Publications - 'P'
Publications 1001 - 1025 de 2458
Titre | DOI |
Plato on the Parmenides M. Donato 2021 |
10.14195/2183-4105_22_7 |
Platoon Control Algorithm Evaluation: Metrics, Configurations, Perturbations, and Scenarios F. Gechter; A. Koukam; C. Debain; B. Dafflon; M. El-Zaher; R. Aufrere; R. Chapuis; J.P. Derutin 2020 |
10.1520/JTE20170347 |
Play along: effects of music and social interaction on word learning L. Verga; E. Bigand; S.A. Kotz 2015 |
10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01316 |
Play together, think alike: Shared mental models in expert music improvisers C. Canonne; J.J. Aucouturier 2016 |
10.1177/0305735615577406 |
Playfully Coding: Embedding Computer Science Outreach in Schools H. Dee; X. Cufi; A. Milani; M. Marian; V. Poggioni; O. Aubreton 2017 |
10.1145/3059009.3059038 |
Pleasantness of Binary Odor Mixtures: Rules and Prediction Y. Ma; K. Tang; T. Thomas-Danguin; Y. Xu 2020 |
10.1093/chemse/bjaa020 |
Pleistocene climate cycling and host plant association shaped the demographic history of the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus M. Schebeck; E.J. Dowle; H. Schuler; D.N. Avtzis; C. Bertheau; J.L. Feder; G.J. Ragland; C. Stauffer 2018 |
10.1038/s41598-018-32617-6 |
Pleistocene Mitochondrial Genomes Suggest a Single Major Dispersal of Non-Africans and a Late Glacial Population Turnover in Europe C. Posth; G. Renaud; A. Mittnik; D.G. Drucker; H. Rougier; C. Cupillard; F. Valentin; C. Thevenet; A. Furtwaengler; C. Wissing; M. Francken; M. Malina; M. Bolus; M. Lari; E. Gigli; G. Capecchi; I. Crevecoeur; C. Beauval; D. Flas; M. Germonpre; J. van der Plicht; R. Cottiaux; B. Gely; A. Ronchitelli; K. Wehrberger; D. Grigorescu; J. Svoboda; P. Semal; D. Caramelli; H. Bocherens; K. Harvati; N.J. Conard; W. Haak; A. Powell; J. Krause 2016 |
10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.037 |
Pleomorphic adenoma of spermatic cord T. Terada 2015 |
10.1007/s11255-015-1045-6 |
Pleural inhibition of the caspase-1/IL-1 beta pathway diminishes profibrotic lung toxicity of bleomycin O. Burgy; P.S. Bellaye; S. Causse; G. Beltramo; G. Wettstein; P.M. Boutanquoi; F. Goirand; C. Garrido; P. Bonniaud 2016 |
10.1186/s12931-016-0475-8 |
Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis as a late complication of chemotherapy agents C. Beynat-Mouterde; G. Beltramo; G. Lezmi; D. Pernet; C. Camus; A. Fanton; P. Foucher; V. Cottin; P. Bonniaud 2014 |
10.1183/09031936.00214713 |
Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis: one more walk on the wild side of drugs? P. Camus; J. von der Thusen; D.M. Hansell; T.V. Colby 2014 |
10.1183/09031936.00088414 |
pMineR: An Innovative R Library for Performing Process Mining in Medicine R. Gatta; J. Lenkowicz; M. Vallati; E. Rojas; A. Damiani; L. Sacchi; B. De Bari; A. Dagliati; C. Fernandez-Llatas; M. Montesi; A. Marchetti; M. Castellano; V. Valentini 2017 |
10.1007/978-3-319-59758-4_42 |
Pneumocystis Infection Outbreaks in Organ Transplantation Units in France: A Nation-Wide Survey S. Le Gal; D. Toubas; A. Totet; F. Dalle; A.Abou Bacar; Y. Le Meur; G. Nevez; A. Assoc 2020 |
10.1093/cid/ciz901 |
Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in Patients with or without AIDS, France A. Roux; E. Canet; S. Valade; F. Gangneux-Robert; S. Hamane; A. Lafabrie; D. Maubon; A. Debourgogne; S. Le Gal; F. Dalle; M. Leterrier; D. Toubas; C. Pomares; A.Pauline Bellanger; J. Bonhomme; A. Berry; I. Durand-Joly; D. Magne; D. Pons; C. Hennequin; E. Maury; P. Roux; E. Azoulay 2014 |
10.3201/eid2009.131668 |
