Publications - 'A'

Publications 376 - 400 de 3773
| % | ( | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | < | ? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | ` | {
Titre DOI
A Fusion of Feature Extraction and Feature Selection Technique for Network Intrusion Detection
Y. Hamid; M. Sugumaran; L. Journaux
A Fuzzy Chance-constraint Programming Model for a Home Health Care Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand
Y. Shi; T. Boudouh; O. Grunder
A Fuzzy Logic-Based Communication Medium Selection for QoS Preservation in Vehicular Networks
T. Bouali; S.M. Senouci
A Game Theory Based Efficient Computation Offloading in an UAV Network
M.A. Messous; S.M. Senouci; H. Sedjelmaci; S. Cherkaoui
A general diastereoselective synthesis of highly functionalized ferrocenyl ambiphiles enabled on a large scale by electrochemical purification
E. Lerayer; P. Renaut; J. Roger; N. Pirio; H. Cattey; C.H. Devillers; D. Lucas; J.C. Hierso
A general framework for complex network-based image segmentation
Y. Mourchid; M.El Hassouni; H. Cherifi
A general model for the home health care routing and scheduling problem with route balancing
J. Decerle; O. Grunder; H.El Hassani; O. Barakat
A General Palladium-Catalyzed Method for Alkylation of Heteroarenes Using Secondary and Tertiary Alkyl Halides
X. Wu; J.Wei Ting See; K. Xu; H. Hirao; J. Roger; J.C. Hierso; J.(Steve) Zhou
A generalised geometrical model of turning operations for cutting force modelling using edge discretisation
S. Campocasso; J.P. Costes; G. Fromentin; S. Bissey-Breton; G. Poulachon
A generalized additive model to disentangle age and diagnosis-specific cohort effects in psychological and behavioral outcomes in people living with HIV: the French cross-sectional ANRS-VESPA2 survey
L. Sagaon-Teyssier; A. Vilotitch; M. Mora; G. Maradan; V. Guagliardo; M. Suzan-Monti; R. Dray-Spira; B. Spire; M.Patrizia Carrieri; C. Hamelin; N. Lorente; M. Preau; F. Marcellin; M. Duracinsky; Y. Le Strat; L. Cuzin; L. Meyer; D. Rojas-Castro; H. Fischer; T. Allegre; P. Mours; J.M. Riou; M. Sordage; J.M. Chennebault; P. Fialaire; V. Rabier; M. Froidure; D. Huguet; D. Leduc; G.P. Ichancourt; A. Wajsbrot; C. Bourdeaux; A. Foltzer; B. Hoen; L. Hustache-Mathieu; S. Abgrall; R. Barruet; O. Bouchaud; A. Chabrol; S. Manion; F. Mechai; V. Jeantils; N. Bernard; F. Bonnet; M. Hessamfar; D. Lacoste; D. Malvy; P. Mercie; P. Morlat; F. Paccalin; M.C. Pertusa; T. Pistone; M.C. Receveur; M.A. Vandenhende; C. Dupont; F. Maresca; J. Leporrier; E. Rouveix; S. Dargere; A. De la Blanchardiere; A. Martin; V. Noyon; R. Verdon; O. Rogeaux; J. Beytout; F. Gourdon; H. Laurichesse; F. Meier; E. Mortier; A.M. Simonpoli; F. Cordier; I. Delacroix; V. Garrait; B. Elharrar; S. Dominguez; A.S. Lascaux; J.D. Lelievre; Y. Levy; G. Melica; M. Buisson; L. Piroth; A. Waldner; N. Gruat; A. Lepretre; P. De Truchis; D. Le