Publications - 'A'
Publications 426 - 450 de 3773
Titre | DOI |
A GWAS in Latin Americans identifies novel face shape loci, implicating VPS13B and a Denisovan introgressed region in facial variation B. Bonfante; P. Faux; N. Navarro; J. Mendoza-Revilla; M. Dubied; C. Montillot; E. Wentworth; L. Poloni; C. Varon-Gonzalez; P. Jones; Z. Xiong; M. Fuentes-Guajardo; S. Palmal; J.Camilo Chacon-Duque; M. Hurtado; V. Villegas; V. Granja; C. Jaramillo; W. Arias; R. Barquera; P. Everardo-Martinez; M. Sanchez-Quinto; J. Gomez-Valdes; H. Villamil-Ramirez; C.C.Silva de Cerqueira; T. Hunemeier; V. Ramallo; F. Liu; S.M. Weinber; J.R. Shaffer; E. Stergiakouli; L.J. Howe; P.G. Hysi; T.D. Spector; R. Gonzalez-Jose; L. Schuler-Faccini; R.C. Bortolini; V. Acuna-Alonzo; S. Canizales-Quinteros; C. Gallo; G. Poletti; G. Bedoya; F. Rothhammer; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Faivre; C. Costedoat; D. Balding; T. Cox; M. Kayser; L. Duplomb; B. Yalcin; J. Cotney; K. Adhikari; A. Ruiz-Linares 2021 |
10.1126/sciadv.abc6160 |
A Hardware and Secure Pseudorandom Generator for Constrained Devices M. Bakiri; C. Guyeux; J.F. Couchot; L. Marangio; S. Galatolo 2018 |
10.1109/TII.2018.2815985 |
A Hardware Skin-Segmentation IP for Vision Based Smart ADAS Through an FPGA Prototyping B. Senouci; H. Rouis; D.S. Han; E. Bourennane 2017 |
A Hardware Skin-Segmentation IP for Vision Based Smart ADAS Through an FPGA Prototyping B. Senouci; H. Rouis; D.S. Han; E. Bourennane 2017 |
A Haut-Doubs FVII variant depending on species-derived-thromboplastin reagent (F7:p.Arg337His) G. Mourey; G. Tachon; J.L. Pellequer; C. Zawadzki; M. Trossaert; M.A. Bertrand; J.F. Schved; M. Giansily-Blaizot 2014 |
10.1111/hae.12455 |
A HESI LC-MS/MS method for determination of direct oral anticoagulants (Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Dabigatran) D. Montange; J. Le Poupon; A. Galmiche; S. Davani 2015 |
A HESI LC-MS/MS method for determination of direct oral anticoagulants (Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Dabigatran) D. Montange; J. Le Poupon; A. Galmiche; S. Davani 2015 |
A Hierarchical Detection and Response System to Enhance Security Against Lethal Cyber-Attacks in UAV Networks H. Sedjelmaci; S.Mohammed Senouci; N. Ansari 2018 |
10.1109/TSMC.2017.2681698 |
A hierarchical stereo matching algorithm based on adaptive support region aggregation method O. Zeglazi; M. Rziza; A. Amine; C. Demonceaux 2018 |
10.1016/j.patrec.2018.07.020 |
A high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a potential marker of mortality in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma: A retrospective study J. Zaragoza; T. Kervarrec; A. Touze; M. Avenel-Audran; N. Beneton; E. Esteve; E.Wierzbicka Hainaut; F. Aubin; L. Machet; M. Samimi 2016 |
10.1016/j.jaad.2016.05.045 |
A high pressure cell using metallic windows to investigate the structure of molecular solutions up to 600 MPa by small-angle neutron scattering B. Annighofer; A. Helary; A. Brulet; A.Colas de la Noue; C. Loupiac; S. Combet 2019 |
10.1063/1.5051765 |
A high pressure experimental and numerical study of methane ignition H.El Merhubi; A. Keromnes; G. Catalano; B. Lefort; L. Le Moyne 2016 |
10.1016/j.fuel.2016.03.016 |
A High Range-to-Resolution Multiaxis mu Force and Torque Sensing Platform B. Tiwari; M. Blot; G.J. Laurent; J. Agnus; P. Sandoz; P. Lutz; C. Clevy 2021 |
10.1109/TMECH.2021.3071444 |
A high throughput method for quantification of cell surface bound and internalized chitosan nanoparticles S.N. Tammam; H.M.E. Azzazy; A. Lamprecht 2015 |
10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.09.021 |
A high-overtone bulk acoustic wave resonator-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency source: Application to a coherent population trapping Cs vapor cell atomic clock T. Daugey; J.M. Friedt; G. Martin; R. Boudot 2015 |
10.1063/1.4935172 |
A high-performance Raman-Ramsey Cs vapor cell atomic clock M.Abdel Hafiz; G. Coget; P. Yun; S. Guerandel; E. de Clercq; R. Boudot 2017 |
10.1063/1.4977955 |
A Higher Frobenius-Schur Indicator Formula for Group-Theoretical Fusion Categories P. Schauenburg 2015 |
10.1007/s00220-015-2437-2 |
A Higher Frobenius-Schur Indicator Formula for Group-Theoretical Fusion Categories (vol 340, pg 833, 2015) P. Schauenburg 2017 |
10.1007/s00220-016-2770-0 |
A Histogram-Difference Method for Neutron/Gamma Discrimination Using Liquid and Plastic Scintillators R.M. French; M. Thevenin; M. Hamel; E. Montbarbon 2017 |
10.1109/TNS.2017.2720798 |
A historical perspective on mycorrhizal mutualism emphasizing arbuscular mycorrhizas and their emerging challenges S. Antoine; M. Heriche; R. Boussageon; P.A. Noceto; D. van Tuinen; D. Wipf; P.Emmanuel Courty 2021 |
10.1007/s00572-021-01053-2 |
A Home Health Care Planning Problem with Continuity of Care And Flexible Departing Way for Caregivers W. Liu; M. Dridi; H. Fei; A.Hajjam El Hassani 2020 |
10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2860 |
A Home Health Care Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel and Service Time Y. Shi; T. Boudouh; O. Grunder 2017 |
10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2419 |
A Homography Formulation to the 3pt Plus a Common Direction Relative Pose Problem O. Saurer; P. Vasseur; C. Demonceaux; F. Fraundorfer 2015 |
10.1007/978-3-319-16808-1_20 |
A homozygous ATAD1 mutation impairs postsynaptic AMPA receptor trafficking and causes a lethal encephalopathy J. Piard; G.K.Essien Umanah; F.L. Harms; L. Abalde-Atristain; D. Amram; M. Chang; R. Chen; M. Alawi; V. Salpietro; M.I. Rees; S.K. Chung; H. Houlden; A. Verloes; T.M. Dawson; V.L. Dawson; L. Van Maldergem; K. Kutsche 2018 |
10.1093/brain/awx377 |
A homozygous WDR91 nonsense variant responsible of severe form of 3C syndrome N. Bourgon; M. Lefebvre; A. Bruel; J. Thevenon; J. Riviere; C. Poe; M. Chevarin; T. Jouan; Y. Duffour; L. Faivre; C. Thauvin 2020 |