Pneumonia in acute ischemic stroke patients requiring invasive ventilation: Impact on short and long-term outcomes E. de Montmollin; S. Ruckly; C. Schwebel; F. Philippart; C. Adrie; E. Mariotte; G. Marcotte; Y. Cohen; B. Sztrymf; D. da Silva; F. Bruneel; M. Gainnier; M. Garrouste-Orgeas; R. Sonneville; J.F. Timsit; E. Azoulay; J.R. Zahar; M. Darmon; C. Clec'h; C. Alberti; A. Francais; A. Vesin; S. Bailly; F. Lecorre; D. Nakache; A. Van-nieuwenhuyze; R. Hernu; C. Agasse; B. Allaouchiche; O. Andremont; P. Andreu; L. Argaud; C. Ara-Somohano; F. Barbier; D. Boyer; J.P. Bedos; T. Baudry; J. Bedel; J. Bohe; L. Bouadma; J. Bourenne; N. Brule; C. Bretonniere; C. Cheval; J. Carvelli; E. Coupez; M. Cour; L. Dopeux; A.S. Dumenil; C. Dupuis; J.M. Forel; C. Garret; S. Grange; A. Gros; A. Haouache; T. Hissem; V.Hon Tua Ha; S. Jochmans; J.B. Joffredo; H. Kallel; G. Lacave; A. Lautrette; V. Lemiale; M. Lermuzeaux; J. Lebut; M. Lugosi; E. Magalhaes; S. Merceron; B. Mourvillier; B. Misset; M. Neuville; L. Nicolet; J. Oziel; L. Papazian; B. Planquette; J.P. Quenot; A. Radjou; M. Simon; J. Reignier; B. Souweine; R. Smonig; G. Troche; M. Thuong; G. Thierry; D. Toledano; G. Van Der Meersch; M. Venot; O. Zambon; J. Fournier; C. Tournegros; S. Bagur; M. Adda; V. Vindrieux; S. de la Salle; P. Enguerrand; L. Ferrand; V. Gobert; S. Guessens; H. Merle; N. Kaddour; B. Berthe; S. Bekkhouche; K. Mellouk; M. Lebrazic; C. Ouisse; D. Maugars; C. Aparicio; I. Theodose; M. Nouacer; V. Deiler; M. Moussa; A. Mouaci; N. Viguier; F. Lamara; S. Letrou; S. Siami; O.U.T.C.O.M.E.R.E.A.Study Grp 2019 |
10.1016/j.jinf.2019.06.012 |
Pneumonia-Specific Escherichia coli with Distinct Phylogenetic and Virulence Profiles, France, 2012-2014 B. La Combe; O. Clermont; J. Messika; M. Eveillard; A. Kouatchet; S. Lasocki; S. Corvec; K. Lakhal; T. Billard-Pomares; R. Fernandes; L. Armand-Lefevre; S. Bourdon; J. Reignier; V. Fihman; N. de Prost; J. Bador; J. Goret; F. Wallet; E. Denamur; J.D. Ricard; C. Branger; L. Landraud; A. Bleibtreu; F. Jaureguy; P. Asfar; D. Dreyfuss; G. Barnaud; F. Magdoud; M. Wolff; J.F. Timsit; S. Martin; P.E. Charles; A. Boyer; E. Jaillette; S. Nseir; R. Ruimy; P.E. Danin; J. Dellamonica; J. Cremniter; J.P. Frat; C. Clec'h; D. Decre; E. Maury; C.O.L.O.C.O.L.I. Grp 2019 |
10.3201/eid2504.180944 |
Pneumoretroperitoneum and Pneumomediastinum Revealing a Left Colon Perforation G. Montori; G. Di Giovanni; Z. Mzoughi; C. Angot; S.Al Samman; L. Solaini; N. Cheynel 2015 |
10.9738/INTSURG-D-14-00201.1 |
Pneumothorax and the environment: A systematic review of the impact of air pollution and meteorology, and a meta-analysis on meteorology factors T. Marx; N. Bernard; S. Kepka; A. Gerazime; F. Mauny; T. Desmettre 2021 |
10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117089 |
Pneumothorax in young cannabis smokers: A propos of three cases M.L. Chardon; J.C. Dalphin; B. Degano 2018 |
10.1016/j.rmr.2018.04.007 |
Pneumotox metrics: Drugs, patterns, users and countries. Foreground and quiet zones P. Camus; C. Camus; G. Beltramo; P. Bonniaud 2019 |
10.1183/13993003.congress-2019.OA1613 |
PO2 - A Process and Observation Ontology in Food Science. Application to Dairy Gels L. Ibanescu; J. Dibie; S. Dervaux; E. Guichard; J. Raad 2016 |
10.1007/978-3-319-49157-8_13 |
POD1UM-202: Phase II study of retifanlimab in patients (pts) with squamous carcinoma of the anal canal (SCAC) who progressed following platinum-based chemotherapy S. Rao; J. Capdevila; D. Gilbert; S. Kim; L. Dahan; T. Kayyal; M. Fakih; A. Demols; L.H. Jensen; K.L.G. Spindler; D. Arnold; S. Tamberi; M.G. Guren; M. Cornfeld; M. Jones; C. Tian; M. Catlett; J.P. Spano 2020 |
10.1016/j.annonc.2020.08.2272 |