Du; C. Melchior; R. Sehouane; D. Troisvallets; M. Blanc; I. Boccon-Gibod; A. Bosseray; J.P. Brion; F. Durand; P. Leclercq; F. Marion; P. Pavese; E. Brottier-Mancini; L. Faba; M. Roncato-Saberan; O. Boilengier-Stragier; J.L. Esnault; S. Leautez-Nainville; P.P. Erre; E. Froguel; M. Nguessan; P. Simon; P. Colardelle; J. Doll; C. Godin-Collet; S. Roussin-Bretagne; J.F. Delfraissy; M. Duracinsky; C. Goujard; D. Peretti; Y. Quertainmont; J. Marionneau; E. Aissi; N. Van Grunderbeeck; E. Denes; S. Ducroix-Roubertou; C. Genet; P. Weinbreck; C. Augustin-Normand; A. Boibieux; L. Cotte; T. Ferry; J. Koffi; P. Miailhes; T. Perpoint; D. Peyramond; I. Schlienger; J.M. Brunel; E. Carbonnel; P. Chiarello; J.M. Livrozet; D. Makhloufi; C. Dhiver; H. Husson; A. Madrid; I. Ravaux; M.L. de Severac; T. Mieg; C. Tomei; S. Hakoun; J. Moreau; S. Mokhtari; M. Soavi; O. Faucher; A. Menard; M. Orticoni; I. Poizot-Martin; M.J. Soavi; N. Atoui; V. Baillat; V. Faucherre; C. Favier; J.M. Jacquet; V. Le Moing; A. Makinson; R. Mansouri; C. Merle; N. Elforzli; C. Allavena; O. Aubry; M. Besnier; E. Billaud; B. Bonnet; S. Bouchez; D. Boutoille; C. Brunet; N. Feuillebois; M. Lefebvre; M. Le Houssine; O. Mounoury; P. Point; F. Raffi; V. Reliquet; J.P. Talarmin; C. Ceppi; E. Cua; P. Dellamonica; F. De Salvador-Guiliouet; J. Durant; S. Ferrando; V. Mondain-Miton; I. Perbost; S. Pillet; B. Prouvost-Keller; C. Pradier; P. Pugliese; V. Rahelinirina; P.M. Roger; E. Rosenthal; F. Sanderson; L. Hocqueloux; M. Niang; T. Prazuck; P. Arsac; M.F. Barrault-Anstett; M. Ahouanto; E. Bouvet; G. Castanedo; C. Charlois-Ou; D. Kotuba; Z. Eid-Antoun; C. Jestin; K. Jidar; V. Joly; M.A. Khuong-Josses; N. Landgraf; R. Landman; S. Lariven; F. L'Heriteau; M. Machado; S. Matheron; F. Michard; G. Morau; G. Pahlavan; B.C. Phung; M.H. Prevot; C. Rioux; P. Yeni; F. Bani-Sadr; A. Calboreanu; E. Chakvetadze; D. Salmon; B. Silbermann; D. Batisse; M. Beumont; P. Castiel; J. Derouineau; M. Eliaszewicz; G. Gonzalez; D. Jayle; M. Karmochkine; P. Kousignian; J. Pavie; I. Pierre; L. Weiss; E. Badsi; M. Bendenoun; J. Cervoni; M. Diemer; A. Durel; A. Rami; P. Sellier; H. Ait-Mohand; N. Amirat; M. Bonmarchand; F. Bourdillon; G. Breton; F. Caby; J.P. Grivois; C. Katiama; M. Kirstetter; L. Paris; F. Pichon; L. Roudiere; L. Schneider; M.C. Samba; S. Seang; A. Simon; H. Stitou; R. Tubiana; M.A. Valantin; D. Bollens; J. Bottero; E. Bui; P. Campa; L. Fonquernie; S. Fournier; P.M. Girard; A. Goetschel; H.F. Guyon; K. Lacombe; F. Lallemand; B. Lefebvre; J.L. Maynard; M.C. Meyohas; Z. Ouazene; J. Pacanowski; O. Picard; G. Raguin; P. Roussard; M. Tourneur; J. Tredup; N. Valin; S. Balkan; F. Clavel; C. de Verdiere; N. De Castro; V. de Lastours; S. Ferret; S. Gallien; L. Gerard; J. Goguel; M. Lafaurie; C. Lascoux-Combe; J.M. Molina; E. Oksenhendler; C. Pintado; D. Ponscarme; W. Rozenbaum; A. Scemla; P. Bonnard; L. Lassel; M.G. Lebrette; T. Lyavanc; P. Mariot; R. Missonnier; M. Ohayon; G. Pialoux; M.P. Treilhou; J.P. Vincensini; J. Gilquin; B. Hadacek; L. Nait-Ighil; T.H. Nguyen; A. Sobel; J.P. Viard; Z.Dit Zbar; H. Aumaitre; A. Eden; M. Ferreyra; F. Lopez; M. Medus; S. Neuvilie; M. Saada; L. Blum; P. Perfezou; C. Arvieux; J.M. Chappiain; M. Revest; F. Souala; P. Tattevin; S. Bord; F. Borsa-Lebas; F. Caron; C. Chapuzet; Y. Debab; I. Gueit; M. Etienne; C. Fartoukh; K. Feltgen; C. Joly; S. Robaday-Voisin; P. Suel; M.A. Khuong; J. Krausse; M. Poupard; T. Van; C. Cazorla; F. Daoud; P. Fascia; A. Fresard; C. Guglielminotti; F. Lucht; C. Bernard-Henry; C. Cheneau; J.M. Lang; E. de