Publications - 'S'
Publications 851 - 875 de 2428
Titre | DOI |
Single-armphase II trial to evaluate efficacy and tolerance of regorafenib monotherapy in patients over 70 with previously treated metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma FFCD 1404-REGOLD T. Aparicio; A. Darut-Jouve; F.Khemissa Akouz; C. Monterymard; P. Artru; L. Cany; O. Romano; B. Valenza; C. Le Foll; C. Delbaldo; C. Falandry; E.Norguet Monnereau; M. Ben Abdelghani; D. Smith; Y. Rinaldi; D.Pere Verge; N. Baize; E. Maillard; A. Dohan; G.Des Guetz; F. Pamoukdjian; C. Lepage 2020 |
10.1016/j.jgo.2020.04.001 |
Single-Crystal vs Polycrystalline Gold: A Non-linear-Optics Analysis R. Mejard; O. Demichel; A. Verdy; M. Petit; A. Bouhelier; B. Cluzel 2017 |
10.1007/978-94-024-0850-8_36 |
Single-ion conductor nanocomposite organic-inorganic hybrid membranes for lithium batteries M. Meyer; C. Vechambre; L. Viau; A. Mehdi; O. Fontaine; E. Mourad; S. Monge; J.M. Chenal; L. Chazeau; A. Vioux 2014 |
10.1039/c4ta02132k |
Single-ion, transportable optical atomic clocks M. Delehaye; C. Lacroute 2018 |
10.1080/09500340.2018.1441917 |
Single-molecule controlled emission in planar plasmonic cavities S. Derom; A. Bouhelier; A. Kumar; A. Leray; J.C. Weeber; S. Buil; X. Quelin; J.P. Hermier; Cdes Francs 2014 |
10.1103/PhysRevB.89.035401 |
Single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1761667 in the CD36 gene is associated with orosensory perception of a fatty acid in obese and normal-weight Moroccan subjects H. Bajit; A.Si Mohammed; Y. Guennoun; S. Benaich; E. Bouaiti; H. Belghiti; M. Mrabet; E.M. Elfahime; N.E.El Haloui; N. Saeid; E. Kari; A. Hichami; N.A. Khan; H. Benkirane; H. Aguenaou 2020 |
10.1017/jns.2020.18 |
Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) in CMOS 0.35 mu m technology D. Pellion; K. Jradi; N. Brochard; D. Prele; D. Ginhac 2015 |
10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.100 |
Single-Session Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy Using the Aspirex(R)S Device Plus Stenting for Acute Iliofemoral Deep Vein Thrombosis: Safety, Efficacy, and Mid-Term Outcomes R. Loffroy; N. Falvo; K. Guillen; C. Galland; X. Baudot; E. Demaistre; L. Frechier; F. Ledan; M. Midulla; O. Chevallier 2020 |
10.3390/diagnostics10080544 |
Single-shot ultrafast laser processing of high-aspect-ratio nanochannels using elliptical Bessel beams R. Meyer; M. Jacquot; R. Giust; J. Safioui; L. Rapp; L. Furfaro; P.A. Lacourt; J.M. Dudley; F. Courvoisier 2017 |
10.1364/OL.42.004307 |
Single-Spore Extraction for Genetic Analyses of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi D. Redecker 2020 |
10.1007/978-1-0716-0603-2_8 |
Single-step deep reactive ion etching of ultra-deep silicon cavities with smooth sidewalls R.K. Chutani; M. Hasegawa; V. Maurice; N. Passilly; C. Gorecki 2014 |
10.1016/j.sna.2013.12.031 |
Single-strained DNA aptamers mask RhD antigenic epitopes on human RhD+ red blood cells to escape alloanti-RhD immunological recognition Y. Zhang; H. Xu; X. Wang; L. Wang; R. Liu; L. Li; H. Zhou 2020 |
10.3892/mmr.2020.10985 |
Singleton fetal growth kinetics depend on the mode of conception P. Ginod; C. Choux; J. Barberet; T. Rousseau; C. Bruno; B. Khallouk; P. Sagot; K. Astruc; P. Fauque 2018 |
10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.06.030 |
Singular quadratic Lie superalgebras M.Thanh Duong; R. Ushirobira 2014 |
