Publications - 'A'
Publications 401 - 425 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
A global palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Valanginian based on clay mineralogical and geochemical data G. Charbonnier; S. Duchamp-Alphonse; J.F. Deconinck; T. Adatte; J.E. Spangenberg; C. Colin; K.B. Follmi 2020 |
10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103092 |
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline L.V. Dicks; T.D. Breeze; H.T. Ngo; D. Senapathi; J. An; M.A. Aizen; P. Basu; D. Buchori; L. Galetto; L.A. Garibaldi; B. Gemmill-Herren; B.G. Howlett; V.L. Imperatriz-Fonseca; S.D. Johnson; A. Kovacs-Hostyanszki; Y.Jung Kwon; M.G. Lattorff; T. Lungharwo; C.L. Seymour; A.J. Vanbergen; S.G. Potts 2021 |
10.1038/s41559-021-01534-9 |
A goal-based approach to engineering capacity-driven Web services Z. Maamar; S. Tata; K. Yetongnon; D. Benslimane; P. Thiran 2014 |
10.1017/S0269888914000095 |
A golden future in medicinal inorganic chemistry: the promise of anticancer gold organometallic compounds B. Bertrand; A. Casini 2014 |
10.1039/c3dt52524d |
A Good Servant But a Poor Master: The Side Effects of Numbers and Metrics A. Asselineau; G. Grolleau; N. Mzoughi Submitted |
10.1177/00953997211043830 |
A Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Study of the N-2, CO, and Mixed N-2 - CO Clathrate Hydrates A. Patt; J.M. Simon; S. Picaud; M. Salazar 2018 |
10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b03657 |
A grape and wine chemodiversity comparison of different appellations in Burgundy: Vintage vs terroir effects C. Roullier-Gall; L. Boutegrabet; R.D. Gougeon; P. Schmitt-Kopplin 2014 |
10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.056 |
A graph construction method using LBP self-representativeness for outdoor object categorization F. Dornaika; A. Bosaghzadeh; H. Salmane; Y. Ruichek 2014 |
10.1016/j.engappai.2014.08.003 |
A Graph Database Approach to Wireless IIoT Workcell Performance Evaluation R. Candell; M. Kashef; Y. Liu; K. Montgomery; S. Foufou 2020 |
A Graph Database Approach to Wireless IIoT Workcell Performance Evaluation R. Candell; M. Kashef; Y. Liu; K. Montgomery; S. Foufou 2020 |
10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067199 |
A Graph-Based Algorithm for Supervised Image Classification K. Du; J. Liu; X. Zhang; J. Feng; Y. Guan; S. Domas 2018 |
10.1007/978-3-319-93701-4_14 |
A graph-based approach to defend agro-ecological systems against water vole outbreaks J.C. Foltete; G. Couval; M. Fontanierc; G. Vuidel; P. Giraudoux 2016 |
10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.06.033 |
A Graphical Modelling Editor for STARSoC Design Flow Tool Based on Model Driven Engineering Approach E. Kerkouche; E.Bay Bourennane; A. Chaoui 2018 |
10.5277/e-Inf180101 |
A GRASP-ALNS combination for robust pickup and delivery problem Z.Al Chami; B. Bechara; H. Manier; M.A. Manier; M. Sleiman Submitted |
10.1080/00207543.2021.1933236 |
A Gray code for cross-bifix-free sets A. Bernini; S. Bilotta; R. Pinzani; V. Vajnovszki 2017 |
10.1017/S0960129515000067 |
A great masquerader disease ... T. Maillet; M.Funes de la Vega; C. Duperron; S. Audia 2020 |
10.1016/j.ejim.2020.06.034 |
A greedy based algorithm for a bi-objective Pickup and Delivery Problem with Transfers A. Godart; H. Manier; C. Bloch; M.A. Manier 2019 |
A greedy based algorithm for a bi-objective Pickup and Delivery Problem with Transfers A. Godart; H. Manier; C. Bloch; M.A. Manier 2019 |
A Green Mesh Routers' Placement to Ensure Small Cells Backhauling in 5G Networks I. Allal; K. Dhifallah; J. Penhoat; Y. Gourhant; S.M. Senouci 2017 |
A Green Mesh Routers' Placement to Ensure Small Cells Backhauling in 5G Networks I. Allal; K. Dhifallah; J. Penhoat; Y. Gourhant; S.M. Senouci 2017 |
A Green Routing and Scheduling Problem in Home Health Care H. Luo; M. Dridi; O. Grunder 2020 |
10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.263 |
A Green Small Cells Deployment in 5G-Switch ON/OFF via IoT Networks & Energy Efficient Mesh Backhauling I. Allal; B. Mongazon-Cazavet; K.Al Agha; S.M. Senouci; Y. Gourhant 2017 |
A Green Small Cells Deployment in 5G-Switch ON/OFF via IoT Networks & Energy Efficient Mesh Backhauling I. Allal; B. Mongazon-Cazavet; K.Al Agha; S.M. Senouci; Y. Gourhant 2017 |
A Greener Oregon: Acute Inpatient Delirium C. Fine; B. Kishel; A.Y. O'Glasser; S.S. Desai 2017 |
10.1016/j.amjmed.2016.11.012 |
A Guaranteed performance of a green data center based on the contribution of vital nodes E. Baccour; S. Foufou; R. Hamila 2016 |