Mautort; M.P. Artisan; M. Priester; D. Rey; C. Majerholc; D. Zucman; A. Assi; A. Lafeuillade; J.P. de Jaureguiberry; O. Gisserot; C. Aquilina; Pdu Clary; M. Alvarez; M. Chauveau; L. Cuzin; P. Delobel; D. Garipuy; E. Labau; B. Marchou; P. Massip; M. Muiarczyk; M. Obadia; F. Ajana; C. Allienne; V. Baclet; X. de la Tribonniere; T. Huleux; H. Meiliez; A. Meybeck; B. Riff; M. Vaiette; N. Viget; F. Bastides; L. Bernard; G. Gras; P. Guadagnin; T. May; C. Rabaud; D. Santos; Y.P. Oinsignon; O. Derradji; L. Escaut; E. Teicher; D. Vittecoq; J. Bantsima; P. Caraux-Paz; O. Patey; V.E.S.P.A.2Study Grp
A generalized vibronic-coupling Hamiltonian for molecules without symmetry: Application to the photoisomerization of benzopyran
B. Gonon; B. Lasorne; G. Karras; L. Joubert-Doriol; D. Lauvergnat; F. Billard; B. Lavorel; O. Faucher; S. Guerin; E. Hertz; F. Gatti
A generic approach to scheduling and checkpointing workflows
L. Han; V. Le Fevre; L.C. Canon; Y. Robert; F. Vivien
10.1177/1094342019866891, Early Access Date = {AUG 2019
A generic approach to scheduling and checkpointing workflows
L. Han; V. Le Fevre; L.C. Canon; Y. Robert; F. Vivien
A genetic link between synsedimentary tectonics-expelled fluids, microbial sulfate reduction and cone-in-cone structures
N. Tribovillard; A. Petit; M. Quijada; A. Riboulleau; P. Sansjofre; C. Thomazo; A. Huguet; D. Birgel; O. Averbuch
A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for primary central nervous system lymphoma at 6p25.3 and 3p22.1: a LOC Network study
K. Labreche; M. Daniau; A. Sud; P.J. Law; L. Royer-Perron; A. Holroyd; P. Broderick; M. Went; M. Benazra; G. Ahle; P. Soubeyran; L. Taillandier; O.L. Chinot; O. Casasnovas; J.O. Bay; F. Jardin; L. Oberic; M. Fabbro; G. Damaj; A. Brion; K. Mokhtari; C. Philippe; M. Sanson; C. Houillier; C. Soussain; K. Hoang-Xuan; R.S. Houlston; A. Alentorn; M.P. Moles-Moreau; R. Gressin; V. Delwail; F. Morschhauser; P. Agape; A. Jaccard; H. Ghesquieres; A. Tempescul; E. Gyan; J.P. Marolleau; R. Houot; L. Fornecker; A.L. Di Stefano; I. Detrait; A. Rahimian; M. Lathrop; D. Genet; F. Davi; N. Cassoux; V. Touitou; S. Choquet; A. Vital; M. Polivka; D. Figarella-Branger; A. Benouaich-Amiel; C. Campello; F. Charlotte; N. Martin-Duverneuil; L. Feuvret; A. Kas; S. Navarro; C. Villa; F. Bielle; F. Chretien; M.Christine Tortel; G. Gauchotte; E. Uro-Coste; C. Godfrain; V. Rigau; M. Costopoulos; M. Le Garff-Tavernier; D. Meyronnet; A. Rousseau; C. Adam; T. Lamy; C. Chabrot; E.M. Boyle; M. Blonski; A. Schmitt; L.O.C. Network
A genome-wide association study of marginal zone lymphoma shows association to the HLA region
