The effect of dose on the antimalarial efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine: a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual patient data. LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 15:692-702.
2015. The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on the Term Structure of Interest Rates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL BANKING. 14:193-222.
2018. The effect of FTO variation on increased osteoarthritis risk is mediated through body mass index: a mendelian randomisation study. ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 73:2082-2086.
2014. The Effect of High-Pressure Microfluidization Treatment on the Foaming Properties of Pea Albumin Aggregates. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE. 84:2242-2249.
2019. The effect of information content on acceptance of cultured meat in a tasting context (vol 15, e0231176, 2020). PLOS ONE. 15:e0240630.
2020. The effect of information content on acceptance of cultured meat in a tasting context. PLOS ONE. 15:e0231176.