
Publications 26 - 50 de 33557
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Titre DOI
1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition of diaryldiazomethanes across N-ethoxy-carbonyl-N-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)amine and reactivity of the resulting 2-azabutadienes towards thiolates and cyclic amides
R. Kinghat; G. Schmitt; K. Ciamala; A. Khatyr; M. Knorr; S. Jacquot-Rousseau; Y. Rousselin; M.M. Kubicki
1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Indan-1-one Enamines across Arylnitrile Oxides Leading to Novel Cyclic Isoxazoline Derivatives
H. Jelizi; N. Wannassi; M.El Baker Rammah; K. Ciamala; M. Knorr; Y. Rousselin; M.M. Kubicki; C. Strohmann; M. Enescu
1,3-Dithianes as Assembling Ligands for the Construction of Copper(I) Coordination Polymers. Investigation of the Impact of the RC(H)S2C3H6 Substituent and Reaction Conditions on the Architecture of the 0D-3D Networks
A. Raghuvanshi; M. Knorr; L. Knauer; C. Strohmann; S. Boullanger; V. Moutarlier; L. Viau
1,3-Dithiolane and 1,3-Ferrocenyl-dithiolane as Assembling Ligands for the Construction of Cu(I) Clusters and Coordination Polymers
A. Raghuvanshi; N.J. Dargallay; M. Knorr; L. Viau; L. Knauer; C. Strohmann
1,4-Bis(arylthio)but-2-enes as Assembling Ligands for (Cu2X2)(n) (X = I, Br; n=1, 2) Coordination Polymers: Aryl Substitution, Olefin Configuration, and Halide Effects on the Dimensionality, Cluster Size, and Luminescence Properties
A. Bonnot; M. Knorr; F. Guyon; M.M. Kubicki; Y. Rousselin; C. Strohmann; D. Fortin; P.D. Harvey
1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazole-based peptidomimetics: Synthesis and Application to Minigastrin
I. Valverde; N.M. Grob; M. Behe; T.L. Mindt
1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazole-based peptidomimetics: Synthesis and Application to Minigastrin
I. Valverde; N.M. Grob; M. Behe; T.L. Mindt
1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazoles as Amide Bond Isosteres Yield Novel Tumor-Targeting Minigastrin Analogs
N.M. Grob; R. Schibli; M. Behe; I.E. Valverde; T.L. Mindt
J. Husson
F. Charrier; J. Husson; L. Guyard
1.7-18 mu m mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a dispersion-engineered step-index chalcogenide fiber
A. Lemiere; R. Bizot; F. Desevedavy; G. Gadret; J.C. Jules; P. Mathey; C. Aquilina; P. Bejot; F. Billard; O. Faucher; B. Kibler; F. Smektala
1/f noise of quartz resonators: Measurements, modelization and comparison studies
S. Fabrice; D. Michel; I. Joel; B. Roger; B. Ahmed; V. Cedric; G. Santunu; A. Philippe; V. David; C. Gilles
10 Years Later: Revisiting Priorities for Science and Society a Decade After the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
C. Mulder; E.M. Bennett; D.A. Bohan; M. Bonkowski; S.R. Carpenter; R. Chalmers; W. Cramer; I. Durance; N. Eisenhauer; C. Fontaine; A.J. Haughton; J.P. Hettelingh; J. Hines; S. Ibanez; E. Jeppesen; J.Adams Krumins; A. Ma; G. Mancinelli; F. Massol; O. McLaughlin; S. Naeem; U. Pascual; J. Penuelas; N. Pettorelli; M.J.O. Pocock; D. Raffaell; J.J. Rasmussen; G.M. Rusch; C. Scherber; H. Setala; W.J. Sutherland; C. Vacher; W. Voigt; A. Vonk; S.A. Wood; G. Woodward
10 years of CEMARA database in the AnDDI-Rares network: a unique resource facilitating research and epidemiology in developmental disorders in France
C. Messiaen; C. Racin; A. Khatim; L. Soussand; S. Odent; D. Lacombe; S. Manouvrier; P. Edery; S. Sigaudy; D. Genevieve; C. Thauvin-Robinet; L. Pasquier; F. Petit; M. Rossi; M. Willems; T. Attie-Bitach; P.H. Roux-Levy; L. Demougeot; L. Ben Slama; P. Landais; A.S. Jannot; C. Binquet; A. Sandrin; A. Verloes; L. Faivre; A.D.D.I.R. Network
10-Year Locoregional Control with Postoperative External Beam Radiotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced High-Risk Non-Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma De Novo or at Relapse, a Propensity Score Analysis
S.Servagi Vernat; J. Khalifa; X.S. Sun; E. Kammerer; E. Blais; J.C. Faivre; T.TaiWeng Sio; J. Pan; H. Qiu; G. Bar-Sela; J.M. Simon; J. Salleron; J. Thariat
100 Million Filipinos
Y. Boquet
100-million-year-old ant-conifer associates inside French amber: a fortuitous or ecological association?