J. Vijai; Z. Wang; S.I. Berndt; C.F. Skibola; S.L. Slager; S. de Sanjose; M. Melbye; B. Glimelius; P.M. Bracci; L. Conde; B.M. Birmann; S.S. Wang; A.R. Brooks-Wilson; Q. Lan; P.I.W. de Bakker; R.C.H. Vermeulen; C. Portlock; S.M. Ansell; B.K. Link; J. Riby; K.E. North; J. Gu; H. Hjalgrim; W. Cozen; N. Becker; L.R. Teras; J.J. Spinelli; J. Turner; Y. Zhang; M.P. Purdue; G.G. Giles; R.S. Kelly; A. Zeleniuch-Jacquotte; M.Grazia Ennas; A. Monnereau; K.A. Bertrand; D. Albanes; T. Lightfoot; M. Yeager; C.C. Chung; L. Burdett; A. Hutchinson; C. Lawrence; R. Montalvan; L. Liang; J. Huang; B. Ma; D.J. Villano; A. Maria; M. Corines; T. Thomas; A.J. Novak; A. Dogan; M. Liebow; C.A. Thompson; T.E. Witzig; T.M. Habermann; G.J. Weiner; M.T. Smith; E.A. Holly; R.D. Jackson; L.F. Tinker; Y. Ye; H.O. Adami; K.E. Smedby; A.J. De Roos; P. Hartge; L.M. Morton; R.K. Severson; Y. Benavente; P. Boffetta; P. Brennan; L. Foretova; M. Maynadie; J. Mckay; A. Staines; R. Diver; C.M. Vajdic; B.K. Armstrong; A. Kricker; T. Zheng; T.R. Holford; G. Severi; P. Vineis; G.M. Ferri; R. Ricco; L. Miligi; J. Clavel; E. Giovannucci; P. Kraft; J. Virtamo; A. Smith; E. Kane; E. Roman; B.C.H. Chiu; J.F. Fraumeni; X. Wu; J.R. Cerhan; K. Offit; S.J. Chanock; N. Rothman; A. Nieters
A geometrical and mechanistic generalized model for complex shape broaching of super alloy
C. Legrand; G. Fromentin; G. Poulachon; R. Chatain; M. Rancic
A GERCOR-AERIO national survey of oncology residents in France: Current setting and expectations regarding post-internship and research
M. Hilmi; B. Rousseau; R. Cohen; A. Vienot; D. Vernerey; L. Bartholin; F. Blanc-Durand; C. Louvet; A. Turpin; C. Neuzillet
A ghost thought. Notes on the Schopenhauerian background of our world
L. Ucciani
A giant among dwarfs: a new species of galago (Primates: Galagidae) from Angola
M.S. Svensson; E. Bersacola; M.S.L. Mills; R.A. Munds; V. Nijman; A. Perkin; J.C. Masters; S. Couette; A.I. Nekaris; S.K. Bearder
A Giant Tumefactive Virchow-Robin Space: A Rare Cause of a Homonymous Quadrantanopia
A. Rivet; A.S. Gauthier; M. Chatain; R. Billon-Grand; L. Thines; B. Delbosc
A GINECO phase II study of Navitoclax (ABT 263) in women with platinum resistant/refractory recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC)
P.E. Brachet; M. Fabbro; A. Leary; J. Medioni; P. Follana; A. Lesoin; J.S. Frenel; A. Lacourtoisie; A. Floquet; L. Gladieff; B. You; C. Gavoille; E. Kalbacher; M. Briand; P.A. Just; C. Blanc-Fournier; A. Leconte; J. Lequesne; L. Poulain; J. Lobbedez
A GINECO phase II study of Navitoclax (ABT 263) in women with platinum resistant/refractory recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC)
P.E. Brachet; M. Fabbro; A. Leary; J. Medioni; P. Follana; A. Lesoin; J.S. Frenel; A. Lacourtoisie; A. Floquet; L. Gladieff; B. You; C. Gavoille; E. Kalbacher; M. Briand; P.A. Just; C. Blanc-Fournier; A. Leconte; J. Lequesne; L. Poulain; J. Lobbedez
A glassy carbon electrode modified by a triply-fused-like Co(II) polyporphine and its ability for sulphite oxidation and detection
S.D. Rolle; C.H. Devillers; S. Fournier; O. Heintz; H. Gibault; D. Lucas
A global assessment of Echinococcus multilocularis infections in domestic dogs: proposing a framework to overcome past methodological heterogeneity
E. Toews; M. Musiani; S. Checkley; D. Visscher; A. Massolo
