Publications - 'A'
Publications 26 - 50 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
A bacterium-based contact assay for evaluating the quality of solid samples Results from an international ring-test C.R. Marques; N. El-Azhari; F. Martin-Laurent; P. Pandard; C. Meline; A.L. Petre; S. Eckert; J. Zipperle; M. Vana; S. Maly; L. Sindelarova; A.Slavikova Amemori; J. Hofman; A. Kumar; H. Doan; M. McLaughlin; E. Richter; J. Roembke 2018 |
10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.03.022 |
A Barrier Function Based-Adaptive Super-Twisting Controller for Wind Energy Conversion System H. Obeid; S. Laghrouche; L. Fridman 2019 |
A Barrier Function Based-Adaptive Super-Twisting Controller for Wind Energy Conversion System H. Obeid; S. Laghrouche; L. Fridman 2019 |
A basal ganglia-like cortical-amygdalar-hypothalamic network mediates feeding behavior M. Barbier; S. Chometton; A. Pautrat; C. Miguet-Alfonsi; F. Datiche; J. Gascuel; D. Fellmann; Y. Peterschmitt; V. Coizet; P.Y. Risold 2020 |
10.1073/pnas.2004914117 |
A basis for the Kauffman skein module of the product of a surface and a circle R. Detcherry; M. Wolff 2021 |
10.2140/agt.2021.21.2959 |
A Bayesian framework systematic review and meta-analysis of anesthetic agents effectiveness/tolerability profile in electroconvulsive therapy for major depression G. Fond; D. Bennabi; E. Haffen; L. Brunel; J.A. Micoulaud-Franchi; A. Loundou; C. Lancon; P.M. Llorca; P. Auquier; L. Boyer 2016 |
10.1038/srep19847 |
A better management for a better care P. Colombat; J. Lejeune; A. Altmeyer; E. Fouquereau 2019 |
10.1016/j.bulcan.2018.10.012 |
A better-ventilated ocean triggered by Late Cretaceous changes in continental configuration Y. Donnadieu; E. Puceat; M. Moiroud; F. Guillocheau; J.F. Deconinck 2016 |
10.1038/ncomms10316 |
A bi-allelic loss-of-function SARS1 variant in children with neurodevelopmental delay, deafness, cardiomyopathy, and decompensation during fever J.M. Ravel; N. Dreumont; P. Mosca; D.E.C. Smith; ; A. Wiedemann; D. Coelho; E. Schmitt; J.B. Riviere; F.Tran Mau-Them; J. Thevenon; P. Kuentz; M. Polivka; S.A. Fuchs; G. Kok; C. Thauvin-Robinet; J.L. Gueant; G.S. Salomons; L. Faivre; F. Feillet 2021 |
10.1002/humu.24285 |
A bicentre retrospective study of features and outcomes of patients with reactive arthritis A. Courcoul; A. Brinster; E. Decullier; J.P. Larbre; M. Piperno; E. Pradat; J.G. Tebib; D. Wendling; F. Coury 2018 |
10.1016/j.jbspin.2017.01.013 |
A bifurcation analysis for the Lugiato-Lefever equation C. Godey 2017 |
10.1140/epjd/e2017-80057-2 |
A Binary Genetic Approach to Characterize TRPM5 Cells in Mice S. Kusumakshi; A. Voigt; S. Huebner; I. Hermans-Borgmeyer; A. Ortalli; M. Pyrski; J. Doerr; F. Zufall; V. Flockerzi; W. Meyerhof; J.P. Montmayeur; U. Boehm 2015 |
10.1093/chemse/bjv023 |
A binary genetic strategy to visualize and manipulate TRPM5-expressing cells in mice S. Kusumakshi; A. Voigt; J. Doerr; W. Meyerhof; V. Flockerzi; J.P. Montmayeur; U. Boehm 2014 |
A Biocatalytic Nanomaterial for the Label-Free Detection of Virus-Like Particles S. Sykora; R. Correro; N. Moridi; G. Belliot; P. Pothier; Y. Dudal; P.F.X. Corvini; P. Shahgaldian 2017 |
10.1002/cbic.201700126 |
A Biochip Based Medical Device for Point-of-Care ABO Compatibility: Towards a Smart Transfusion Line K. Charriere; A. Rouleau; O. Gaiffe; P. Morel; V. Bourcier; C. Pieralli; W. Boireau; L. Pazart; B. Wacogne 2018 |
10.1007/978-3-319-94806-5_5 |
A Biogeometrical Model for Corolla Fusion in Asclepiad Flowers J. Gielis; D. Caratelli; Y. Fougerolle; P.Emilio Ricci; T. Gerats 2017 |
10.2991/978-94-6239-261-8_7 |
A blind Robust Image Watermarking Approach exploiting the DFT Magnitude M. Hamidi; M.El Haziti; H. Cherifi; D. Aboutajdine 2015 |
A blind Robust Image Watermarking Approach exploiting the DFT Magnitude M. Hamidi; M.El Haziti; H. Cherifi; D. Aboutajdine 2015 |
A boosting approach for prostate cancer detection using multi-parametric MRI G. Lemaitre; J. Massich; R. Marti; J. Freixenet; J.C. Vilanova; P.M. Walker; D.D. Sidibe; F. Meriaudeau 2015 |
10.1117/12.2182772 |
A BPK-CRIO Methodology for the Design and Implementation of a Multi-agent based Business Process Monitoring System Y. Lin; J. Zhu; Q. Li 2015 |
10.1109/SITIS.2015.45 |
A brain problem with Listeria monocytogenes A. Boully; A. Casenaz; M. Blot; L. Piroth; M. Thai; G. Zanetta; T. Blanchot; T. Sixt 2022 |
A brain problem with Listeria monocytogenes A. Boully; A. Casenaz; M. Blot; L. Piroth; M. Thai; G. Zanetta; T. Blanchot; T. Sixt 2022 |
A branch and bound algorithm for one supplier and multiple heterogeneous customers to solve a coordinated scheduling problem Z. Hammoudan; O. Grunder; T. Boudouh; A.El Moudni 2014 |
A branch and bound algorithm for one supplier and multiple heterogeneous customers to solve a coordinated scheduling problem Z. Hammoudan; O. Grunder; T. Boudouh; A.El Moudni 2014 |
A Bregman-proximal point algorithm for robust non-negative matrix factorization with possible missing values and outliers - application to gene expression analysis S. Chretien; C. Guyeux; B. Conesa; R. Delage-Mouroux; M. Jouvenot; P. Huetz; F. Descotes 2016 |
10.1186/s12859-016-1120-8 |