33557 resultats trouvés
Continuation of Bevacizumab vs Cetuximab Plus Chemotherapy After First Progression in KRAS Wild-Type Metastatic Colorectal Cancer The UNICANCER PRODIGE18 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA ONCOLOGY. 5:83-90.
2019. Continuation versus discontinuation of first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic squamous cell oesophageal cancer: A randomised phase II trial (E-DIS). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 111:12-20.
2019. The continuity of cognitive processes and the discontinuity of subjective emergences. EVOLUTION PSYCHIATRIQUE. 84:500-511.
2019. Continuous Anti-TNF alpha Use Throughout Pregnancy: Possible Complications For the Mother But Not for the Fetus. A Retrospective Cohort on the French National Health Insurance Database (EVASION). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 113:1669-1677.
2018. Continuous energy-efficient monitoring model for mobile ad hoc networks. IWCMC 2021: 2021 17TH INTERNATIONAL WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING CONFERENCE (IWCMC). :1587-1592.
2021. Continuous extension of maps between sequential cascades. ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC. 172:102928.
2021. Continuous hydrothermal synthesis in supercritical conditions as a novel process for the elaboration of Y-doped BaZrO3. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. 47:17799-17803.
2021. Continuous infusion of vancomycin in critically ill children: do we achieve the target? FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY. 31:55-56.
2017. Continuous isoniazid for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in people living with HIV. AIDS. 30:797-801.
2016. .
2021. Continuous Sorting of Submicron Particles in a Pre-analytical Device Based on Acousto-fluidic Microsystem. SENSORS AND ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION ADVANCES (SEIA' 19). :299-300.
2019. Continuous Sorting of Submicron Particles in a Pre-analytical Device Based on Acousto-fluidic Microsystem. SENSORS AND ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION ADVANCES (SEIA' 19). :299-300.
2019. Continuous validation of the PHM function in aircraft industry. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2015 ICRSE. :RP0236.
2015. Continuous validation of the PHM function in aircraft industry. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2015 ICRSE. :RP0236.
2015. Continuous-time quantum walk on an extended star graph: Disorder-enhanced trapping process. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 101:012310.
2020. Continuous-time quantum walk on an extended star graph: Trapping and superradiance transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 97:022304.
2018. Continuum approach for modeling fatigue in amorphous glassy polymers. Applications to the investigation of damage-ratcheting interaction in polycarbonate. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. 91:109-133.
2017. Continuum of care for advanced biliary tract cancers. CLINICS AND RESEARCH IN HEPATOLOGY AND GASTROENTEROLOGY. 44:810-824.
2020. Continuum of solutions for an elliptic problem with critical growth in the gradient. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. 268:2298-2335.
2015. Contract-based testing for PHP with Praspel. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 136:209-222.
2018. Contractibility sensor signal evolution predicts cardiovascular events in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy. ARCHIVES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. 112:22-30.
2019. Contractivity results in ordered spaces. Applications to relative operator bounds and projections with norm one. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. 290:1732-1752.
2017. Contralateral Routing of Signal Hearing Aid versus Transcutaneous Bone Conduction in Single-Sided Deafness. AUDIOLOGY AND NEURO-OTOLOGY. 20:251-260.
2015. Contrasted morphologies in nanostructured Janus W-Cu columns. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS. 27:102331.
2021. Contrasted patterns of genetic differentiation across eight bird species in the Lesser Antilles. GENETICA. 144:125-138.