10.1016/j.jalgebra.2014.02.034 |
Singularity of type D-4 arising from four-qubit systems F. Holweck; J.G. Luque; M. Planat 2014 |
10.1088/1751-8113/47/13/135301 |
Sintering of 17-4PH stainless steel powder assisted by microwave and the gradient of mechanical properties in the sintered body J. Shi; Z. Cheng; J.C. Gelin; T. Barriere; B. Liu 2017 |
10.1007/s00170-016-9960-y |
Sintering of synthetic barytocalcite BaCa(CO3)(2), kutnahorite CaMn(CO3)(2) and rhodochrosite MnCO3 for carbon-14 sequestration N. Massoni; S. Le Gallet; S. Hoffmann; P. Launeau; Y. Grin; F. Bernard 2015 |
10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2014.08.002 |
Sinus aspergillosis due to an azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus strain carrying the TR34/L98H mutation in immunocompetent host A. Jeanvoine; S. Rocchi; G. Reboux; F. Grenouillet; M. Benassarou; C. Chirouze; L. Millon 2016 |
10.1080/23744235.2016.1193791 |
SIOPEL 6: A multicenter open-label randomized phase III trial of the efficacy of sodium thiosulphate (STS) in reducing ototoxicity in patients receiving cisplatin (Cis) monotherapy for standard-risk hepatoblastoma (SR-HB). R. Maibach; M. Childs; K. Rajput; E.A. Neuwelt; D. Roebuck; M.James Sullivan; V. Laithler; W. Ronghe; L. Lockwood; P. dall'Igna; E. Hiyama; B. Brichard; J. Skeen; M.Elena Mate Gonzales; M. Fabre; G. Perilongo; P. Czauderna; B. Morland; P. Brock 2014 |
10.1200/jco.2014.32.15_suppl.tps10094 |
Siriade 2.0: An e-learning platform for radiation oncology contouring J.E. Bibault; F. Denis; A. Roue; D. Gibon; I. Fumagalli; C. Hennequin; I. Barillot; L. Quero; A. Paumier; M.A. Mahe; S. Vernat; G. Crehange; M. Lapeyre; P. Blanchard; Y. Pointreau; C. Lafond; F. Huguet; F. Mornex; I. Latorzeff; R. de Crevoisier; V. Martin; S. Kreps; C. Durdux; D. Antoni; G. Noel; P. Giraud 2018 |
10.1016/j.canrad.2018.02.003 |
Sirolimus (Rapamycin) for Slow-Flow Malformations in Children The Observational-Phase Randomized Clinical PERFORMUS Trial A. Maruani; E. Tavernier; O. Boccara; J. Mazereeuw-Hautier; S. Leducq; D. Bessis; L. Guibaud; P. Vabres; V. Carmignac; S. Mallet; S. Barbarot; C. Chiaverini; C. Droitcourt; A.C. Bursztejn; C. Lengelle; J.B. Woillard; D. Herbreteau; A. Le Touze; A. Joly; C. Leaute-Labreze; J. Powell; H. Bourgoin; V. Gissot; B. Giraudeau; B. Morel 2021 |
10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.3459 |
SIRT-1 ACTIVITY IN PBMC FROM PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS D. Wendling; C. Vidon; K.A. Khan; X. Guillot; M. Godfrin-Valnet; W. Abbas; E. Toussirot; L. Baud; C. Prati; G. Herbein 2014 |
10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-eular.1584 |
Sirt-1 activity in PBMC from patients with spondyloarthritis D. Wendling; E. Delattre; W. Abbas; X. Guillot; E. Toussirot; G. Herbein 2015 |
10.1016/j.jbspin.2014.10.002 |
SIRT-1 ACTIVITY IN PBMC FROM PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS D. Wendling; E. Delattre; W. Abbas; X. Guillot; M. Godfrin-Valnet; K.A. Khan; E. Toussirot; L. Baud; C. Prati; G. Herbein 2014 |
10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-eular.1744 |
SIRT-1 ACTIVITY IN PBMC FROM PATIENTS WITH SPONDYLOARTHRITIS - PRELIMINARY RESULT D. Wendling; E. Delattre; W. Abbas; X. Guillot; M. Godfrin-Valnet; K.A. Khan; E. Toussirot; L. Baud; C. Prati; G. Herbein 2014 |