J.D. Moreau; V. Perrichot; D. Neraudeau; P. Tafforeau
11 and 15-month-old infants do not compensate immediately for energy variation, and no further adjustment occurs 12 or 24 hours later
P. Brugailleres; S. Issanchou; C. Chabanet; S. Marty; C. Schwartz
12 Weeks of a Ribavirin-Free Sofosbuvir and Nonstructural Protein 5A Inhibitor Regimen Is Enough to Treat Recurrence of Hepatitis C After Liver Transplantation
P. Houssel-Debry; A. Coilly; C. Fougerou-Leurent; C. Jezequel; C. Duvoux; V. de Ledinghen; S. Radenne; N. Kamar; V. Leroy; V. Di Martino; L. d'Alteroche; V. Canva; F. Conti; J. Dumortier; H. Montialoux; P. Lebray; D. Botta-Fridlund; A. Tran; C. Moreno; C. Silvain; C. Besch; P. Perre; C. Francoz; A. Abergel; F. Habersetzer; M. Debette-Gratien; C. Cagnot; A. Diallo; S. Chevaliez; E. Rossignol; A. Veislinger; J.C. Duclos-Vallee; G.P. Pageaux; A.N.R.S.C.O.23 C.U.P.I.L. Grp
12-month outcomes of ranibizumab versus aflibercept for macular oedema in central retinal vein occlusion: data from the FRB! registry
M. Niedzwiecki; A. Hunt; V. Nguyen; H. Mehta; C. Creuzot-Garcher; P.H. Gabrielle; M. Guillemin; S. Fraser-Bell; J. Arnold; I.L. McAllister; M. Gillies; D. Barthelmes
12/111phiA Prophage Domestication Is Associated with Autoaggregation and Increased Ability to Produce Biofilm in Streptococcus agalactiae
A. Renard; S.M. Diene; L. Courtier-Martinez; J.Burlaud Gaillard; H. Gbaguidi-Haore; L. Mereghetti; R. Quentin; P. Francois; N. van der Mee-Marquet
130 years of cyclodextrin discovery for health, food, agriculture, and the industry: a review
N. Morin-Crini; S. Fourmentin; E. Fenyvesi; E. Lichtfouse; G. Torri; M. Fourmentin; G. Crini
10.1007/s10311-020-01156-w, Early Access Date = {JAN 2021
131 iodine gamma dose determination in the thyroid gland using two geometrical shapes: a comparative study
A. Betka; A. Bentabet; A. Azbouche; N. Fenineche; A. Adjiri; A. Dib
14 Questions for Invasion in Ecological Networks
J.H. Pantel; D.A. Bohan; V. Calcagno; P. David; P.F. Duyck; S. Kamenova; N. Loeuille; G. Mollot; T.N. Romanuk; E. Thebault; P. Tixier; F. Massol
14q deletions are associated with trisomy 12, NOTCH1 mutations and unmutated IGHV genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma
A. Cosson; E. Chapiro; N. Belhouachi; H.A. Cung; B. Keren; F. Damm; C. Algrin; C. Lefebvre; S. Fert-Ferrer; I. Luquet; N. Gachard; F. Mugneret; C. Terre; M.A. Collonge-Rame; L. Michaux; I. Rafdord-Weiss; P. Talmant; L. Veronese; N. Nadal; S. Struski; C. Barin; C. Helias; M. Lafage; E. Lippert; N. Auger; V. Eclache; D. Roos-Weil; V. Leblond; C. Settegrana; K. Maloum; F. Davi; H. Merle-Beral; C. Lesty; F. Nguyen-Khac; G.Francophon Hema
